Monday 31 December 2018

Day 1964

Day 1964;

Today I got a BMI of 19.35, but then I know that I have done more than 10,000 steps but I cannot remember the distance, nor can I remember the calories that I burned.

Breakfast: cereal with yogurt, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: soup (tomato with bread)
Dinner: starter (leaves and cheese in bread crumbs), lasagne
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger ale and shloer.

Today has been the day of years end, and I have finished off the year as I started it, probably, lazily. But then again there’s so much to look forward to for the new year, ain’t there? I can’t remember but I’m sure there must be, else why bother changing it?

But my New Years goal is to focus on my athletics, but then as more achievable goal it is to get myself swimming again, and with any luck I will drag Allergy along, kicking, not screaming preferably, but I wouldn’t complain too much if I was doing that to get Allergy fitter, I’ll take anything that I can get.

But then I have traveled down to a city down on the coast, of England down on the coast that has been getting all of the news broadcast from it about the migrants who are mad enough to be making their way to this island, why, you’ve got all of the way to France there’s a load of free space in France, and then you could stay in the EU. A lot of British people are applying for Irish citizenship so they can stay in the EU, so they should be jealous of you.

Sunday 30 December 2018

Day 1963

Day 1963;

My BMI today was 19 .32, but I had made 16,061 steps which was 10.56 km in distance walked and I have burned off 1246 kcal.

Breakfast : cereal with yogurt, grapes, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and pickle), sponge cake and mince pie.
Dinner: seafood lingenie,  cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 1 chocolate coin, 4 Jaffa cakes and a chocolate wafer.

Now I have gone out on another tandem cycle today, in the morning, we still haven’t managed to break that 15 mph as an average speed for another one of our short rides around, but we got closer today and there was a little hold up as we stopped in allow a whole troop of horse and traps to go the other way, then why did we have to wait for the horses to go past us, it was because Mich wanted to film it, I wonder how much of the speed we lost in that stop? Probably wasn’t enough to make up for the average speed and my excuse should be rejected as we should have been going quick enough to negate that little stop, but we weren’t, which I find most disappointing.

I have been loosing at the rides stats, and average moving speed was almost 15 mph, at 14.9 mph. We even managed to hit a max speed of 30.5 mph, but it wasn’t on a hilly course, so how we managed to get up to 30.5 mph I don’t know (that was a reference to the fact that we only lost 175 m and we only went up to 101 m and down to 57 m, which we could perhaps have got that 30.5 mph if the drop was in one spot along the route, but then I don’t know.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Day 1962

Day 1962;

So my BMI for today was 19.41, steps I had done 12,208 which was 8.04 km and I had burned off 1013 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken pie,broccoli, green beans, carrots, sponge cake and mince pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now in the morning of the day I have gone on a tandem ride but it wasn’t very well done today, as we only managed to get an average speed of less then 15 mph, which we both usually manage to get quicker on the turbo trainer, I managed to get an average speed of 15.8 mph around London, and that is including box hill, just 2 weeks ago, or something like that.

Then after the ride we had lunch, then what did I do? ... I don’t know, it is like I have ceased to exist everywhere but in my mind for part of the day,... unless... yes... that happened. I went to watch the football, but it was a forgettable match, the score was nil nil, but neither of the teams actually deserved to get anything from the game, and both of them got 1 point a piece.

But in the Premier League today Tottenham lost which increases the lead of Liverpool to 9 points as they won today, in the league. If Liverpool manage to keep winning and Tottenham/Manchester City, keep loosing or drawing Liverpool are going to run away with the season.

Then later on today I have been jogging on the spot to boost my steps.

Friday 28 December 2018

Day 1961

Day 1961;

My BMI was 19.38 again today, I had increased my steps to 12,529 steps Which was only 6.25 km and I had managed to burn off 1321 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: omelette (cheese and ham), spinach, tomatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Ribena and hot Ribena.

Anyway the EU has apparently wasted more money on sending a Gender Neutrality Guidebook to every MP, I’m under of whether they meant MEP’s or MP’s by that, as I know that I have voted for both in the past, but it is only MEP’s that the EU should have sent them to as in our MP’s are voted for by the people of this country to be our representatives in the UK’s Parliament, but MEP’s are voted for by the people of this country to be our representatives in the European Parliament. I am tempted to send an email to my MP to see if she got a Gender Neutrality Guidebook and if she did I’d ask her if she could send me a copy of the Guidebook, just for fun as she won’t need it for very long, as we’re leaving the EU before long.

EU Guidebook story.

But then today I have watched Avengers: Infinity War, and Thor you should have gone for his head, at least that settles it for why there’s not another Black Panther film on the cards, at least not until after the conclusion of End Game, but who is actually left? 

Thursday 27 December 2018

Day 1960

Day 1960;

Now today my BMI was 19.32, my steps had got to a more respectable number at 10,364 as I was told that I had walked 6.82 km and I had burned off 724 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, tomato, spinach, bread, mince pie and some sponge cake.
Dinner: ham, baked potato, cheese, pickle, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, Panna cotta and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Ribena and hot Ribena.

Now last night I watched Black Panther, and it was good but I realised that their was a bit of white guilt by the script writers thrown into the script also, but it was said by one of the black members of the cast, so it’s ok.... I’m thinking that they thought, the part that I’m typing about is the part where the Black Panther’s cousin starts off in his spiel about how he is going to use Wooconda to free all black peoples from under the feet of their white oppressors and the whole statement about how you (I’m typing about a different world leader now) don’t see how a nation of farmers could help the world have you been living under a rock for the past 50 years or something like that, ‘feed the world let them know it’s “Christmas” time, there won’t be snow in Africa this “Christmas” time, the greatest gift they’ll get this year is life, where nothing ever grows...’ band aid or something like that I think it was 1988 so only 30 years, no I was 4 years out, as it was 1984, unless that event never happened in the MCU but I’d have thought that it would probably have happened, as wouldn’t it fit in with Star Lords origins?

But then after that, so today I have been for a short walk around the neighbourhood, before the longer in time spent but at a much slower pace for my afternoon activity, so I had walked my 10,000 steps for the day, so I went upstairs to watch another film this time it was Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 which I thought was properly well done, as if it was another chance for the big mouse to play his favourite card, the race card, but he didn’t, so well done Micky you have managed not to ruin 2 of your franchises by taking an overly PC stance on the subject matter.  But Micky please before you attempt to destroy the Black Panther in a sequel, please don’t destroy him, as a character, don’t make him hate the “evil” white men as his cousin did before him nor let him start speaking in that ridiculous accent as he was doing at the end of the film to the other world leaders, as he was speaking properly throughout the film pior to the end so why did he suddenly put on the accent?

Then in the evening I got to play a little game of mini table tennis with Mich, and the game wasn’t anything competitive it was just testing me out at rallying the ball, I sucked at it I managed to rally the ball twice at max, which is better than my initial attempt. As I don’t think that I even managed to hit the ball .

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Day 1959

Day 1959;

My BMI today was 19.35, the steps that I had taken were 4000 odd, which had me walked only about 2.72 km and I have only managed to burn off approximately 720 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, yogurt, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: turkey stew and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, lemonade and hot Ribena.

Now today I was being lazy again m I know that yesterday I went on a small cycle but that was just fleeting, it wasn’t even an mile, it was only about one and a half mile in total that I traveled on the tandem yesterday in two separate rides but they were linked as one was to a place and the other was the way back, but I had stopped for an extortionate length of time in between.

But that was yesterday, today I have been to watch a football match, this team that I went to support dropped down the league due to their pathetic performance today, but then again they didn’t loose any points on the top team in the league as they also lost today, but the team that I support or even the league that they are in isn’t important there is nothing important about people playing a game. But then the most intriguing thing that happened today in the sport of football was in the Premier League, as you’d most likely expect, as today Manchester City lost, again for the third time this season after so much hype about them being a team of who we should have just handed them the title before the season had even started, which was said by the Welshman Robbie Savage, but for them loosing three of their last five games in the league it’s looking less likely that they will be retaining the trophy at the end of the season. But it was Leicester City that did a number on MC today.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Day 1958

Day 1958;

My BMI today was 19.32, I had another lazy day only taking 3371 steps which was 2.22 km and my calories burned were 720.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pheasant, stuffing, carrots, sprouts, mini sausages, more of the trimmings and “Christmas” pudding.
Dinner: mini sausages and porkpie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.

Now today was another “Christmas” day but today I had a traditional Savage “Christmas” dinner (at lunchtime), which is as I think that my great grandfather was a gamekeeper so at this time of year he’d just kill one of his game (which was pheasants) of which he had been caring for, as a shepherd cares for his flock, throughout the year leading up to the points of their deaths usually by being shot by the folk that find fun in killing animals, but they live there lives in bliss until that day except from the parts where they’re being shot at, obviously, but you have to die sooner or later, you’ve got 3 options 1. Getting shot, 2. Becoming Fox food (or other predators available in the local environment), 3. Old age, so which would you rather die of? Now me I don’t care, but 1 seems to be the quickest and therefore the least painful, 2 looks interesting but finding an predatory animal is probably too difficult as the closest ones to me are probably in a zoo and how could I get myself eaten at a zoo? The animals are locked away from me in enclosures, 3 is a garrenteed way of dying off but it just takes too long .

Now today I have opened the rest of my gifts and I received Pokémon: let’s go Eevee so I’ve been playing on that game for the majority of the afternoon, well it’s my method of wasting time now, just taking a walk through Kanto just as I first did while it was in Red, but now this time it’s in full colour and now I can see all of the Wild Pokémon running/flying/crawling around in front of me just before I step in the way of them and I try and catch them but I still haven’t managed to challenge them to battle, at least not yet, but I have managed to challenge a few of the other Trainers though.

Monday 24 December 2018

Day 1957

Day 1957;

My BMI had actually decreased to 19.38, which was a surprise as the amount I ate today, and the few steps that I done 1902 steps but I managed to walk over a km today at 1.25 km but I only burned off 473 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: mini sausages, mini sausages in batter, porkpie, mini sausage rolls, beetroot and a load more.
Dinner: turkey, stuffing, sprouts, carrots, peas, roast potatoes, I’ve forgotten what else and some “Christmas” pudding.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 23 and 24 of advent.

I found my advent chocolate for yesterday this morning, so I hadn’t had it for a snack yesterday that today was our “Christmas” as Allergy is off to work tomorrow, so we had Flow and B around at dinner time today so we had a full table, for once. But then tomorrow we will be having Flow around at lunch/dinner time but there’ll be no Allergy or B, nor any GAK or GMP, as both of the G’s are feeling too sick to show.

Now just for the last couple of nights Tini has been noting the temperature has fallen, but Tini is lazy as she was looking for a house that she had written down on this envelope and we had driven around town to post the letters which if she’d just have waited until tomorrow then Mich and I could have tandemed to the houses it would be better than as she was wasting petrol looking for a house that clearly said walk in its address, which is a clue to how you should approach the road instead of driving up every alleyway except the one which clearly said walk road (houses house number -1 to +7 or there about) before going back to the first place she stopped and then letting me jog to the house which she thought was blocked off, but it wasn’t and then her friend noticed me outside her door and came out to take recipt of the card. I don’t think that she knew who I was but after I delivered the card to her I pointed Tini out to her, as she had been watching, and instructing me on where I was going from behind the hedge.

But my brain is useless, in memory terms I’d probably have forgotten my own name if it hadn’t been yelled at me for all of those years as a child, which kind of gets the point to you (or me as the case may in fact be). As I forget my friends names when I haven’t seen them for a bit, and I’m not meaning as in these half friends or acquaintances here, I’m meaning some of my best friends from past years of my lives, like P who was one of my best friends from the school which had me playing a trumpet, he was actually someone that was very good at playing the trumpet and he was a friend of mine from orchestra. The other was Ole the Gunners fan and he has been my friend since I started school, well just about.

Sunday 23 December 2018

Day 1956

Day 1956;

BMI for today was up to 19.54, which shouldn’t be a surprise as I had only made 1388 steps which was only 0.91 km and only 461 kcal ?

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and croissant (with raspberry jam).
Lunch: veggie fish and chips (Halloumi, scampi, chips and peas) and something.
Dinner: something that I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, j2O, Ribena, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 23 of advent.

Now Emu is the polar opposite of the woman that I am interested in, basically as the woman that I’m interested in I actually find attractive but Emu not so much. But then another difference between them came into play recently, as Emu said to everyone present that she hates children so much that she never wants to become a mother. But then again she’s married to C so it doesn’t look like he will be getting any children anytime soon or Allergy is getting her wish for nieces or nephews. But then the woman that I’m interested in I’m unsure of whether I should continue stating that I’m interested in or I should state fancy instead, as I’m unsure of whether I do fancy her, or do they mean the same? Ok so the woman I fancy (doesn’t feel the same but I’ll roll with it), actually wants children so if I ever brave enough to ask her out or if I improve myself enough to allow myself to ask her out that way, or what’s more likely to happen is for her, Allergy, to get herself some children then allow jealously to take over from Emu to get her some nieces or nephews, that way.

In politics if there was a great shift in the country’s appetite to stop Brexit then the Lib Dem’s would have won the snap election that we weren’t going to have, according to Mrs May before we did have it and the two parties which said that they’d uphold the result of the referendum got more than double the amount of vote than that of the remaining parties.

Day 1955

Day 1955;

So my BMI stayed the same at 19.06, but my steps were appalling with them only being 3944 which was only 2.60 km and an unsurprisingly low 523 kcal burned off today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries 
Lunch: soup (carrot) and chocolate log.
Dinner: starter thing (which included leaves), parsnip roulade, sausages in bacon, broccoli, peas, carrots and snow globe chocolate desert thingamajig.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: treecereal thing, some quality streets and day 22 of advent. 

Today I have arisen first, before breakfast of which I ate before I had a morning cycling around NYC. Well its not really around NYC it was only 7.8 miles around part of Central Park, I do believe that is what it’s called at least. I only went at an average speed of 13.7 mph which is quite a bit slower than that 15.8 mph that I rode around London the other day, but I could say that I only spent almost half the time in NYC cycling today, as I had only rode for about half an hour in NYC and I had rode for almost an hour earlier on this week, but I know that I haven’t rode half the amount of distance as I did in London but my average power was up by 2 for my ride today on the London ride. Which confuses me. But then I almost got as much height/elevation around the small part of NYC as I had managed to get in the whole of my London ride. As my elevation gain in NYC was 804 ft but my elevation gain in London was only 807 ft, so it was only 3 ft shy. But the main difference between the rises was the use of the gears, as in I was actually using (changing) them in today’s cycle I wasn’t changing them in London, as I had just sat on the seat and peddled.

Now then what was the score of the latest Manchester United game? 1 - 5 to Manchester United against Cardiff City now that has to be a joke score-line doesn’t it I thought that Manchester United was the sixth placed team in the premier league what gives them the right to dispatch Cardiff City so comprehensively, especially when they wouldn’t have dreamed of dispatching any team that way under Jose Mourinho, and another player has spoken out about how great Jose is, well your too late, now dear, you should have got out there and played for him and his job, if you liked him.

Also in the premier league Manchester City dropped yet further behind Liverpool, as they lost their second game of the season but this time it was to Crystal Palace, which is another one of those London clubs as was Chelsea before them, so it could have something to do with the fact that they’re coming south to London that they don’t like, I feel the same, or is that just a little bit of travel sickness?

But I still need to watch the rest of the Doctor Who series, as I should really be getting up to speed on the happenings before the “Christmas” special, so that will probably be my treadmill task, for at least the next 2/3 days.

Friday 21 December 2018

Day 1954

Day 1954;

My BMI was 19.06, my steps were down to 11,066 that was the equivalent of 7.29 km and 1162 kcal apparently today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 21 of advent.

Today was a lazy day for the most part, I know that I managed to get my steps in, today, but only just. Now I did the majority of the steps in the morning, as I decided to go for a pleasant enough quickly  paced treadmill stroll I think I managed to get to three miles/four point eight km in total for the walk at least according to the treadmill, which was in forty five minutes, so I had walked at an average speed of four mph which is an achievement if I do say so myself.

It may not be a very good or even a challenge for anyone else to at least match my achievement but it’s the best that I’ve done, at least I think that it’s the best thing that I did today. As later on I watched some Red Dawf on my iPad while I was walking downstairs then someone knocked on the front door it was Mr P who knocked on the door, so it took me about five seconds to realise who it was and in that time he’d already said that he couldn’t stay as he had only come around to drop off a present, for me. Now that shocked me a bit. So he spoke a bit and I attempted to respond, sometimes more successfully than others, but it was nice to see him, but his gift was too much, he is too generous to me all I had done was get Tini to write a card to him he’s too good for me as a friend. But then who isn’t?

Thursday 20 December 2018

Day 1953

Day 1953;

My BMI was again down to 18.81, which purplexed me as I had just eaten almost a whole chocolate trifle, which was compounded by me only walking 11,562 steps which was 7.61 km but somehow I managed to burn 1261 kcal off, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, definous potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been informed that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been appointed as Manchester United’s interim manager just until the end of the season. 

What is cool? Well within my opinion doing something your own way, not giving a dam about what your detractors are saying. Not following the herd. Not what all these millennials seem to think as they are seem to think that coolness is determined by the clothes that you wear, now I don’t want to hear anybody say that they shouldn’t wear something as they aren’t cool enough to wear it. Like what Mich said about this pair of Bluetooth headphones that he’d received for his anniversary the other week, which were bought for him so he could go outside to wash the car without having to use his wired headphones but he stated that he wasn’t cool enough to wear them out in public. To which I responded by telling him: that he certainly isn’t “cool” enough to wear them in public, but then again who is? I think that no one is “cool” enough to wear them out in public, but it’s the action of wearing them and not caring what others say which makes you “cool”. And as a side note I would like to ask you the audience of this blog who were the cool kids at your schools? As it’s up to your personal opinion as with my opinion it was the Emo kids, as they were all dressed in their own way listening to their own music in their own spaces. But then you could say that the cool kids from your school were the sporty people (jocks) and their babes, or you could even go so far as to say that the geeks/nerds were the coolest people from your school, I wouldn’t complain as an actual fact I had some pretty cool friends that I probably would define as geeks/nerds.

But today I have realised that if I can get my lips to close around (seal) the straw then I can drink the liquid, but the problem with that is that when I’ve got my lips sealed to the straw I find it difficult to remove my lips from the straw, Generation Z what do they think of Brexit? I wonder. That’s it that’s my question, when you have a retorical question are you still supposed to put a rethiricsl question with a question mark?

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Day 1952

Day 1952;

This day my BMI was 18.94, that’s the third time this week that I’ve had that as a BMI, I have walked 13,485 steps which is the equivalent of 8.88 km and I have burned off 1549 kcal, apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, pickle in white bread) and Bailey’s chocolate log.
Dinner: 2 halves of pizza, sweet potato mash and 2 jellies.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and day 19 of advent.

Now yesterday Jose Mourinho lost his job, so today it was on the radio, it was yesterday as well but it was breaking news yesterday, now it’s sunk in a bit more, and there’s a lot of the players, which didn’t do very well for Jose at Manchester United writing complementary stuff about Jose now, now it’s a shame that they didn’t feel anything positive about him while he was there manager... else-wise some of the results would have been different.

I managed to reach my 10,000 steps goal by quarter to 5 by my watch today I had managed 13,357, 45 minutes later according my Wii Fit gizmo, but then I had only managed to get my watch up to 10,013 by the time now, which is strange as I thought that when I had checked it earlier it was at 10,014 so it’s looking like I’ve been moonwalking, a bit along the way according to my watch. As I had jogged on the treadmill for a bit of time before lunch then after lunch I did a bit on the exercise bike, which was great fun, riding up Box Hill, the London Loop was a great way to spend an hour of my time.h

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Day 1951

Day 1951;

I had a BMI of 19,00 tonight, I had done 11,328 steps which was 7.46 km and then 1287 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on bread, mince pie and Bailey’s chocolate log.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, cauliflower and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 18 and 3 quality streets.

I know that for this winter I have been somewhat lazy which maybe as I... cannot think up an excuse, I have just been lazy, minus the +8000 steps that I did this morning on a short treadmill walk. Seven days until the big day of celebration, almost half way through the dark.

But then today we’ve uncovered who’s going to be running our ski trip next year, and it’s a classic Labour supporter, so Mich has had a bit of fun, stating that as long as I don’t speak to him i’ll be fine, adding in it’s a good thing that I cannot speak, else we’d probably get thrown off from the trip, as everytime he told us to go left I’d go right, which would probably be amusing if I could actually tell which way is which instantaneously. But then I can’t it’s just with me guessing which is my left and right ski which is generally easy to do when skiing as if you’re going down the slope in an S, so you start at the top then you have to push your right ski down when you get to the spot that the person says left, or just turn, and then the opposite on the other way. But then again you could just not think about it too hard and just do it. Which is what I attempt to do with as I can’t remember which is my left and right skis, so I just go for the opposite, which serves me well enough.

Monday 17 December 2018

Day 1950

Day 1950;

My BMI was up to 18.94. But today was about redemption for my pathetic step count from yesterday 19,409 steps which was 12.78 km and I had burned off 1680 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (bacon + egg, in white bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: seafood pasta, salad (leaves [green + purple], tomato and croutons), profiteroles and Baileys chocolate log.
Drinks: milk, Ribena, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now today I have remembered my momentous achievement of yesterday, I drank out of a straw, something that may not be a momentous event to anybody other than myself. But I’m happy with myself as I managed to drink out of a straw, who cares that it was Allergy’s half finished flat McDonald’s Sprite? Not I as Allergy was going to waste half a cup of her morning drink which was from McDonald’s, as we had stopped there on the way to the place where that we were going to as they were stopping as they were getting thirsty but I needed the loo, so I stopped for that reason. And I went into the McDonald’s and I had a slosh (meaning a pee/piss/wee).

Wee sounds like oui which is French for yes, but then so is that shambles of a leader of France, president Macron. And then this little piggy went “wee wee wee” all the way home, which means that they were scared of the other 4 little piggies? So scared that they pissed themselves? Well I don’t know about that but in French the fifth little piggy would have gone “yes, yes, yes” all of the way home as if it was having an orgasm all of the way home.

But then I went to laugh down athletics club today for a little bit of a workout, if I could call it that, but I ended up leaving early from it just as Mich wanted some protection as he was going into a B&Q, so why did he need me?

Then it was 5 lives interview with Mr Thomas as he was awarded with the BBC’s sports personality of the year award last night, I do believe but it could have been before that. I know that he won the Tour de France and that is a notable achievement, but what does that have to do with his personality? I know that Andy Murray has won it in the past but before the awarding of it my whole family were like what personality, as all of his post match interviews were all the same monotone dronefedts they weren’t fuelled by emotion but instead they all sounded like he was “meh, so I won/lost” .

Sunday 16 December 2018

Day 1949

Day 1949;

Today was another disappointing day in terms of my Wii Fitness, as my BMI has fallen further to 18.78 as my steps were at only 1600 which meant that I’d only covered 1.05 km but I had burned off 605 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and grapefruit.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, mashed potatoes and apple pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese) and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, orangeadem sprite and fruit squash.
Snacks: day 16 of advent chocolate.
On this day I have been to the other GM’s house, the Irish one, as we had to drive to go to their parking as it’s I think not really that far off France, which reminds me of something that GD said about France, “it’s a lovely place, such a shame about the foreigners” and then he started off on a tangent about how all the free movement of people has badly effected the French.

Hang on a moment I hear you all say “but that president Macron bloke is a real standout character,” and then you go off spouting drool like this “look he’s on the left, which means that he’s correct, more correct than you... you right winger.” As of which I’d probably say, if I could, that president Macron bloke has a freakishly low approval rating it was something like eighteen percent. Which is low especially when if you were looking at Mr Trumps, and “no-one” likes Trump, I thought he was the least popular president in history? But then why was his approval rating higher? It was something like fifty one percent, and that was for Mr Donald Trump. The leftist movements in the countries of the western world I’m thinking that they’ve got the whole of their hate filled retorted incorrect.

So that was a slight skip to the french president, what a joke is he, the EU’s lapdog, so then he and Mrs May must get on like a house on fire. But that’s enough about the EU’s lapdog, now what have I done today? I don’t think that I have done anything, at least nothing of value I think. 

Saturday 15 December 2018

Day 1948

Day 1948;

Now I had a surprisingly low BMI today as it was at 18.96, steps I had taken were at 9980 which is aon the low side I had only walked 6.57 km and burned 853 kcal, according to Wii Fit, so how has it decreased?

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelette (cheese), banana, apple, orange and fruit cake.
Dinner: turkey, lettuce, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 15 of my advent calendar and a biscuit.

So today was the last boccia practice of the year, then I have forgotten everything else that I did today, well almost, as I know that I had a treadmill walk in the afternoon, at least I think that I did. And I spent a bit of time on the computer playing some more RuneScape.

But I cannot remember if I did anything else today, so that’s a disappointment.

Friday 14 December 2018

Day 1947

Day 1947;

My BMI was 19.09! I had walked 14,014 steps which was the equivalent to 9.23 km and I managed to burn 974 kcal according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal,
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, bacon, something in malted bread), grapes, strawberries, banana, apple, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: Ribena, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been on another walk on the treadmill, of which lasted for about an hour, Mich arrived back after about twenty  minutes through then I continued on for another about forty more minutes.

But then that must be about all that I did for the day, other than converse with another person, who was a woman in actual fact.

I cannot remember what I did for the rest of the day.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Day 1946

Day 1946;

My BMI for today was 19.35, I had only made 11,465 steps by this point which gave me a total distance walked of 7.65 km and it also told me that I had burned off 801 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, plum, pear, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (BLT In malted bread with mayo) and something,
Dinner: cottage pie, cauliflower,p, broccoli, carrots and banoffee tart.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and fruit squash.
Snacks: melon, grapes, orange and apple.

 Today I have been attempting to have discussions about the latest Doctor, but mostly unsuccessfully. I’m attempting to find a discion on the Doctor as it may inspire me to trudge my way through the rest of the series that I’m currently on, which is the current series/with the current doctor.

It’s not that the current doctor is a woman, I was not bothered about there being a female doctor, just as with the male nurse. I’ve seen both in real life. In fact a female doctor is the best doctor that I know as she regularly injects my eyelids with Botox (to weaken the muscles so I can see). And then a male nurse I have seen at least one at the CHIS (Children’s Head Indury Service) when I was younger I mean there was at least three men that worked there and one I know was a nurse so the other two could have been nurses but I’m unsure. But that was a long time ago now. Since then I have seen many male nurses in the many hospitals that I have been to. But her devotion to lecturing the audience on gender politics, racism and whatever else is “wrong” with the world, according to the under qualified bunch of political activists aka. story writers of the show.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Day 1945

Day 1945;

My BMI was 19.35, I had made 10,587 steps which were 6.97 km and I had burned off 823 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with white bread)
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 12 of advent, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and a mini size chocolate (twirl).

But then today I have been getting into a bit of trouble from an old friend for “my” views on men and women. Even though I wasn’t aware I was making any of my views I was just stating facts of the past. But it was also about something that I don’t understand which was why is it that men still tend to go for younger women as women still live on average longer than men. The pension funds aren’t going to be enough for both of them to live on without relying on the state for their care which is sapping the state in the long term so all of the state will be getting used up by the time that you’re children are getting to a decent old age, so the state is bust, and the population is fat, I dispare. Which is all everyone’s fault.

So also today I have been on a couple of treadmill walks my first was a short no longer than 5 minutes I think walk on the treadmill, then the second time I went for a walk I managed about an hour on the treadmill but it was only at a slow speed. Which left it up to me to step around the kitchen for about an hour in order to get my steps up to a decent number.

All 4 of the English football teams in the Champions League have managed to make their way out of the group stages so it’s on to the last sixteen stage, then it’s onto the quarterfinals and if all four English teams are still in the competition by then i’ll Be stunned, I wanted to say speechless but then you’d probably point out that I cannot speak anyway. But just think about it having the last 4 teams in a Champions League as all English teams, a shiver just rolled over my back, well it’s got to be unheard of isn’t it?

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Day 1944

Day 1944;

BMI was 19.19, 11,716 steps which were 7.72 km and I had burned off 1106 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: Macaroni cheese and I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: seafood pasta, salad, flatbread and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 11 chocolate of advent.

Today I was lazy, I had been on a walk this morning, it was a little brisk treadmill walk. Then I had another bounce on the trampoline. But I had a lazy day after that little workout.

As I have forgotten almost everything that I have done today. Apart from the brisk treadmill walk and the bounce, but I have even forgot what I ate for my lunch today which I think I had in between my walk and bounce, or was it some of the macaroni cheese that Tini brought home from school, the cheese tastes a bit weird and it’s a bit watery but that aside, it’s ok as a food, I’ll eat anything, now how did I forget that, it was probably how forgettable it was to consume.

Monday 10 December 2018

Day 1943

Day 1943;

My BMI today was 18.81, which is a bit of a surprise, but then I had walked 14,911 steps which gave me a distance of 9.82 km walked and I had burned 1126 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal,apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese) and cake (chocolate).
Dinner: lamb, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage and trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Jaffa cakes and day 10 of my advent calendar.

IT’S TRIBAL NOT RACIAL! The abuse that is directed at players is almost all directed at players for reasons of a tribal nature, the fans would have absolutely no problem with you if you were playing for “their” team they’re like playground bullies they look at you and they see difference in the team that you’re playing for so then they pull out everything different about you and they stick some of it up front and centre so it is being screamed back at your face, and if it’s racial then it’s bad, yeah, but it’s only as bad as for other differences and you shouldn’t allow it to get to you. If someone came up to me and said something that I could find offensive, like “hey you over there specky four eyes”, I would just be like ‘who me?’ “Yeah you, doofus, what are you, like dumb or something?” I would then nod profusely. Then he would could be surprised but probably not as he apologises and leaves. But then no offence would have been taken by me in the first place, as I am a bit of a doofus and I am dumb or something. Just as football players that are black/white/yellow they each have their own stereotypes to deal with, like Wayne Rooney, had his stereotype of being a scouser as he was born in Liverpool.

“And she never gives in, she just changes her mind” some lyrics from the Billy Joel song, ‘She’s Always a Woman’, but it’s a song that’s good and it always tends to make me laugh, just listen to the lyrics it just sounds like a joke song, “she’ll promise you more than the garden of Eden, but she’ll carelessly cut you and laugh while you’re bleeding” “but she’ll bring out the best and the worst you can be, blame it all on yourself because she’s always a woman to me”. But I think it was on Steve Right’s radio show yesterday morning, ‘Steve Right’s Sunday morning love songs, so I think he made a slight blunder in his song choice . But it’s still a great song.

Sunday 9 December 2018

Day 1942

Day 1942;

My BMI for today was 19.16, again third day on the trot, 10,860 steps which was 7.16 km and I have managed to burn off  918 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banna.
Lunch: lamb, rice, carrots, broccoli, cabbage and I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 9 of my advent calendar.

Now on this day I have been lazy as in the morning I had made 142 steps, by lunchtime according to my watch. But I am thinking that Manchester City managed to lose their first game of the season today, or was it yesterday? I don’t know days have never been a speciality of mine.

Now today I have been busy, not in the morning as that was my new standard lazy morning, as could have been noted by the only 142 steps that I had walked by lunchtime. Then after lunch I walked to GM’s, but Mich got his car as he had to fix a fence panel in GM’s garden, so he had to run home to fetch the car with all of the fence repair supplies while I stayed with GM, to keep her company. Then we had to drive to the shop, to pick up some bread, as the shops shut early today. So we did that then we walked to the other end of town to visit GAK, who was in bed, asleep by the time that we had got there. So that was a quick visit so we walked home and then I had a little jog around the kitchen to boost my steps before I had my dinner, of which I have forgotten what I had for it, which’s a bit frustrating.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Day 1941

Day 1941;

BMI has been 19.16 for 2 consecutive days now, but my steps were only at 10,011/which means that I have only watched 6.59 km today and I have only managed to burn off 903 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, fruit cake and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: something.

Today I haven’t been on top form, in fact I’ve been down in the dumps on form standings, which may have been at least in part due to the Boccia practice that I have been to today. Sitting down throwing balls at other balls for about an hour, I mean it’s not the most athletic of sports and you’re hardly going to injure yourself by participating, but then again what sports nowadays are you likely to get injured playing? Football? Aren’t they all just play acting when they go down nowadays? I mean nowadays if you can act you’ve got more chance to play for England than anyone that’s decent at football, or was that back in the days of Mr Speven Yourgan Eriksen, I know my spelling is atrocious.

So today I have also been to watch a football match, which was a good match I think at least, the score was 1 - 0, which was after a blisteringly good start to the game by the team that I support they managed to take the lead in the first half, but then the game was laboured for the second period, positively similar to the 1 - 0 in the first half games that I watched last season, but the only difference is that the opposing team didn’t score this time around, so that was a slight success in that context.

Friday 7 December 2018

Day 1940

Day 1940;

Now today my BMI was 19.16, I had taken 12,913 steps which was apparently 8.50 km and the calories I burned off were 1559 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple and banana.
Lunch sandwich (cheese and pickle in white bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: takeaway (fish and chips with curry sauce) and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash , water and hot Ribena.

Now today I haven’t been to the gym, I have instead been to the makeshift gym, twice. The first time was for a little walk around half an hour in length, then later I did a treadmill jog on the treadmill, now the jog I know that I moved quicker than the walk but it was only by about 1.2 mph, so am I quick walker or a slow jogger, or perhaps a bit of both?

Later on today I heard Mich listening to War of the Worlds by Jeff Wayne, it must have been included in one of the music play lists that he watches on YouTube. I knew that I had some of the music before, I even thought that I had some somewhere, an old school friend (well it was of an old sixth form friend, I didn’t know her before sixth form) anyway I knew that she had given me some of the tracks but I didn’t think that I had the whole album but still here they are on my iPad, and some of them I am listening to for the first time at least it seems that way, to me and my appalling memory.

I have also been playing a bit more of RuneScape, today I have been working on my smithing, in order to get the quest in the Artazan’s (sp.) place sorted, but thanks to the quest I have managed to get my smithing level up to 35 such a shame that my respect is only at 1%, I need to work harder in the Artizan’s studio.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Day 1939

Day 1939;

My BMI was 19.21, my steps were a lowly 10,794 which were 7.11 km and I had managed to burn off 1421 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken club sandwich, apple, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: seafood pasta, salad (spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, onion and cucumber), bread and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: lemon drizzle cake and day 6 of advent.

So today started off in the usual lazy way, then I managed to get in one twenty minute jog on the treadmill, after lunch before I got in another twenty minute jog as Mich was getting back but I really disappointed myself on that jog. So I had just disappointed myself by the lack Of effort that I put in to my last jog and I have forgotten what I have done for the rest of the day.

So that’s a bit of a blow...

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Day 1938

Day 1938;

Day 5 of advent and my BMI was up, it was at 19.16, as were my steps to 13,015 which.concured with my distance as it was 8.57 km and I had burned off 1571 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (egg, spinach and ham in white bread), porkpie, lemon drizzle cake, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: takeaway (Chinese feast but I failed today), banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Day 5 of advent and chocolate orange rice cake.

I have a question which is somewhere in between the how and the why, as I know both of those answers, but it’s the question in-between that I want to know the answer to.  Theirs got to be a word for it, hasn’t their? I suppose I could try reformatting the question, yes that’ll have to do.

It’s the question that I have been wanting to ask for a while now but I just haven’t found the correct words, to ask it correctly. Yes it is like that little story where you’re a cowboy, and you ride up to a bar/saloon then you stride up to a woman and you say “howdy o’ baby doll” and then words are exchanged and soon enough the 2 of you are heading off bedward, for a bit of “sexy time” but just as this is about to happen you’ve got so many questions running through your head, like how the hell did I just manage to get her? I knew she liked me as a friend but I thought that was it. Another thing you’re asking yourself is what did I say, and how did I say it? As I cannot speak.

Then also today I have been on a amall treadmill walk, of which I did in order to get my steps up, which it did do successfully. I think that it was a somewhere in the +10,000 step count, so I walked my daily steps, all in that one walk, and it also proves my laziness.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Day 1937

Day 1937;

My BMI was down again, it registered at 19.00. But my steps were also down, considerably as to 10,979 which had my distance to 7.23 and my calories burned were down to 1427, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken club sandwich, banana, strawberries, apple, grapes and cake (at least I think).
Dinner: shepherds pie, chips, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 4 of my advent calendar.

So today as it happens was an uneventful day, except in RuneScape, where I’ve completed a few of the quests, in the new version not the old school version, I have been busily completing a load of the Wizard Tower quests, and now I know I am a Grey Wizard, like Gandalf was before he took Saruman’s place as the White Wizard. So what does this new title mean to my character? It means that I don’t fit into the other three types of wizardry. Which are the Blue (Saradomin), Red (Zamorak) and Green (Guthix) then Grey are the ones that don’t fit into the good (Saradomin), bad (Zamorak) and indifferent (Guthix) and the grey Wizard, is one that worships a different god or a non believer in any (which is my position).

Now today I have been lazy, basically, by that I mean I haven’t been on a treadmill walk I haven’t done pretty much anything during the day apart from eat, and tidy up the place. By the place I mean the kitchen and the shower room that I use, which was as I was remembering how Tini refused to take me to the gym until I had cleaned myself up as I was “stinky”, but there wasn’t anything wrong with me, other than I was really gassy on the day in question; I know that’s pretty big for a nothing.

Monday 3 December 2018

Day 1936

Day 1936;

BMI of 19.16, steps were up to 17,232 which gave me a distance of 11.35 km and I had burned off 2107 kcal, which was quite close to the goal that was set for me.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with sausages, bread, lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner:  macaroni cheese, turkey drummers, banana, apple, strawberries, grapes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, hot fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 3 of the advent calendar.

Today I have been drinking a little bit more of those hot drinks, and I have been to the gym. Which was just as well I did go to the gym as other than the little treadmill walk I did this morning I had a pretty lazy day. But then again I cannot actually remember what I was doing for the most parts.

I had walked 10,000 steps before lunch as that was my treadmill walk sorted, out of the way. Then after I had finished my lunch, I had Mich for company today which puzzled me as he’d left in the morning to come back for lunch then to leave again until... when? I think a day later on this week, as he has to go somewhere else to do his job this “Christmas”.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Day 1935

Day 1935;

19.21 was my BMI for today, I had increased my steps on yesterday to 15,383 which gave me a total distance walked of 10.13 km and I had burned 1367 kcal, today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (salmon), chocolate cake and fruit cake.
Dinner: stew (peas, carrots, tomato and mushroom), chocolate trifle and chocolate roulade.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit tea, herbal tea and a fruit squash with hot water.
Snack: day 2 of my advent calendar.

Today after almost forgetting my advent calendar yesterday I have remembered it today. But I’m guessing that I ate my advent calendar day 1 yesterday as a snack.

So today I have gone down with a cold, as in the virus, it could have been my punishment for a terrible little ride on the exercise bike this morning, I don’t think it was but it may have been, if I wanted to blame the fact that I have a cold now but I didn’t have a cold yesterday, at least not one that was quite as prevalent, by that I mean my nose is now running and I started sneezing while I was at GM’s house.

Either this day or the previous on the radio I heard a story that makes you (or at the very least me) wonder about the sanity of people. Just as there was a game of football in Ireland the other day, then there was one of the teams that wanted to get the game postponed, I only have a tiny recollection as of the reason of why they wanted to get the game postponed, I think it was because the player that they had lied about, they said was dead, couldn’t play for some reason. The Irish FA just took it and postponed the game they didn’t do any research on the case, I’d have thought that if a young man, that played football, had died on a car accident (which was what I think the club said had happened) the papers would be full of it.

So Allergy wants to restyle me, so it looks like she will be getting rid of my baggy t-shirts in favour of some more tight fitting tops. Why does she want to do this? I don’t know, in reality but she says it’s because I should show off my muscles more, as the majority of people that spend as much time as I in a gym do it solely for aesthetic purposes (apparently). Even her boyfriend B wears tight clothes to show off the muscle that he has, apparently, but personally I have never seen it. To show off? To whom that would have been my question, if I wanted to show off I’d just around without a t-shirt on. Wouldn’t that be a more efficient way of showing off and to whom? As in to whom would I want to show off to, that I see on a regular basis, you (Allergy), no I think not? Ok mini rant over.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Day 1934

Day 1934;

Today I had a BMI of 19.03, steps had also gone up to 13,489 which means that I have walked 88.88 km and I had only burned off 861 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: ham, egg on toast I think.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: did I have one today? I don’t know.

Now today I have had a very lazy day, but I have been out for a walk around town, where I met an old friend, from my past. Of whom it took me a while to gather exactly who he was. But then by the time that he said goodbye I recognised him. I should have known who it was straight away, as his first comment was about the football team that I support, and the jacket that I was wearing. If I could have spoke I probably would have said to him “who are you?” As he’s changed so much by his appearance, at least the little that I could see of him, as he was wearing a big coat, and then he’s the only one of my friends that talks to me about football.

That was while I was out walking then I got home and I went on a bounce while Mich was cycling, but he shocked me a bit while he was on his exercise bike as he went on his exercise bike for longer than I had done on the same course and his average speed was only a bit slower than mine, the same story was with his average Watts, so then tomorrow or some other day in the future I’ve got to have another go on his exercise bike, but for longer than I have been on previously, but I haven’t told you what shocked me about it yet, should I? Well yeah I’m going to, what shocked me was for some of the segments he managed to get the exercise bike the quickest that it has ever been, but then why didn’t he manage to get it quicker than me? 

Then after that I have been playing on RuneScape some more (RuneScape 3). I have been sorting out some of the Quests, the one where you’re sorting out Sister Anna’s death is pretty fun. It uses voice acting, which I know is a thing in RuneScape nowadays. 

Friday 30 November 2018

Day 1933

Day 1933;

Today my BMI was 18.87, but my steps were down to 11,697 equally the distance that I had walked was down to 7.70 km but the calories burned weren’t weren’t as diminished as I thought they’d be but I’d somehow got 1530 kcal today?

Breakfast: cereal, melon, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread), chocolate cake and pineapple.
Dinner: ham, egg, chips, peas and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: grapes and melon.

Today I managed to get my five a day in, as I started off with my first 2 portions, in a 300 g, I think that is what it said, pot of classic fruit salad (melon, grapes, orange and apple) before having my next 150 g pot of pineapple for lunch, so that’s 3 portions before I soon got told to eat the final pot of fruit for an afternoon snack, even though I had left it for after my afternoon exercise which didn’t happen, as it turns out so I just pigged myself before going upstairs to play on RuneScape 3 (but it’s in the RS2 client) so that was my first 4 of the day, the final were my peas that I ate with my dinner.

Al kahrid is a place in RuneScape but it was fenced and off in the old school (classic) version where you could pay to get through but now it’s just a clear run from Lumbridge to Al Kahrid. Anyway today is the 30th of November, so there you go tomorrow is the first day of the advent calendar challenge.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Day 1932

Day 1932;

The BMI was up to 19.16, my steps had increased to 18,388 had my distance to 12.11 km even my calories burned were up to 1604 kcal

Breakfast: cereal, pear, grapes, plum and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (chip, ketchup, banana in white bread), plum, apple and pear.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets, grapes and strawberries
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, hot chocolate and water.
Snacks: grapes and strawberries.

After my morning treadmill wal, I have finished my breakfast, well I finished my grapes off before lunch and I finished off the rest of my fruit for lunch.

But then after lunch I had been doing some Yoga with Allergy, Who today realised that I had completed my New Years goal by saying I don’t know how I’m supposed to count the number of packs, then she preceded by poking my abs while saying “that’s definitely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 so it appears you have completed your New Years resolution” so it’s just up to me to be getting on with my next years goal, get an early start, I think that I’m going to need it.

Next up I have forgotten what I have done, but I know that I played some more of RuneScape 3, I know that I had been playing it for quite some time, I’ve been in World 11. But I’m guessing that before that I had my dinner 

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Day 1931

Day 1931;

My BMI was up at 18.96 so it was up a bit but my steps were down by a considerable amount to 12,862 steps which were 8.47 km and I burned off 1136 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pasta meatballs (quorn) and chocolate roulade.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: strawberries and grapes.

Now Brexit has been on the agenda for today ever since the vote the BBC has been covering it. Today I have heard a remainer that I agree with, as he said that we should get out of the EU before all of this shenanigans about having a second referendum is discussed as it’s now getting to the point where the people that voted for and against this motion are now loosing faith in politics.

I have also been having a nice pleasant little 5 mile treadmill stroll, in the morning of the day, I worked it out to have had me walking at an average speed of 3.94736842 mph, so it took me 1 hour 16 minutes to walk. Well at least from my mathematics skill which may have let me down once more, but I’m not too fussed about that it’s let me down many of times in the past. So now here’s what I’ve done to work that out, first I’ve worked out how long it took me to walk 1 mile (I did that by dividing 1 hour 16 minutes by 5) which got me an answer of 15.2 minutes. So now I’ve got 15.2 minutes out of an hour so it’s a little slower than 4 mph, as that speed would be 15 minutes per mile so I tried an hour divided by 15.2 which lead me to the answer 3.94736842 mph.

But as I found out yesterday I had played RuneScape 3 before but last time that I played was 677 days ago on the 19th of January 2017. But it was probably known as RuneScape 2 back then, as the client still has the abbreviation RS2 before the web address, as there has been a new reissue of the classic RuneScape which is for mobiles/handheld devices which is called RuneScape Old School, which I have got also, as it’s basically the same game but the graphics are much improved on the newer one, but then there’s some improvements to the game for the new one, like the ability to teleport yourself to anywhere on the map where there’s an active loadstone, instead of just Lunbridge, it’s funny as I couldn’t remember where the spinning wheel was in the old school version so I just teleported myself up to the new space and I got the black wool that way instead of just going upstairs in the big house in Lunbridge. But then the whole Old School game seems to be much more popular, but that could be as in the Old School version you’ve still got the one central location (Lunbridge), so now I can miss out on “conversation” that is going on.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Day 1930

Day 1930;

18.91 was my BMI for today, in steps I had walked 15,458 which was 10.18 km and I had burned off only 1069 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in white bread) and a tunocks wafer.
Dinner: chicken, peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, carrots, rice and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot chocolate.
Snacks: half a chocolate pastry and then 2 of something else.

Now today I have got my eyes sorted out for me, in London, on my two walks from and to the station where I got off the train for London and I got back on the train to get out of London. Next I arrived at the station that we had driven to in the morning to pick up the car, not literally, and to drive home.

So that was my day in travel but then I haven’t done anything else fitness wise for the rest of the day. Mich has been using his new Fitbit for his steps and then he got over 20,000 whereas my watch only got me around the 15,000 mark. Now just before we’d got onto the train this morning my watch told me that I had done 991 steps that was before I had paced around a bit and I had then I had walked to and onto the train, then at the other end of the train ride my steps had increased by none they were still at 991, but Mich’s steps were increasing as he was typing on his laptop on the train. But then the next time that I checked was on my trip into the toilet, at the other end of the trip, London, I had managed to get to almost 1500 steps, now that could be in part to my little jig that I do when I’m desperate for the loo but I’m attempting to pull my trousers and pants down so I can go to the loo of which I do eventually, but that could be about 150-200 of the 500 steps I had added on. Then the rest of the steps for today I did was on either the subsequent walk to and from the hospital, then our next walk was to GM’s home, which is just about 1 minutes walk to her home, then Mich’s +5000 steps on mine will probably be in the car journey as he was driving, all of the flapping he does, his minorly smaller than mine stride length (so therefore it takes him slightly more to get as far) and his tapping away at his keyboard, 4 factors which may seem insignificant but when taken into consideration they must all add up, mustn’t they?

Monday 26 November 2018

Day 1929

Day 1929;

BMI was 19.19, I had made 13,164 steps which was 8.67 km apparently and I burned off 1364 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on croissants (plain), lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: beef, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, chocolate trifle and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: 5 grapes, lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.

I had my hair cut today and I have also been to athletics. But then again today I have been on a little walk around the town, and I tried a short (well it was slightly over 20 minutes) of doing some interval training on the treadmill. But is that all I have done today? No it think not, as I have played a bit more on Old School RuneScape and I have been attempting to get RuneScape 3/New School RuneScape up and running but I’m not at school now as if my first introduction to RuneScape was back in an old, old (old) school back when my internet at home was still dial-up, and all of the computers were connected by those white telephone cables, but they were boxed off from us within some little white plastic beams.

That was a nice little bit of nostalgia now I hope the new RuneScape 3 kind of lives up to my expectations tomorrow or whenever I finally get to play it, as tomorrow I am going on a walk around London, of which at least half of it will be without my eyes. But then again I maybe able to take my ski helmet, as with it I’ve got a pair of goggles which helped me with my skiing yesterday. And it would have helped me at athletics today, as there was a activity where I had to spin a ball on a string around my head, I spun it, it hit me smash bang in the face, so that was unfortunate.

Sunday 25 November 2018

Day 1928

Day 1928;

Today my BMI was 19.46, but I had only done 7911 steps which was only about 5.21 km and I only managed to burn 1148 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, chocolate croissant, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, stuffing and something.
Dinner: omelette and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.

On this lazy day I have been skiing apparently my skiing was very good, at least according to Emu (but she has been telling me that for a while now, and every time she seems to be equally surprised. It she really thought that I was good wouldn’t she remember that she has already told me so there’s no use to her repeated telling me ' or it just starts sounding like your just saying it for no reason, blank words just fall out of your mouth, like a pilot bailing out of his, or her’s, plane.

I have been thinking about it a bit and I have thought that if Emu or anybody thought I was good at skiing, I mean properly good then they could just report me to team GB, then maybe I could go to the next Winter Olympic Games, but for that to happen I have to improve one hell of a lot.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Day 1927

Day 1927:

Now today my BMI was up to the “dizzying” heights of 19.85, which may have been at least in part to the only 1282 steps that I walked (0.84 km) and the seriously lacking 461 kcal that I burned off.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: carrot soup with bread, chocolate cake and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: Indian takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and Vimpto.

Today I have put on a lot of weight, 5 pounds in fact. But then I have had another exceedingly lazy day today, but that wasn’t helped by the amount that I’ve eaten today, and I am surprised that I haven’t put on a lot more to be honest.

In the morning I have gone to boccia practice, just as we had got up to 6 players again, last week, we were back down to 4 players, which was a bit of a disappointment.

Friday 23 November 2018

Day 1926

Day 1926:

My BMI is 19.09, steps today was 12,902 which gave me a distance of 8.50 km and I had burned off 1856 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, melon, grapes, orange and apple.
Lunch: melon, orange, apple, sandwich (cheese in very white bread) and a slab of fruit cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, tarte sauce, vinegar, tiramisu and raspberry jelly.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and Vimpto.

Well today I have been a bit off my usual form, which is a pretty low stating point. But today I have got in some time at the proper gym, as well as an hour and a half in the makeshift gym, I had 45 minute cycle before a 45 minute walk, in the makeshift gym. Then at the proper gym I could feel the fluid evaporating from my mouth and throat, it was uncomfortable. It made me feel more dehydrated but I wasn’t dehydrated, as the pinch test showed me. The only thing that I found was that Vimpto is the closest thing to a cure, without actually being a cure to the ailment that I was facing.

But then the Woman that I was referring to yesterday was Manel I’m not naive enough to think that she’d accept my offer but then it’s an unobtainable goal I’m striving for you never know I might just make one of them sooner or later, I mean this six pack is something that I believed was almost unobtainable for me, now a days, but then look at the package on me now, it’s almost there, apparently.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Day 1925

Day 1925:

BMI was 18.87, I had walked 13,479 steps which were 8.88 km and I had burned off 1448 kcal, according to Wii Fit at least.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (sausage in white bread), melon, grapes, orange and apple.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snack: tiramisu.

On this day I started off by having a brisk walk, on the treadmill, before a 15 minute bounce on the trampoline, but I decided to cut my rowing session short, as it was making a hideous noise I think it maybe in need of some WD40. So I was my prelunchtime exercise, now for after lunch I was thinking that I’d have another Zwift cycle before getting messaged by Tini to say that she was on her way to take me to the gym, but the message never came and I just continued on my end about 45 minute Zwift cycle, but I never went to the gym today.

Then I have been attempting to think up new goals for next new year, and I have got one. It’s to really focus on my athletic ability for the new year. It’s so I can hopefully complete at the Olympic Games in the next year, then I should probably think about asking the Woman out, because if she says yes to me that’ll give me even more of an incentive to win the gold medal. As if I win gold I’ll give myself permission to ask for her hand, in marriage. Then I would have a found my reason, and I would have more of a reason to live than ever before.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Day 1924

Day 1924;

My BMI was up to 18.71, the steps were 13,624 which gave me a distance of 8.97 km but it also gave me 1642 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal and pineapple.
Lunch: sandwich (ham, egg, lettuce in white bread), grapes, banana, strawberries and apple.
Dinner: sausages, dauphinoise potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower and a tart (raspberry and strawberry)
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks:grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberry jelly.

Now today I have had what was supposed to be yesterday’s dinner, minus the mash. As yesterday it was going to be a wee classic of the English cuisine, bangers and mash (or sausage and mash) but as Allergy was in for dinner there wasn’t enough mash to go around, so Tini offered Allergy some dauphinoise potatoes instead but Allergy doesn’t like dauphinoise potatoes so I said that I would swap, but it didn’t work yesterday so I had a full Indian and I had an almost full English dinner today.

Then during the day I had another idea for a new Legend of Zelda game, but I hate having to write them up. I know I don’t have to write them up but then what’s the fun in that? I have my own kind of fan fiction, with a good helping of fan service piped in, but I’m no good at fan service as I don’t know how they are supposed to be feeling.

As I had a more lazy day today than yesterday, as I didn’t go to the gym instead I got up later had an hourlong walk in the morning before I had a snack. Then I ate my lunch before getting on the trampoline for a bounce and I got on the rowing machine for a row then I snacked again before the little Zwift cycle around NYC, I did the same course as Mich had done earlier on this month, I managed to get 0.1 or 0.01 (I can never remember which) kpm than he had done over a slightly shorter time, but then at 24 minutes gone in the cycle it said that I only had 10% battery left, so I decided to leave it until it alerted me with a warning at 5% battery left within the end I was having to physically lift my eyelids to see whether the 5% warning had come up, the 5% warning only appeared after about another 12 minutes, so picture this: you’ve got me on the Zwift bike with my right arm holding onto the bikes handlebar and my left hand pulling at my face attempting to get me to see. It’s relatively humorous, I think.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Day 1923

Day 1923;

So my BMI was down to 18.56 today despite my efforts, which included eating a whole Indian takeaway feast, my 18,014 steps somehow must have had an impact but I only apparently walked 11.86 km and burned off 1682 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, lettuce, bacon in white bread), limoncellos desert, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: takeaway Indian Feast and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Vimpto and hot chocolate.
Snack: pomegranate.

So today I have been to the gym and I have also been to the makeshift gym, just the same as yesterday, but the differences have been in the times. This morning I got up earlier, and I only had a bowl of dry cereal for breakfast (as well as my mug of milk for the day), so you’d have thought that I’d have had loads of time, as the morning progressed I started off an hour on the treadmill doing one of my brisk walks, for an hour, before having a fifteen minute bounce followed by a fifteen minute row. I accomplished the foretold actions the my mind has gone blank for the next part of the day.

But then I am brought back at lunchtime, as I think that Allergy had been using the makeshift gym, for a short time before lunch then I had been conversing with her on the iPad, about plus size and how she wasn’t plus size and if she says that she’s wanting to get back to a size 8 to 10, which I mistakenly thought she’d said 18 but before all of that she showed me a picture of some really unappealing women, they were size 22. So the conversation evolved and it ended up with me giving Allergy permission to restyle me, which I thought that I already had? As an idea for a gift for the celebration of the winter solstice.

Then that conversation went on through lunch, so I only had enough time for a small ride around Wattopia. Before it was time to get to the proper gym, and have half an hour on the lateral trainer before half an hour on the exercise bike. Before I ate my feast and I weighed myself. Now I am confused by the results of my weigh in as I had only just finished a mountain of food which was from a takeaway . In fact I was so confused I decided to play some OldSchool RuneScape.

Monday 19 November 2018

Day 1922

Day 1922;

My BMI today has been 18.78, I had walked 11,820 steps which was 7.78 km and I had burned off 1218 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham in white bread), then half a sandwich (bre salad in white bread) and cake.
Dinner: shepherds pie, cauliflower, peas, broccoli and limoncello desert.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: 2 chocolate orange rice cakes, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.

So today I have been on the treadmill for a walk in the morning, before I stopped and had my first chocolate orange rice cake. Then I went back into the makeshift gym and I think that I may have on the trampoline and the rowwing machine, but I cannot remember what I actually did. As in the afternoon I went on the exercise bike but that was after I had finished my lunch.

So as I started to type I had been on a little Zwift ride after i’d finished my lunch, it was a nice little ride around Wattopia; well not the whole way around just about 10.2 or 10.02 km of the way around. But it was a good fun bit of cycling. Then after that I went to the proper gym and I had another little bit of lateral training before another exercise bike cycle, but this time it was on a proper exercise bike before we went to the local supermarket, and Tini did her exercise, which was basically walking around the shop and picking up stuff to purchase.

Sunday 18 November 2018

Day 1921

Day 1921:

My BMI was at 19.00 again, meanwhile my steps were apparently 24,444 which was 16.10 km and I have burned 1638 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and orange.
Lunch: bre salad sandwich (spinach, tomato in white bread), red berry jelly and something.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and mandarin peach cream tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: 4 grapes.

So I am still brainstorming ideas for gifts for people that I know, gifts for the celebration of the winter solstice, but then earlier on today I have been out on the tandem, for a little ride around the place that we live, then later on today I walked around a bit outside to visit the GM and GAK, which was fun as we were listening to the football match between England and Croatia on the radio while we were there, the radio said that they had 30 more minutes to play and England were trailing by one goal, to the Croats as I was still expecting a hat trick from Markus Rashford, as he was the best player on the park upto that point, but it never came. Then we had to go to see GAK, so we walked over to the place where she lives we entered and then Mich checked up on the game, it was a surprise to say the least, as the games result was in, and it was a victory for England, 2 - 1 to England, Lingard and Kane were the two English goal scorers. So congratulations to them and to England they have qualified for the next stage in this nations league thingamajig, as the winning team from the group and they have relegated Croatia, from their group.

But then I have also been on another short treadmill walk as I had hardly done any steps for my watch. So I made my way up to 10,000 steps for my watch, which I did. 

Saturday 17 November 2018

Day 1920

Day 1920:

BMI was 19.21, my steps had decreased to 15,983 as my distance was at 10.53 and my calories were at 1011 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, baguette and something.
Dinner: vegetable stew (mushrooms, carrots, peas) in Yorkshire pudding, dumplings, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snack: chocolate orange coated rice cake.

Star Wars is just one of the things that feminism has attempted to destroy and it has done a pretty proficient job judging from the latest instalments reviews say, by that I mean that they have been making a hash of the franchise, after I had heard such a good impression of The Force Awakens, pity that the reviews weren’t mine, but since I made my less than impressed review of the first film I’ve seen others follow suit. I’m not saying that all of the negative reviews are my fault, I’m sure that their was some before me, and I’m pretty sure that next to no one has even read my review, but Star Wars the Mary Sue has awoken.

But then again today I have had another lazy day with boccia playing in the morning, then not a lot else to do. But then there was a couple of matches on in the day, I saw none but I got the results, the Rugby Union teams that I support today but the football team that I support lost.

Friday 16 November 2018

Day 1919

Day 1919;

My BMI has decreased slightly to 19.03, my steps were 20,741 which was 13.66 km and I had burned off 1248 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple an orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread) and cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), chocolate trifle, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate orange coated rice cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

On this day I have got on the treadmill for a walk within the morning, but I keep thinking to myself about the musketeers, and who were the three musketeers, as I was attempting to remember them from back in the days of the past and I was thinking that Dartannion (D’artagnan) was a Musketeer, and with Porthose (Porthos) but then they had two more in the Musketeers and I couldn’t figure out which one was the third Musketeer. But in the end I found out that both of them are two of the Musketeers and it was D’artagnan that wasn’t a “proper” Musketeer, as he was still a trainee Musketeer in the original story.

When I first checked my steps on my watch after going on the treadmill walk, I had walked 9666 steps, which I thought was funny as I had walked a number of steps which had 666, the number of the beast, in,. So what’s their to say I get easily amused, or I get amused easily or however I’m supposed to type that that comment. But while I was walking I was watching some of the classic Doctor Who, as I was interested about the final episode of Peter Capaldi, where he was talking to himself about regeneration and I was thinking that it never happened like that, as wasn’t he just stood up in his Tardis , of which the doors are semi automatic, they have no handles on the insides, so you have to tap a button on the console to open it.

So today I have been to the gym also, for the first time in what seems like a long time. But it was probably only two weeks, or so long since I last went to the gym.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Day 1918

Day 1918;

BMI for today was 19.19, I had made 22,629 steps which was 14.90 km and I had burned off 1578 kcal, apparently today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch margarita pizza, salad (lettuce, tomato, sweetcorn, onion), garlic bread and chocolate sundae.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey drummers and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and chocolate water.

I have been watching the ends of the Doctor Who series with Peter Capaldi and the starting 2 episodes of the Jodie Whittaker series, but the end of Peter was interesting as he got his memories of Clara back just before he died he also had Bill die many times within the final two episodes, even if in the end it was just the memories of her that were dying as she had already been killed by the Master (John Simm), who also killed the Mistress, apparently, but the Mistress would have obviously known of his betrayal before so she could have taken precautions. But John Simm when he was playing the Master Gallifrey was lost but then where did he come from to wreak havoc over herself, as he said in the time of the tenth “Where is it, Doctor, where’s Gallifrey?”

But then I have been walking a lot on the treadmill and I have even been on a small cycle on the exercise bike today until I broke the bike. But then again today I have been watching from the Celtic episodes to the one where Clara’s memories are reached by...

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Day 1917

Day 1917;

BMI was up to 19.00, steps 11,438 whereas my distance was down to 7.53 km and calories 1228 kcal,according to Wii Fit,

Breakfast: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (egg, ham, spinach in white bread [with oat and barley), banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: Chinese feast (basically the leftovers from the Chinese takeaway) and a chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: 2 rice cakes (coated in chocolate orange).

So today I have had a bounce, walk (on the treadmill), a row (on the rowing machine) and an experiment on the exercise bike. As well as doing that I have also been watching the remaining episodes of series 1 of the Musketeers. But I have been thinking about the 3 musketeers a bit recently it could be as I have been thinking how cool would it be to go into battle with a sword and a gun, but then again being realistic about it if you went into a battle probably since the Great War, but it may have been before. But back in the past having a sword along with your firearm would have been necessary as it took so long for you to reload a firearm so you’d need something to hide behind and then at least a dagger for you to fend off your would be murderer, while you’re reloading.

Today has been a good day as Allergy has actually been on the treadmill, it seems to be that she does care about something other than where her next meal is coming from, I know that I’m being harsh on her, but anyway I don’t care; it’s nothing I don’t expect (of me). 

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Day 1916

Day 1916;

My BMI was down to 18.81, my steps were up to 16,977 which gave me a distance of 11.18 km and I burned off 1346 kcal, apparently today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (white bread) and cupcake.
Dinner:bacon burger with cheese, chips, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: chocolate orange rice cake and 2 Jaffa cakes.

Today has been a lazy least the morning had been as I had only managed to do a little treadmill walk before it was lunchtime, but then thankfully I did some more substantial exercise in the afternoon.

As in the afternoon I had another ride on the exercise bike it was only an hour, so it was 25 km around Wattopia today, but I’m still only producing a pathetic amount of Watts, on my rides. As today I averaged 103 Watts today on Zwift. Which I find interesting as Watts is power, and I’d done 25 kph, with an engine which is less than 1 horsepower, which a mechanical horsepower is about equal to 746 Watts and a metric horsepower is about 736 Watts. So no horses need worry, I’m not going to be steeling any work from you. But I’m still wondering how changing the bikes gears are going to effect the Wattage output of the bike, if any. As I know that Mich did the same course a while back but he got 160 Watts for about the same distance, but he also may have done it slightly quicker. I have got to attempt it again but with gears to find out what different it makes.

Monday 12 November 2018

Day 1915

Day 1915;

My BMI today was 18.96, so it was a slight increase on yesterday’s, but my steps fell to 8827 which was a distance of 5.81 km and my calories burned was at 856 kcal, according to Wii Fit, which today my Fit meter had ran out of battery charge, so that may explain the discrepancy between my watch and Wii Fit today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, apple, orange, banana and pear.
Lunch: sandwich (bre, salad, red berry sauce in white bread), cherry bakewell and Swiss roll.
Dinner: pasta with meatballs and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have had my five a day from breakfast, which I had at lunch yesterday, not the same but the same number of the fruit as with vegetables which I had for lunch yesterday. But I have also been attempting to mention a bit about the lyrics to Green Day’s song “21 Guns” I mean the lyrics right at the start of the song: “Do you know what’s worth fighting for, When it’s not worth dying for?” I thought such an easy question, the answer is your own life, because if you died for your own life that’d be counterproductive, but if you died for a reason which is greater than yourself you could actually achieve your goals unlike if you were attempting something just for self preservation you’ve only got a binary chance of success  but if you’re doing it for a more general purpose even if you fail then there’s more chance of somebody succeeding in the future. Possibly like war even if one solider dies there’s still another solider to pick up the baton.

Now today I have been on a treadmill walk, before I was disturbed by the phone ringing 3 times, so I stopped and I then went to the answer phone to uncover what was up. What happened was something that I’m not at liberty to type about, yet. But needless to say I ran around to another persons home to help them up, pity they didn’t want my help and they were just waiting for Mich to arrive and help them up, so I made them as comfortable as I could i.e. I fetched them a blanket. But then that ended my walk while I was watching Zapped. Then I returned home and I decided to go on another Machine Row after breaking the exercise bike,

Then what happened today is a bit obscured from my view, I think that I haven’t done anything, minus eat my dinner and take a shower, by take a shower I mean get inside of the shower and then I wash myself with the water provided by the shower. Then after that I had a hot chocolate drink. So now all I’ve got to do today is brush my teeth and get into bed.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Day 1914

Day 1914;

Now on this day my BMI has decreased, to 18.91, when I have walked less steps, at 12,816 steps which has been less far at 8.44 km, predictably, and I have only burned off 846 kcal, today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: lamb, carrots, green beans, peas, broccoli, red cabbage, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: sandwich (bre, salad, red berry jam in white bread), cupcake and jam doughnut.
Drinks: milk, Vimeo, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: 3 squares of chocolate with biscuit inside and 4 Jaffa cakes.

As for today we have had the remembrance service down at the local war memorial (cenotaph) at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month there was silence as all of the guns stopped, their merciless barrages on the fields of war, those 100 years ago. It signified the end to the hostilities within the Great War, 1918, and now we continue in the commemoration by holding a Remembrance Sunday on the closest Sunday to the 11th of November every year, which just so happened to be today.

It was Bill that shot the Doctor yesterday not Bob, as I have watched the next episode while I was on the treadmill walking this evening, as I hadn’t done enough steps before I decided to do another walk, as I know that I which I did for the length of the Doctor Who episode which ended in Missy saving the Doctor by piloting the Tardis back to where it’d left him and Bill while taking Matt Lucas off, so it was Matt Lucas that asked Missy for help. Which could be interesting for the remaining episodes of the series.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Day 1913

Day 1913;

My BMI increased to 19.00, I had made 14,493 steps which were apparently 9.55 km and I have managed to burn off 1216 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: baguette (lettuce, tomatoes, bre) and pastries.
Dinner: chicken, rice, curry sauce, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have really pissed Tini off, by being honest as it seemed to me. Because I messaged her by stating the fact that her insistence of creating me a new email address was not only unnecessary but also insulting, as I can do it myself and she was insisting on getting me one which is  unnecessary.

Now today I haven’t been on a treadmill walk, nor a treadmill jog in actual fact I haven’t been on the treadmill at all today, as in the morning I had another lazy start, as it was a boccia day today, so I had only a little amount of walking for the morning, I think my watch was telling me that I had walked only 1009 steps for the morning. But in the afternoon I went outside on the tandem for a little 25 mile cycle, according to my watch, but also today I had done just shy of 2000 steps according to my watch.

So that’s my day pretty much summed up in two paragraphs, my lazy day. I did in actual fact also watch some more of Doctor Who still on Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, but I think that Bill has just attempted to kill the Doctor in the story that I have just got up to. The story seems to be Doctor Who and the invasion of the Zombies.

Friday 9 November 2018

Day 1912

Day 1912;

BMI was up again, to 18.96, my steps today was 29,052 which was apparently 19.13 km and I had burned 1629 kcal off, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on bread, cup cake, Swiss roll, cherry bakewell and fruit cake.
Dinner: gammon, carrots, green beans,cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, strawberry tart Jaffa cakes and chocolates.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

On this day I have been remembering songs, which was November Rain, but I thought it was by Green Day and it had something to do with guns, but I found out that the song “November Rain” is a really good song by GNR (Guns N Roses), of which I thought was quite an apt name seeing as it is November and it has been raining recently. But then I discovered that the guns part of it could have been in the name of the band; as they’re called Guns N Roses, but then I searched Green Day and Guns and I got to another song by Green Day, it was called 21 Guns, which I also enjoyed which when it ended it showed me another track by Green Day which I thought brought me in a circle, of sorts, it showed me to a song which is called “Wake Me Up When September Ends” as it could have been the reason that I was this Green Day for November when in actuality it’s September, not the current month (as it currently is November, but the lyrics in the two decent songs). But then again if you know anything about me I don’t know where to stop, so I went off on another tangent to Oasis with their Wonderwall and I enjoyed myself by listening to the Gallagher brothers and friends.

This morning I had another treadmill walk, now it was only an hour and a half long, but I think that I may have cheated a bit, as my watch told me that I’d covered over five miles in distance, but the treadmill was only going at 5 kph, which should be 4 miles 1162 yards and 0.3 feet and there’s 1760 yards in a mile, so it’s like I have skipped over just about six hundred yards (or five hundred and ninety seven point seven, if I wanted to be picky which to be honest sums me up pretty well).