Wednesday 21 November 2018

Day 1924

Day 1924;

My BMI was up to 18.71, the steps were 13,624 which gave me a distance of 8.97 km but it also gave me 1642 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal and pineapple.
Lunch: sandwich (ham, egg, lettuce in white bread), grapes, banana, strawberries and apple.
Dinner: sausages, dauphinoise potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower and a tart (raspberry and strawberry)
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks:grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberry jelly.

Now today I have had what was supposed to be yesterday’s dinner, minus the mash. As yesterday it was going to be a wee classic of the English cuisine, bangers and mash (or sausage and mash) but as Allergy was in for dinner there wasn’t enough mash to go around, so Tini offered Allergy some dauphinoise potatoes instead but Allergy doesn’t like dauphinoise potatoes so I said that I would swap, but it didn’t work yesterday so I had a full Indian and I had an almost full English dinner today.

Then during the day I had another idea for a new Legend of Zelda game, but I hate having to write them up. I know I don’t have to write them up but then what’s the fun in that? I have my own kind of fan fiction, with a good helping of fan service piped in, but I’m no good at fan service as I don’t know how they are supposed to be feeling.

As I had a more lazy day today than yesterday, as I didn’t go to the gym instead I got up later had an hourlong walk in the morning before I had a snack. Then I ate my lunch before getting on the trampoline for a bounce and I got on the rowing machine for a row then I snacked again before the little Zwift cycle around NYC, I did the same course as Mich had done earlier on this month, I managed to get 0.1 or 0.01 (I can never remember which) kpm than he had done over a slightly shorter time, but then at 24 minutes gone in the cycle it said that I only had 10% battery left, so I decided to leave it until it alerted me with a warning at 5% battery left within the end I was having to physically lift my eyelids to see whether the 5% warning had come up, the 5% warning only appeared after about another 12 minutes, so picture this: you’ve got me on the Zwift bike with my right arm holding onto the bikes handlebar and my left hand pulling at my face attempting to get me to see. It’s relatively humorous, I think.

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