Tuesday 20 November 2018

Day 1923

Day 1923;

So my BMI was down to 18.56 today despite my efforts, which included eating a whole Indian takeaway feast, my 18,014 steps somehow must have had an impact but I only apparently walked 11.86 km and burned off 1682 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, lettuce, bacon in white bread), limoncellos desert, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: takeaway Indian Feast and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Vimpto and hot chocolate.
Snack: pomegranate.

So today I have been to the gym and I have also been to the makeshift gym, just the same as yesterday, but the differences have been in the times. This morning I got up earlier, and I only had a bowl of dry cereal for breakfast (as well as my mug of milk for the day), so you’d have thought that I’d have had loads of time, as the morning progressed I started off an hour on the treadmill doing one of my brisk walks, for an hour, before having a fifteen minute bounce followed by a fifteen minute row. I accomplished the foretold actions the my mind has gone blank for the next part of the day.

But then I am brought back at lunchtime, as I think that Allergy had been using the makeshift gym, for a short time before lunch then I had been conversing with her on the iPad, about plus size and how she wasn’t plus size and if she says that she’s wanting to get back to a size 8 to 10, which I mistakenly thought she’d said 18 but before all of that she showed me a picture of some really unappealing women, they were size 22. So the conversation evolved and it ended up with me giving Allergy permission to restyle me, which I thought that I already had? As an idea for a gift for the celebration of the winter solstice.

Then that conversation went on through lunch, so I only had enough time for a small ride around Wattopia. Before it was time to get to the proper gym, and have half an hour on the lateral trainer before half an hour on the exercise bike. Before I ate my feast and I weighed myself. Now I am confused by the results of my weigh in as I had only just finished a mountain of food which was from a takeaway . In fact I was so confused I decided to play some OldSchool RuneScape.

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