Monday 5 November 2018

Day 1908

Day 1908;

My BMI was 19.03, I had made 19,634 steps the distance that I had walked was apparently 12.93 km and I had burned off 1950 kcal, at least according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, grapes and banana.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham, salad in brown bread), mince pie, fruit cake and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: stew, Yorkshire pudding, dumplings and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: mince pie and fruit cake.

Now today I thought that I had been on another cycle, of which I noticed was it was yesterday that I had been on the tandem as today I’d been to athletics. Which was funny as I’d seen some people on bikes at athletics last week but I didn’t see any this week, I told Mich that we’d forgotten the tandem just after we had got ourselves away to go, but he responded with we hadn’t as he said that we hadn’t asked if we could take it to athletics today. So we should have asked about taking the tandem, to future events, that is now first on my to do list.

Do I even have a to do list? Well I didn’t until just now. Now today I have made myself a to do list but I have already made a bucket list which I’m guessing that I could just add to my new to do list or visa versa, they’re both lists of things that I’d like to do. But in context of the tandem I noticed today that our average speed of our last was quick enough to go on a proper club cycle, but Mich has said that the speeds that they actually manage to attain is greater than the advertised average speed of a cycle, so that I cannot rub from my to do list yet either.

My to do list:

  • Take the tandem for a ride around a track.
  • Take the tandem for an actual cycle club ride.
  • Compete at an Olympic game.
  • Win a gold medal at an Olympics.
  • Ask a girl to marry me.
At least that’s all that I can remember of the list. But the bottom 3 on the list are kind of one, as if I ever get good enough to compete at an Olympic games I will want to win a gold medal, then only if I win a gold medal I believe that I am a good enough man for the girl/woman that I have in mind. As I am pretty hopeless at everything else.

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