Monday 26 November 2018

Day 1929

Day 1929;

BMI was 19.19, I had made 13,164 steps which was 8.67 km apparently and I burned off 1364 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on croissants (plain), lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: beef, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, chocolate trifle and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: 5 grapes, lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.

I had my hair cut today and I have also been to athletics. But then again today I have been on a little walk around the town, and I tried a short (well it was slightly over 20 minutes) of doing some interval training on the treadmill. But is that all I have done today? No it think not, as I have played a bit more on Old School RuneScape and I have been attempting to get RuneScape 3/New School RuneScape up and running but I’m not at school now as if my first introduction to RuneScape was back in an old, old (old) school back when my internet at home was still dial-up, and all of the computers were connected by those white telephone cables, but they were boxed off from us within some little white plastic beams.

That was a nice little bit of nostalgia now I hope the new RuneScape 3 kind of lives up to my expectations tomorrow or whenever I finally get to play it, as tomorrow I am going on a walk around London, of which at least half of it will be without my eyes. But then again I maybe able to take my ski helmet, as with it I’ve got a pair of goggles which helped me with my skiing yesterday. And it would have helped me at athletics today, as there was a activity where I had to spin a ball on a string around my head, I spun it, it hit me smash bang in the face, so that was unfortunate.

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