Saturday 10 November 2018

Day 1913

Day 1913;

My BMI increased to 19.00, I had made 14,493 steps which were apparently 9.55 km and I have managed to burn off 1216 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: baguette (lettuce, tomatoes, bre) and pastries.
Dinner: chicken, rice, curry sauce, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

Now today I have really pissed Tini off, by being honest as it seemed to me. Because I messaged her by stating the fact that her insistence of creating me a new email address was not only unnecessary but also insulting, as I can do it myself and she was insisting on getting me one which is  unnecessary.

Now today I haven’t been on a treadmill walk, nor a treadmill jog in actual fact I haven’t been on the treadmill at all today, as in the morning I had another lazy start, as it was a boccia day today, so I had only a little amount of walking for the morning, I think my watch was telling me that I had walked only 1009 steps for the morning. But in the afternoon I went outside on the tandem for a little 25 mile cycle, according to my watch, but also today I had done just shy of 2000 steps according to my watch.

So that’s my day pretty much summed up in two paragraphs, my lazy day. I did in actual fact also watch some more of Doctor Who still on Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, but I think that Bill has just attempted to kill the Doctor in the story that I have just got up to. The story seems to be Doctor Who and the invasion of the Zombies.

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