Friday 16 November 2018

Day 1919

Day 1919;

My BMI has decreased slightly to 19.03, my steps were 20,741 which was 13.66 km and I had burned off 1248 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple an orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread) and cake.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn), chocolate trifle, chocolate cheesecake and chocolate orange coated rice cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.

On this day I have got on the treadmill for a walk within the morning, but I keep thinking to myself about the musketeers, and who were the three musketeers, as I was attempting to remember them from back in the days of the past and I was thinking that Dartannion (D’artagnan) was a Musketeer, and with Porthose (Porthos) but then they had two more in the Musketeers and I couldn’t figure out which one was the third Musketeer. But in the end I found out that both of them are two of the Musketeers and it was D’artagnan that wasn’t a “proper” Musketeer, as he was still a trainee Musketeer in the original story.

When I first checked my steps on my watch after going on the treadmill walk, I had walked 9666 steps, which I thought was funny as I had walked a number of steps which had 666, the number of the beast, in,. So what’s their to say I get easily amused, or I get amused easily or however I’m supposed to type that that comment. But while I was walking I was watching some of the classic Doctor Who, as I was interested about the final episode of Peter Capaldi, where he was talking to himself about regeneration and I was thinking that it never happened like that, as wasn’t he just stood up in his Tardis , of which the doors are semi automatic, they have no handles on the insides, so you have to tap a button on the console to open it.

So today I have been to the gym also, for the first time in what seems like a long time. But it was probably only two weeks, or so long since I last went to the gym.

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