Sunday 25 November 2018

Day 1928

Day 1928;

Today my BMI was 19.46, but I had only done 7911 steps which was only about 5.21 km and I only managed to burn 1148 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, chocolate croissant, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: beef, peas, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, stuffing and something.
Dinner: omelette and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.

On this lazy day I have been skiing apparently my skiing was very good, at least according to Emu (but she has been telling me that for a while now, and every time she seems to be equally surprised. It she really thought that I was good wouldn’t she remember that she has already told me so there’s no use to her repeated telling me ' or it just starts sounding like your just saying it for no reason, blank words just fall out of your mouth, like a pilot bailing out of his, or her’s, plane.

I have been thinking about it a bit and I have thought that if Emu or anybody thought I was good at skiing, I mean properly good then they could just report me to team GB, then maybe I could go to the next Winter Olympic Games, but for that to happen I have to improve one hell of a lot.

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