Wednesday 28 November 2018

Day 1931

Day 1931;

My BMI was up at 18.96 so it was up a bit but my steps were down by a considerable amount to 12,862 steps which were 8.47 km and I burned off 1136 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pasta meatballs (quorn) and chocolate roulade.
Dinner: Chinese takeaway feast.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: strawberries and grapes.

Now Brexit has been on the agenda for today ever since the vote the BBC has been covering it. Today I have heard a remainer that I agree with, as he said that we should get out of the EU before all of this shenanigans about having a second referendum is discussed as it’s now getting to the point where the people that voted for and against this motion are now loosing faith in politics.

I have also been having a nice pleasant little 5 mile treadmill stroll, in the morning of the day, I worked it out to have had me walking at an average speed of 3.94736842 mph, so it took me 1 hour 16 minutes to walk. Well at least from my mathematics skill which may have let me down once more, but I’m not too fussed about that it’s let me down many of times in the past. So now here’s what I’ve done to work that out, first I’ve worked out how long it took me to walk 1 mile (I did that by dividing 1 hour 16 minutes by 5) which got me an answer of 15.2 minutes. So now I’ve got 15.2 minutes out of an hour so it’s a little slower than 4 mph, as that speed would be 15 minutes per mile so I tried an hour divided by 15.2 which lead me to the answer 3.94736842 mph.

But as I found out yesterday I had played RuneScape 3 before but last time that I played was 677 days ago on the 19th of January 2017. But it was probably known as RuneScape 2 back then, as the client still has the abbreviation RS2 before the web address, as there has been a new reissue of the classic RuneScape which is for mobiles/handheld devices which is called RuneScape Old School, which I have got also, as it’s basically the same game but the graphics are much improved on the newer one, but then there’s some improvements to the game for the new one, like the ability to teleport yourself to anywhere on the map where there’s an active loadstone, instead of just Lunbridge, it’s funny as I couldn’t remember where the spinning wheel was in the old school version so I just teleported myself up to the new space and I got the black wool that way instead of just going upstairs in the big house in Lunbridge. But then the whole Old School game seems to be much more popular, but that could be as in the Old School version you’ve still got the one central location (Lunbridge), so now I can miss out on “conversation” that is going on.

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