Saturday 1 December 2018

Day 1934

Day 1934;

Today I had a BMI of 19.03, steps had also gone up to 13,489 which means that I have walked 88.88 km and I had only burned off 861 kcal, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: ham, egg on toast I think.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot chocolate.
Snacks: did I have one today? I don’t know.

Now today I have had a very lazy day, but I have been out for a walk around town, where I met an old friend, from my past. Of whom it took me a while to gather exactly who he was. But then by the time that he said goodbye I recognised him. I should have known who it was straight away, as his first comment was about the football team that I support, and the jacket that I was wearing. If I could have spoke I probably would have said to him “who are you?” As he’s changed so much by his appearance, at least the little that I could see of him, as he was wearing a big coat, and then he’s the only one of my friends that talks to me about football.

That was while I was out walking then I got home and I went on a bounce while Mich was cycling, but he shocked me a bit while he was on his exercise bike as he went on his exercise bike for longer than I had done on the same course and his average speed was only a bit slower than mine, the same story was with his average Watts, so then tomorrow or some other day in the future I’ve got to have another go on his exercise bike, but for longer than I have been on previously, but I haven’t told you what shocked me about it yet, should I? Well yeah I’m going to, what shocked me was for some of the segments he managed to get the exercise bike the quickest that it has ever been, but then why didn’t he manage to get it quicker than me? 

Then after that I have been playing on RuneScape some more (RuneScape 3). I have been sorting out some of the Quests, the one where you’re sorting out Sister Anna’s death is pretty fun. It uses voice acting, which I know is a thing in RuneScape nowadays. 

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