Tuesday 25 December 2018

Day 1958

Day 1958;

My BMI today was 19.32, I had another lazy day only taking 3371 steps which was 2.22 km and my calories burned were 720.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: pheasant, stuffing, carrots, sprouts, mini sausages, more of the trimmings and “Christmas” pudding.
Dinner: mini sausages and porkpie.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.

Now today was another “Christmas” day but today I had a traditional Savage “Christmas” dinner (at lunchtime), which is as I think that my great grandfather was a gamekeeper so at this time of year he’d just kill one of his game (which was pheasants) of which he had been caring for, as a shepherd cares for his flock, throughout the year leading up to the points of their deaths usually by being shot by the folk that find fun in killing animals, but they live there lives in bliss until that day except from the parts where they’re being shot at, obviously, but you have to die sooner or later, you’ve got 3 options 1. Getting shot, 2. Becoming Fox food (or other predators available in the local environment), 3. Old age, so which would you rather die of? Now me I don’t care, but 1 seems to be the quickest and therefore the least painful, 2 looks interesting but finding an predatory animal is probably too difficult as the closest ones to me are probably in a zoo and how could I get myself eaten at a zoo? The animals are locked away from me in enclosures, 3 is a garrenteed way of dying off but it just takes too long .

Now today I have opened the rest of my gifts and I received Pokémon: let’s go Eevee so I’ve been playing on that game for the majority of the afternoon, well it’s my method of wasting time now, just taking a walk through Kanto just as I first did while it was in Red, but now this time it’s in full colour and now I can see all of the Wild Pokémon running/flying/crawling around in front of me just before I step in the way of them and I try and catch them but I still haven’t managed to challenge them to battle, at least not yet, but I have managed to challenge a few of the other Trainers though.

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