Sunday 9 December 2018

Day 1942

Day 1942;

My BMI for today was 19.16, again third day on the trot, 10,860 steps which was 7.16 km and I have managed to burn off  918 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange and banna.
Lunch: lamb, rice, carrots, broccoli, cabbage and I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 9 of my advent calendar.

Now on this day I have been lazy as in the morning I had made 142 steps, by lunchtime according to my watch. But I am thinking that Manchester City managed to lose their first game of the season today, or was it yesterday? I don’t know days have never been a speciality of mine.

Now today I have been busy, not in the morning as that was my new standard lazy morning, as could have been noted by the only 142 steps that I had walked by lunchtime. Then after lunch I walked to GM’s, but Mich got his car as he had to fix a fence panel in GM’s garden, so he had to run home to fetch the car with all of the fence repair supplies while I stayed with GM, to keep her company. Then we had to drive to the shop, to pick up some bread, as the shops shut early today. So we did that then we walked to the other end of town to visit GAK, who was in bed, asleep by the time that we had got there. So that was a quick visit so we walked home and then I had a little jog around the kitchen to boost my steps before I had my dinner, of which I have forgotten what I had for it, which’s a bit frustrating.

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