Wednesday 5 December 2018

Day 1938

Day 1938;

Day 5 of advent and my BMI was up, it was at 19.16, as were my steps to 13,015 which.concured with my distance as it was 8.57 km and I had burned off 1571 kcal, today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: sandwich (egg, spinach and ham in white bread), porkpie, lemon drizzle cake, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: takeaway (Chinese feast but I failed today), banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: Day 5 of advent and chocolate orange rice cake.

I have a question which is somewhere in between the how and the why, as I know both of those answers, but it’s the question in-between that I want to know the answer to.  Theirs got to be a word for it, hasn’t their? I suppose I could try reformatting the question, yes that’ll have to do.

It’s the question that I have been wanting to ask for a while now but I just haven’t found the correct words, to ask it correctly. Yes it is like that little story where you’re a cowboy, and you ride up to a bar/saloon then you stride up to a woman and you say “howdy o’ baby doll” and then words are exchanged and soon enough the 2 of you are heading off bedward, for a bit of “sexy time” but just as this is about to happen you’ve got so many questions running through your head, like how the hell did I just manage to get her? I knew she liked me as a friend but I thought that was it. Another thing you’re asking yourself is what did I say, and how did I say it? As I cannot speak.

Then also today I have been on a amall treadmill walk, of which I did in order to get my steps up, which it did do successfully. I think that it was a somewhere in the +10,000 step count, so I walked my daily steps, all in that one walk, and it also proves my laziness.

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