Sunday 16 December 2018

Day 1949

Day 1949;

Today was another disappointing day in terms of my Wii Fitness, as my BMI has fallen further to 18.78 as my steps were at only 1600 which meant that I’d only covered 1.05 km but I had burned off 605 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and grapefruit.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, mashed potatoes and apple pie.
Dinner: omelette (cheese) and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, orangeadem sprite and fruit squash.
Snacks: day 16 of advent chocolate.
On this day I have been to the other GM’s house, the Irish one, as we had to drive to go to their parking as it’s I think not really that far off France, which reminds me of something that GD said about France, “it’s a lovely place, such a shame about the foreigners” and then he started off on a tangent about how all the free movement of people has badly effected the French.

Hang on a moment I hear you all say “but that president Macron bloke is a real standout character,” and then you go off spouting drool like this “look he’s on the left, which means that he’s correct, more correct than you... you right winger.” As of which I’d probably say, if I could, that president Macron bloke has a freakishly low approval rating it was something like eighteen percent. Which is low especially when if you were looking at Mr Trumps, and “no-one” likes Trump, I thought he was the least popular president in history? But then why was his approval rating higher? It was something like fifty one percent, and that was for Mr Donald Trump. The leftist movements in the countries of the western world I’m thinking that they’ve got the whole of their hate filled retorted incorrect.

So that was a slight skip to the french president, what a joke is he, the EU’s lapdog, so then he and Mrs May must get on like a house on fire. But that’s enough about the EU’s lapdog, now what have I done today? I don’t think that I have done anything, at least nothing of value I think. 

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