Tuesday 18 December 2018

Day 1951

Day 1951;

I had a BMI of 19,00 tonight, I had done 11,328 steps which was 7.46 km and then 1287 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on bread, mince pie and Bailey’s chocolate log.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, cauliflower and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: day 18 and 3 quality streets.

I know that for this winter I have been somewhat lazy which maybe as I... cannot think up an excuse, I have just been lazy, minus the +8000 steps that I did this morning on a short treadmill walk. Seven days until the big day of celebration, almost half way through the dark.

But then today we’ve uncovered who’s going to be running our ski trip next year, and it’s a classic Labour supporter, so Mich has had a bit of fun, stating that as long as I don’t speak to him i’ll be fine, adding in it’s a good thing that I cannot speak, else we’d probably get thrown off from the trip, as everytime he told us to go left I’d go right, which would probably be amusing if I could actually tell which way is which instantaneously. But then I can’t it’s just with me guessing which is my left and right ski which is generally easy to do when skiing as if you’re going down the slope in an S, so you start at the top then you have to push your right ski down when you get to the spot that the person says left, or just turn, and then the opposite on the other way. But then again you could just not think about it too hard and just do it. Which is what I attempt to do with as I can’t remember which is my left and right skis, so I just go for the opposite, which serves me well enough.

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