Monday 3 December 2018

Day 1936

Day 1936;

BMI of 19.16, steps were up to 17,232 which gave me a distance of 11.35 km and I had burned off 2107 kcal, which was quite close to the goal that was set for me.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, apple, orange and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with sausages, bread, lemon drizzle cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner:  macaroni cheese, turkey drummers, banana, apple, strawberries, grapes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, hot fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 3 of the advent calendar.

Today I have been drinking a little bit more of those hot drinks, and I have been to the gym. Which was just as well I did go to the gym as other than the little treadmill walk I did this morning I had a pretty lazy day. But then again I cannot actually remember what I was doing for the most parts.

I had walked 10,000 steps before lunch as that was my treadmill walk sorted, out of the way. Then after I had finished my lunch, I had Mich for company today which puzzled me as he’d left in the morning to come back for lunch then to leave again until... when? I think a day later on this week, as he has to go somewhere else to do his job this “Christmas”.

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