Thursday 20 December 2018

Day 1953

Day 1953;

My BMI was again down to 18.81, which purplexed me as I had just eaten almost a whole chocolate trifle, which was compounded by me only walking 11,562 steps which was 7.61 km but somehow I managed to burn 1261 kcal off, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, definous potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now today I have been informed that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been appointed as Manchester United’s interim manager just until the end of the season. 

What is cool? Well within my opinion doing something your own way, not giving a dam about what your detractors are saying. Not following the herd. Not what all these millennials seem to think as they are seem to think that coolness is determined by the clothes that you wear, now I don’t want to hear anybody say that they shouldn’t wear something as they aren’t cool enough to wear it. Like what Mich said about this pair of Bluetooth headphones that he’d received for his anniversary the other week, which were bought for him so he could go outside to wash the car without having to use his wired headphones but he stated that he wasn’t cool enough to wear them out in public. To which I responded by telling him: that he certainly isn’t “cool” enough to wear them in public, but then again who is? I think that no one is “cool” enough to wear them out in public, but it’s the action of wearing them and not caring what others say which makes you “cool”. And as a side note I would like to ask you the audience of this blog who were the cool kids at your schools? As it’s up to your personal opinion as with my opinion it was the Emo kids, as they were all dressed in their own way listening to their own music in their own spaces. But then you could say that the cool kids from your school were the sporty people (jocks) and their babes, or you could even go so far as to say that the geeks/nerds were the coolest people from your school, I wouldn’t complain as an actual fact I had some pretty cool friends that I probably would define as geeks/nerds.

But today I have realised that if I can get my lips to close around (seal) the straw then I can drink the liquid, but the problem with that is that when I’ve got my lips sealed to the straw I find it difficult to remove my lips from the straw, Generation Z what do they think of Brexit? I wonder. That’s it that’s my question, when you have a retorical question are you still supposed to put a rethiricsl question with a question mark?

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