Saturday 8 December 2018

Day 1941

Day 1941;

BMI has been 19.16 for 2 consecutive days now, but my steps were only at 10,011/which means that I have only watched 6.59 km today and I have only managed to burn off 903 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette and something.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, fruit cake and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: something.

Today I haven’t been on top form, in fact I’ve been down in the dumps on form standings, which may have been at least in part due to the Boccia practice that I have been to today. Sitting down throwing balls at other balls for about an hour, I mean it’s not the most athletic of sports and you’re hardly going to injure yourself by participating, but then again what sports nowadays are you likely to get injured playing? Football? Aren’t they all just play acting when they go down nowadays? I mean nowadays if you can act you’ve got more chance to play for England than anyone that’s decent at football, or was that back in the days of Mr Speven Yourgan Eriksen, I know my spelling is atrocious.

So today I have also been to watch a football match, which was a good match I think at least, the score was 1 - 0, which was after a blisteringly good start to the game by the team that I support they managed to take the lead in the first half, but then the game was laboured for the second period, positively similar to the 1 - 0 in the first half games that I watched last season, but the only difference is that the opposing team didn’t score this time around, so that was a slight success in that context.

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