Thursday 27 December 2018

Day 1960

Day 1960;

Now today my BMI was 19.32, my steps had got to a more respectable number at 10,364 as I was told that I had walked 6.82 km and I had burned off 724 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and grapes.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, tomato, spinach, bread, mince pie and some sponge cake.
Dinner: ham, baked potato, cheese, pickle, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, Panna cotta and Jaffa cakes.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, Ribena and hot Ribena.

Now last night I watched Black Panther, and it was good but I realised that their was a bit of white guilt by the script writers thrown into the script also, but it was said by one of the black members of the cast, so it’s ok.... I’m thinking that they thought, the part that I’m typing about is the part where the Black Panther’s cousin starts off in his spiel about how he is going to use Wooconda to free all black peoples from under the feet of their white oppressors and the whole statement about how you (I’m typing about a different world leader now) don’t see how a nation of farmers could help the world have you been living under a rock for the past 50 years or something like that, ‘feed the world let them know it’s “Christmas” time, there won’t be snow in Africa this “Christmas” time, the greatest gift they’ll get this year is life, where nothing ever grows...’ band aid or something like that I think it was 1988 so only 30 years, no I was 4 years out, as it was 1984, unless that event never happened in the MCU but I’d have thought that it would probably have happened, as wouldn’t it fit in with Star Lords origins?

But then after that, so today I have been for a short walk around the neighbourhood, before the longer in time spent but at a much slower pace for my afternoon activity, so I had walked my 10,000 steps for the day, so I went upstairs to watch another film this time it was Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 which I thought was properly well done, as if it was another chance for the big mouse to play his favourite card, the race card, but he didn’t, so well done Micky you have managed not to ruin 2 of your franchises by taking an overly PC stance on the subject matter.  But Micky please before you attempt to destroy the Black Panther in a sequel, please don’t destroy him, as a character, don’t make him hate the “evil” white men as his cousin did before him nor let him start speaking in that ridiculous accent as he was doing at the end of the film to the other world leaders, as he was speaking properly throughout the film pior to the end so why did he suddenly put on the accent?

Then in the evening I got to play a little game of mini table tennis with Mich, and the game wasn’t anything competitive it was just testing me out at rallying the ball, I sucked at it I managed to rally the ball twice at max, which is better than my initial attempt. As I don’t think that I even managed to hit the ball .

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