Thursday 13 December 2018

Day 1946

Day 1946;

My BMI for today was 19.35, I had only made 11,465 steps by this point which gave me a total distance walked of 7.65 km and it also told me that I had burned off 801 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, plum, pear, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (BLT In malted bread with mayo) and something,
Dinner: cottage pie, cauliflower,p, broccoli, carrots and banoffee tart.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and fruit squash.
Snacks: melon, grapes, orange and apple.

 Today I have been attempting to have discussions about the latest Doctor, but mostly unsuccessfully. I’m attempting to find a discion on the Doctor as it may inspire me to trudge my way through the rest of the series that I’m currently on, which is the current series/with the current doctor.

It’s not that the current doctor is a woman, I was not bothered about there being a female doctor, just as with the male nurse. I’ve seen both in real life. In fact a female doctor is the best doctor that I know as she regularly injects my eyelids with Botox (to weaken the muscles so I can see). And then a male nurse I have seen at least one at the CHIS (Children’s Head Indury Service) when I was younger I mean there was at least three men that worked there and one I know was a nurse so the other two could have been nurses but I’m unsure. But that was a long time ago now. Since then I have seen many male nurses in the many hospitals that I have been to. But her devotion to lecturing the audience on gender politics, racism and whatever else is “wrong” with the world, according to the under qualified bunch of political activists aka. story writers of the show.

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