Thursday 6 December 2018

Day 1939

Day 1939;

My BMI was 19.21, my steps were a lowly 10,794 which were 7.11 km and I had managed to burn off 1421 kcal today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken club sandwich, apple, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: seafood pasta, salad (spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, onion and cucumber), bread and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snacks: lemon drizzle cake and day 6 of advent.

So today started off in the usual lazy way, then I managed to get in one twenty minute jog on the treadmill, after lunch before I got in another twenty minute jog as Mich was getting back but I really disappointed myself on that jog. So I had just disappointed myself by the lack Of effort that I put in to my last jog and I have forgotten what I have done for the rest of the day.

So that’s a bit of a blow...

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