Tuesday 4 December 2018

Day 1937

Day 1937;

My BMI was down again, it registered at 19.00. But my steps were also down, considerably as to 10,979 which had my distance to 7.23 and my calories burned were down to 1427, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: chicken club sandwich, banana, strawberries, apple, grapes and cake (at least I think).
Dinner: shepherds pie, chips, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Ribena and hot Ribena.
Snack: day 4 of my advent calendar.

So today as it happens was an uneventful day, except in RuneScape, where I’ve completed a few of the quests, in the new version not the old school version, I have been busily completing a load of the Wizard Tower quests, and now I know I am a Grey Wizard, like Gandalf was before he took Saruman’s place as the White Wizard. So what does this new title mean to my character? It means that I don’t fit into the other three types of wizardry. Which are the Blue (Saradomin), Red (Zamorak) and Green (Guthix) then Grey are the ones that don’t fit into the good (Saradomin), bad (Zamorak) and indifferent (Guthix) and the grey Wizard, is one that worships a different god or a non believer in any (which is my position).

Now today I have been lazy, basically, by that I mean I haven’t been on a treadmill walk I haven’t done pretty much anything during the day apart from eat, and tidy up the place. By the place I mean the kitchen and the shower room that I use, which was as I was remembering how Tini refused to take me to the gym until I had cleaned myself up as I was “stinky”, but there wasn’t anything wrong with me, other than I was really gassy on the day in question; I know that’s pretty big for a nothing.

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