Tuesday 8 October 2019

Day 2225

Day 2225;

My BMI today was 18.85, I had taken 18,862 steps (or 12.21km) and I have burned 1071kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, crochet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snack: rice cake coated in chocolate.

I have got the house to myself again tomorrow so that should mean an actual two hour or thirty mile, whichever is longer cycle round New York. Now that  should take me about up until lunchtime then I’ll eat my lunch which will probably be similar to my lunch from today (that being a sandwich and cake left in a couple of boxes with a few drinks left beside. Then in the afternoon I will probably be having another little jog on the spot/inside jog.

Now today I have disappointed myself on the bike ride as I only got in just over one hour, it was around New York but it was a slow ride. So slow in fact I believe that we, Mich and I, could most probably do better on a tandem, probably on our new tandem which we are supposed to be collecting Friday. When we are traveling up north to the wall of old Hadrian for a group tandem ride raising money for charity, Retina UK, which we are going to get to meet an actual Paralympic champion, Steven Bate, and we can ask him questions; well not me obviously as I cannot talk but I have lined Mich up with the questions that I’d like to ask him mainly how am I supposed to get a foothold in competing against other cripples and even then how am I supposed to find someone to compete with, as a pilot?

Monday 7 October 2019

Day 2224

Day 2224;

My BMI is 18.55 for today, as I had only only managed 13,683 which was 8.86km and I had burned 1094kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and cake.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese (tomato, mushroom and cheese) and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: rice cake and porkpie.

So tomorrow is yet another day like today which I am going to have the morning to myself, then after that morning I should be having the afternoon to myself as I don’t think that I have anyone for company. Or at least shouldn’t so I should be able to fit in a decent two hour cycle around New York, well by decent I mean a better cycle than my one about Innsbruck today, which I think I managed to get about ten miles in one hour,  which Mich says is good, as Innsbruck is in Austria and apparently Austria is a bit steep, as I know from going skiing over there (many many years ago), but that’s what happened today. I should really get onto something that’s still to come. Probably like my two hour cycle ride in New York, as I have planned, then I will probably have myself a jog on the treadmill in the afternoon, before I give myself a row and a bounce, which should probably be enough exercise for tomorrow.

Today I have had an hour on the Zwift bike (Innsbruck) which was followed by a little jog inside, when the window cleaners showed up I know I should have told Mich that they came by to clean the windows, not the PC’s the glass things that we look through. Then I forgot about the window cleaners. Which was good that they put a note through the door, then there was another little activity that I did in the afternoon, which I have forgotten about. I have been thinking that I could have done a tiny bounce, but then again no it’d probably have been some exercises.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Day 2223

Day 2223;

My BMI was at 18.68, my steps were at 11,254 (which gave me a little distance of 7.29km) and today I have managed to burn 1015kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: fish en crute, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, potatoes and cream cakes.
Dinner: omelette (cheese) and a pastry (strawberry and raspberry).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and fruit tea.
Snacks: apple cake, pink wafer and Tunocks wafer.

Tomorrow will probably begin with a little cycle, around the place which is on Zwift tomorrow, which could be London, NYC, Richmond, Innsbruck or Yorkshire, I do believe. Now I’m relatively confident that it won’t be Yorkshire, as I thought that it was on someday like Wednesday or Thursday, but then it was NYC today, as it was three days ago,  before that it was London, wasn’t it? No it was Richmond? So then at a guess it will probably be Innsbruck (or either London or Richmond whichever I didn’t have before I did NYC) then I’ve got that to look forward to tomorrow. After that I should be going to the gym later on in the day, whenever Tini gets back from work. Then nothing planned.

I totally mucked up my day. With only watching Mich have an excellent little ride on the Zwift bike and then in the afternoon I managed to get a little jog. So that was my day little lazy if I was one to critique. I should have got in a bit on either of the bikes.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Day 2222

Day 2222;

My BMI was 18.71, and I had only made 4941 steps (which was 3.13km) and I had burned

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: pasta bolognaise, cheese and cream cakes.
Dinner: fish en crute, runner beans, peas, broccoli, carrots and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit tea and water.
Snacks: strawberries, banana, orange, apple and peach.

Tomorrow I have got nothing planned for the day, so far that I believe that I could get in a cycle on Zwift, I may get in some time on the rowing machine, treadmill and another bounce on a trampoline. I should be able to get fitter tomorrow.

I have had a boring little Boccia practice for the day first, then I went to watch a football match in the afternoon. The football match was a very good game today even though the opposition team scored first and they left the pitch for half time leading. So the game was a very good game, as I have typed earlier on, because it was some very good play from the team that I support but then they (the opposition) had an excellent little break in play and they managed to score from it, then the team that I support were just banging on the door to no avail, and that’s how the half ended, so I was excited about the prospects of the team that I support when going back on to the pitch after half time. They came back out after half time, and they continued to press on the opposition, which actually led to a goal, which amazed me then it was a second goal scored by the team that I support, and their was a third to make it a three goals to one victory by the team that we were there to support.

Friday 4 October 2019

Day 2221

Day 2221;

My BMI was 18.58 today, when I had done 13,856 steps which was 8.97km and today I had burned 987kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: vegan pasty (runner beans, peas, carrots and others), spaghetti with mini sausages and Banbury cake.
Dinner: omelette (mushrooms and cheese, chocolate cheesecake and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and fruit tea.
Snacks: biscuits.

What I have got planned for tomorrow morning is for me to go to boccia practice in the morning then in the afternoon I believe that I’m going a football match of the football team that I support. I don’t know how they are going to get on in the match, but I hope that they win the match.

Today I had walked into town to get Mich and my lunch, then when we’d gotten back to home I don’t really know what we did apart from eat our lunches. But then in the afternoon I went on the Zwift bike for a small ride around New York City, Central Park, I really disappointed myself on Zwift today as I only managed to get myself up to a speed of fourteen miles per hour. When we should be able to get to average speeds of higher than that on the tandem.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Day 2220

Day 2220;

A BMI of today was 18.51, my total number of steps were 13,006 (which was 8.42km) and I had burned 1045kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: pasta bolognaise (tomato, mushrooms and onion), cheese and something.
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, peas and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.

Tomorrow I have got another little walk, to town, to purchase some stuff for lunch. Then I am unsure about whether we are going to have a go on the Zwift tandem tomorrow, or whether I should probably still have to go again solo for another Zwift ride.

Well today was a lazy day, I had a dentist appointment today. But I got in a tandem ride also, but we couldn’t manage to reach up to speeds of plus seventeen miles per hour, as we should be, there about as individually Mich has got an average speed of 18.7mph and my was only 16.6mph which when you split the difference the speed is 17.65mph. But then we only managed to get an average speed of 16.2mph which was a bit of a disappointment but then again we hadn’t managed to get up to a speed of anything like that on our own before apparently. But then again I had been thinking that we had done a sixteen point eight miles per hour on a return trip when we were on the tandem the other week.

The dentist appointment today was apparently a bad one for me, as I’m thinking that I have been drinking too much hot Ribena in the past. Then after today I hadn’t had another hot Ribena as the hygienist had told me that I shouldn’t be having as much high sugar squash, which I think is Ribena.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Day 2219

Day 2219;

BMI was 18,.02, steps I have taken were 26,648 which gave me a distance of 17.25km and I burned off 1674kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise (tomato, mushrooms and onion), cheese , tomato bread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: chocolate coated rice cake.

What is happening tomorrow, to me. As I know that Katherine Johnson Thomson will be going for gold in the heptathlon tomorrow as it’s the final three events of the heptathlon tomorrow and KJT is already in first place after four events  which was thanks to her speedy little dash over the two hundred meters, but anyway it was the first British success over two hundred meters of the day as there was another one also today, it was Asher-Smith that did it for GB’s first gold of these Athletics World Championships.

Then again that’s what has happened today and a bit about what can happen tomorrow what else is happening tomorrow will be myself going to the dentist in the morning, which should be a lazy morning, just as well that I had made my a thousand minutes of intensity for this week just after lunch today. But then again as I’m attempting to get myself ready for competing at the Paralympics next year, I have a long way to go. I still ain’t even found a discipline let alone a method of being spotted by the scouts, is that how you are supposed to compete? But I’m guessing that I’ll have to ask Steve Bate, in the Q and A one of the Saturdays coming.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Day 2218

Day 2218;

Now today my BMI was 18.09, I have made 23,495 steps, which was 15.21km and within doing the number of steps I had burned 1808kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and
Dinner: fish en croute, cauliflower,runner beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate coated rice cake and something.

Now tomorrow I have the house to myself again, at least for a most part of the day light hours. So I’m going to have another attempt at another two hour cycle in the morning, before in the afternoon I will get myself on another hour long treadmill jog before I finish off with another row. But then again I don’t really

Today I have had the house to myself so I have first gone for a cycle ride it was a nice two hour long ride around Richmond, but it was a bit of a disappointment as I had managed to get to sixteen point eight miles in the first hour but then I only managed to get thirteen point four miles in the second hour, which is a discrepancy of four point four miles of which I should probably have to get quicker in order to negate. But then anyway Mich took his turn on the Zwift bike yesterday around Richmond, he got eighteen miles in one hour which was almost two miles per hour quicker than I, so I think that he needs a new stoker which could get him up to eighteen miles per hour on the tandem that we have already got. Then he is always saying that the reason that he likes the tandem is the fact that he doesn’t have to try, the peddles just go around by themselves, he keeps bringing up box hill, leith hill and the third one which is just after them on ride London saying that he was just about to give up and walk up the hills when I just kept on peddling and we were up them soon enough, me, myself and I cannot really remember anything about the ride London only that it was a nice little ride around London, well you could say that it wasn’t a little ride, it was a hundred miles in one day, which I am going up north again sometime next Friday which is one to collect our new tandem and two to go up to Hadrian’s Wall for another one hundred miles cycle, but this time it will be over the course of two days.

Monday 30 September 2019

Day 2217

Day 2217;

So on this day I have had a BMI of 18.42, my steps were 19,048, which gave me a distance walked of 12.33km and I had burned 1172kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: rice cakes, spaghetti in tomato sauce with mini sausages and cream cakes.
Dinner: meat pie, peas and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: egg custard.

Now tomorrow I’m going to have a cycle in the morning then in the afternoon I will probably burn off some more tread on the treadmill, before I row for a few, a few what I don’t know; but it’ll probably be minutes. Anyway I have got to get myself on the Zwift bike and I’ve got to ride another 45.8km, or just over twenty eight miles which I could probably get done in slightly longer than two and something hours, as I did an hourlong ride today which was sixteen miles, so that doubled gets me to thirty two but then I have got to decrease my time as when I’m traveling I’ll get slower as I am human unfortunately and then I’ll also be getting weaker throughout. Which is probably why I cycle around on the back of a tandem of someone who is more able than I, so much so he managed to get the Zwift ride that he did today up to eighteen mph while mine was only down at sixteen mph but he had it going at nineteen point four mph for the first half hour of the ride, before he started flagging, which saw him post the quickest lap and the slowest lap, in the same ride. Which led onto him stating that I’m pretty consistent with my lap times, I don’t really see that though, quite literally usually. And I would just like to see if he could control the gears how much of a difference that would be, the other point of interest is him getting his tandem up and running on the Zwift.

Before all of that apart from the parts that have already happened, meaning Mich and my Zwift rides. I think that one of main differences between the two of us when we’re cycling around on Zwift is our intelligence, Mich is much more cycle intelligent than I, as in I get the parts that have it as you’ve got to change the gear lower when your on a climb and then up again if you’re wanting more speed on the downhill/flats. But I already know how to make a bike move quicker, it’s called spinning the peddles I know it’s not as efficient as it gets you out of breath before too long but it works, I know as many many years ago before I got myself hit by the automobile or two I was riding the red little bicycle (the one with no gears and the one that was for children to cycle), and Emu who is that bit older than I had her new bike with gears and we were racing around the block of houses which is outside our home and I had the beating of her when we were going up to the highest part of the course, just as I could get my legs spinning around quicker than her, then on the downhill I suffered as an was just spinning my legs which is just makes you feel tired meanwhile Emu could just switch to high gear and then go down the block at speeds of quicker than my own using less than half of the energy that I used. I am still that chap but I’m also not as I get the functions of gears, but it’s like the gears don’t get me.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Day 2215

Day 2215;

18.58 was my BMI for today, I had walked 12,256 steps which was apparently 7.93km in distance walked and I had burned off 1134kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread), kit kat and tunocks wafer.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, runner beans, carrots, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: coffee flavoured milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: kit kat and sausage roll.

Tomorrow I haven’t got a clue what is planned, but I will get a go on the Zwift bike hopefully they are running Zwift Academy Workout #5 as it was Zwift Academy Workout #4 today, but it is now only Zwift Academy Workout #5 that I have left to get done to have completed Zwift Academy, 92% complete.

Now today I have traveled back home from Yorkshire, I do like Yorkshire it’s great, the weather is just top notch as a local told us if you don’t like the weather one minute just give it ten minutes and it’ll probably have changed and as a general rule that seems to be the case, Zwift Academy 92% complete two days to complete the one activity that I still have to do, today on Zwift I got myself a nice little (half an hour) ride around Yorkshire I didn’t do enough to make it around the UCI course even once, so I’d be hopeless in the actual UCI World Championship, which was in Yorkshire this year.

Then also today I have had to go outside to aid Mich in doing something, which was the reason for me only going on the Zwift bike for half an hour, but what was it for? I cannot remember. Ah that was it, wasn’t it? Was it to help Mich take the new Guinea pig hutch down to the location that it’s to be stored in from now on. We haven’t got the Guinea pigs anymore but we’ve got a hutch for them to live in when school gets too much for them, just as it had done for them the other week, or six.

Friday 27 September 2019

Day 2214

Day 2214;

Not until tomorrow am I going to get back to my Wii Fit stuff, then today I have done 10,118 steps (which was apparently 28.0km which may have been as I got in a nice little tandem ride) and I had burned off 2589kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham) and slices (bakewell and fruitcake).
Dinner: cottage pie, broccoli, cauliflower and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: coffee flavoured milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: tunocks wafer and kit kat.

So what is up for tomorrow? I don’t think that I have got much up for tomorrow, minus traveling back down south for home.

But then today I have gone to the tandem shop, which is the only tandem shop in this here land, I do believe, J.D. Tandems. We had a nice little conversation with Jason (at least I think that is what his name tag said) who insisted that we left our tandem with them while we went back to the cottage to get changed into our cycling gear for us to come back in order for us to spend a day on one of their tandems, so that we would hopefully purchase a tandem from them, even though it wasn’t said exactly that way, it was said in more of a way for us to get back to them at the end of the day with feedback. But by the end of the day we had rode the tandem to the stop which Jason Suggested while we were there we met a couple of people that we knew from three years back, it was the Prudential Ride London, but they were quite a lot better than us on a tandem back then, they probably still are by that I’m meaning they’re still younger than Mich, I know that I’m the youngest there anyway I’m a cripple and we had 7:43 as our time and they had 7:23, twenty minutes in it I know it’s not much if you don’t think about all the things that you could do in twenty minutes. But then if you consider how long they stopped (were stationary) it really drags home just how slow we were, we were slow first five estimated miles we managed to keep up above twenty km/h then we dropped under twenty for three estimated time checks, before one above and then our quickest (thirty km/h), before our final two time checks which were over twenty km/h, just.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Day 2213

Day 2213;

Again I’m in Yorkshire but according to my watch I had only managed 5043 steps I must really tomorrow, but then my distance that I have covered was 61.7km and my calories burned were 3013kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and raspberries.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham), fruit cake and bakewell slices.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, lettuce, broccoli and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash. hot Ribena and coffee flavoured milk.

On the morrow I shall be visiting the tandem shop, I don’t think that it’s to purchase another tandem, it will be just to have a look around it. Just to give us some ideas of some things to talk to our local bike  mechanic about, you know the one that was wanting to make a titanium tandem for us. Then that’s for tomorrow but then I am unsure about what else we are going to do tomorrow, as that should probably take us about the morning before we have nothing else planned, but then Mich has probably got a train ride he wants to go on, or we could just go to the bike races whenever it’s on?

Then today we went out on the tandem to watch the UCI Junior Men’s Time Trial, which was half decent when we were standing around for ages, shivering, waiting for the bicycle race to come by, well if you’ve been watching the coverage on the television and you saw a tandem lying beside the course it was probably some time about one hour fifteen through the broadcast that is Mich’s tandem as Mich was looking watching the tv coverage, on iPlayer, and he got a bit irritated as the camera came up to the people that were stood a little way away from us before it jumped to his tandem or something like that.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Day 2212

Day 2212;

I forgot my Wii so I couldn’t get my BMI today but then again today I have managed to get 13,996 steps on my watch, which has been apparently 11.4km and I have only burned 2139 kcal, according to my watch.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and nectarine.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham) and cake.
Dinner: cottage pie, broccoli, peas, carrots, runner beans, potato and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow I won’t be getting my BMI, and what is planned for the day is for us to go along the route of one of the UCI World Championships races, in Yorkshire to view some of the racing in persons. As it is one of the reasons that we actually came here, another was as we were going to visit the tandem shop, JD Tandem, at some interval. Also during this holiday I endeavour to think up some questions for the Paralympic Champion Stephen Bate, as I do believe that we have a future engagement with him in a Q and A session, if I’m not mistaken.

Then today I have managed to get myself up to the steps necessary as I have been for a couple of walks, around Yorkshire, mainly about the fan park, I have also been on a Tacx trainer today for a minute and I have powered a little electric car around a little circuit, using peddle power, so both of those two instances won’t help me get my steps up for the day by my watch, so I walked around a bit with Mich. Also today I have had a walk about the course and watch some of the racing which was ending up at the fan park, Harrogate I believe, so we had some fun watching the local racer knock another local racer off of top spot for the podium before literally seconds later than he had arrived at the finish he was himself dethroned by the next man which crossed the line, so we don’t think that he even had a chance to sit on the throne. 

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Day 2211

Day 2211;

Now today I have got a BMI of 18.61, but I have only made 11,486 steps which means that I have only walked 7.44km so how I have managed to burn off 1139kcal?

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, plum and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread), rice cakes (yogurt coated) and some Swiss roll (sponge and chocolate).
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, tiramisu and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

For tomorrow I will be going off to Yorkshire with Mich to see the bicycle racing which is going on around there at the moment, which we started watching I think it was today on the box, or it could have been yesterday that we started to watch it but then again it may have been the disabled cycling that we were watching yesterday. Then today I thought it was the turn of the elite women cycling.

Ok so I have gone into a bit of what I have done today, already, and it was that I watched some of the UCI women’s time trial on the television. Which I should be going up-to Yorkshire tomorrow to see the men doing the same, but you already knew that as you can read. Now today I have been off skiing in a snow zone which is in England, as the indoors snow zones throughout England are probably the only places that you’re guaranteed to be able to have enough snow the whole year around to go skiing. My GoPro footage managed to capture some good stuff today, for that I’m pleased.

Then later on today I have also been on the Zwift Bike, which was an decent enough little ride as I had managed to get my average speed up to just over eighteen miles per hour, which has left me with one more activity to do on the Zwift program until I will have my Zwift Academy cycling badge thing. Then after all if I continue on doing this stuff on Zwift I may actually get somewhere with my cycling, I know that I’m half the speed of the pro riders at doing the Yorkshire course, as they were doing the same course as myself and I think that I had it done in about double the length of time necessary for the pro’s to do it, so that was disappointing. I must get it done quicker.

Monday 23 September 2019

Day 2210

Day 2210;

So for the day I got a BMI to 18.94, my steps were 15,687 which was 10.29km and I had burned 1023kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach, plum and nectarine.
Lunch: pasta bolognaise, mushrooms, cheese, Swiss roll and chocolate Swiss roll.
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Then tomorrow I’m going skiing with Mich, by the time that that’s done I’m thinking that I could get another little ride on the Zwift bike. So that’s what I have planned for tomorrow then I wonder what else I can be getting done tomorrow as it should be my final day at home of the week as I’m traveling off the Yorkshire for the second half, well pretty much, of this week.

So what does the Labour Party want to do to itself, does it really want to stand a chance to get back into power, at least within the current political climate (meaning Brexit)? As the plebs at the BBC were getting all excited about the opportunity that the Labour Party were going to vote on the subject of the Labour Parties stance on Brexit as they were hoping that the Labour Party were going all in on the subject of the EU, which made sense considering the BBC’s desires to stay part of the EU, and the rest of the London elite then I was wondering how could they expect to even win a majority in England if they were to adopt a policy like that, as the north of England which have traditionally voted Labour would desert the Labour Party just as they did when David Cameron said that they’d hold a referendum on the nations membership of the EU if he got elected without it being a hung parliament and now then it’s done they’ve gone back to they’re normal voting, and then we’ve got another hung parliament, as the Labour Party said that they’d enact the result of the referendum so that was the North back on side for Labour Party and now the Labour Party wants to disenfranchise the northern voters, as they want to be a full on remain party, apparently.

Friday 20 September 2019

Day 2207

Day 2207;

BMI was 18.68, steps I had done were 17,233 which was 11.16 km and I had burned off 1466 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in brown bread), grapes and something.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and Halloween trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cake and biscuits.

So tomorrow I have got some more Boccia to play, in the morning then later on tomorrow I have to go to the park, as it’s some town fete or fair thing and there’s a carnival precession thing which runs through the town centre which I have actually been involved in numerous times, I do believe, I mean I have definitely been in it once, as I can remember skating through town on my skates all dressed up in my hockey gear I think it may have been the time that we won the league that season, that’s over now. But then I think that Mich and I will only be going down to man the stall which will be in the towns fields which are a big area of land in the town. Then after that I think I have no plans.

Communism could potentially have worked in the past, by that I’m meaning about the time of our conception as a species but not any more, as we all like to believe that we are individuals, except those odd ones who want to believe that they are the same as everybody else. Then all of the people on this planet still need the same things to live on like everything else that’s living air, food and water.

Then today I have actually managed to get my steps up to ten thousand for my watch, 

Thursday 19 September 2019

Day 2206

Day 2206;

Now my BMI had recovered slightly at 18.51, I had taken 16,772 steps which apparently was 10.86 km and I had only burned off 1166 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in brown bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: ham, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, potatoes and Halloween trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snack: rice cake.

Tomorrow is only another day within my life and I have got to get my steps sorted out for tomorrow, I’m meaning my watches steps as I haven’t been making it up to ten thousand by that measurement for a little while now, which may factually be as I have been getting a bit obsessed by cycling recently but that shouldn’t be an excuse, so it’s not an excuse it’s just a random reason.

What I have been up to today has been going on another group cycle ride, with team Dimension Data (or J. Chu Chu who was the ride leader, I cannot seem to find out wether his name choice was inspired by Zelda or not, not that I’ve even bothered to find out). Anyway how would I find out? All I know is that in the hour that we spent cycling around Richmond, along a flat course as Chu Chu had stated in the beginning of the group ride it was something about it being on a flat course chosen by him to get the best (quickest) out of us. But then I only managed to get my speed up to the speed of the quickest for about the first three minutes before they really started to pull away from me then by the time that they had pulled away from me I would be joined by some of the others that had been left behind just for them to move on up to the front of the ride with relative ease, which highlights to me just how far I still need to go before I can call myself a decent enough rider, as I only managed eighteen mph in that Zwift cycle, which was me going flat out. Then some of the riders were also having a conversation while they were going, and they were able to go quicker than I, by something like two and a half mph on average.

Monday 16 September 2019

Day 2203

Day 2203;

BMI was 19.07, steps that I had taken were 10,772, which was apparently 6.97 km and I had burned off 905 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, watermelon, yogurt and egg custard.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages and bread.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese, Batternburg, banana, orange, apple, raspberries and yogurt.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m planning on doing some exercise in the morning because it’s the only time tomorrow that I am going to have to myself apparently, as Mich has got some plans for tomorrow, apparently. But what those plans are exactly I don’t know, but I know that one of them is to go to the hairdressers which will include me having to go to the hairdressers also, I don’t understand why we just don’t cut our hair off by ourselves it needn’t be anything too flash, it’s just hair.

Today I have had a positively lazy day, as I have only been to the gym in the afternoon and then I have had another jog on the spot for about an hour before I did my weigh in just to get my steps up to the required amount for the day. Also today I missed Workout #5 so I hope that I will be able to catchup on it sometime soon as I think that the Zwift program which it is part of, only has a couple of weeks left within its runtime (or ride time, as it’s for cycling not running).

Sunday 15 September 2019

Day 2202

Day 2202;

My BMI was 18.84, steps I had done were 35,099 which was a distance of 22.73km and I have burned off 1976 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange, apple and raspberries.
Lunch: baked beans, mini sausages, bread, chocolate chip shortbread, chocolate eclair and cream doughnut.
Dinner: chicken, sausages in bacon, potatoes, broccoli, peas, carrots and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit squash, elderflower presse and hot Ribena.
Snack: chocolate chip shortbread.

Then tomorrow I should be going to the gym, which will be a first time in a long time. So now then I have no other plans for tomorrow but I would like to get on the bike and ride around a bit before I go to the gym. But I’m not being very hopeful for that happening as I’m very lazy, to prove this just look at the number of these posts that I’m behind in on this website, oh sorry you can’t look at them as you can’t see them, what I mean is you can see from the lack of them that I’m seriously behind on getting my days in order.

Now today I have been on another one hundred kilometre cycle ride around, it was the same one that I did last year at about this time of year. But this time we beat the other tandem, it was the same two people as last year that beat us last year, but this time we met up with them before the start and we got off the line first by seconds probably as we were with them Mich was talking to them just before the departure. Then as we stopped for drinks and some snacks, for Mich as I was eating as I was cycling, they passed us, then when we had got back on our bike we were cycling for a bit of time before I spotted them in the distance and I started getting excited with my grunts and I was gesturing in a forward direction and Mich wasn’t getting the excitement so I just peddled on until he got the point, which was when we’d got up beside them , then the man on the other tandem said it’s a race, so I just had to oblige him with his request and I pushed the peddles to the floor with new vigilance which had us back in-front of the other tandem for the remaining part of the ride until we stopped again at the toilet stop which was for Mich to go to the loo and it was another chance for me to have a drink then the other tandem arrived at this stop after us then we both got back on our tandems at about the same time but we had made a better start by seconds again, just as at the start. But then just with about twenty miles left to go Mich had given up on the front of the tandem, at least he said that, so it was all  down to me that we still kept ahead apparently. So I took a look behind us at about ten kilometres to go and I thought it was them that I could see in the distance so I peddled harder from there. Just so you know we managed to beat them in the tandem race, so it is looking as if it will be showdown number three to see which of us are better? 

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Day 2191

Day 2191;

Now today my BMI has been 18.78, I have also managed 14,246 steps, only 9.22 km today and then I have burned off 1052 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and Batternburg.
Dinner: pasta, tomatoes and I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow I plan on doing quite a bit more on the treadmill, trampoline and rowing machine, as I have broke the Zwift bike today. By that I mean that it’s the turbo trainer that I have actually bent a component of, the component which actually attaches the bike to the turbo trainer.

Then today I broke the Zwift bike, as I mentioned earlier, it was as I was doing a Zwift Academy ride when the bike kind of jumped off of the turbo trainer. By jumped off I don’t mean that it actually jumped as that would be impossible I was only meaning that the actual cog which is part of the turbo trainer you know the part which the chain of the bike attaches to and the bikes gears are controlled on, well that bent. But I had already started off by jogging a five km in the morning of the day, and then after the eventful time on the bike I had myself another little jog on the spot. So all in all it was an eventful day.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Day 2190

Day 2190;

Today my BMI was 18.61, I had taken 19,469 steps (which was the equivalent of 12.61 km, apparently) and in doing that I had burned off 1813 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange, apple and raspberries.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and cake.
Dinner: pie, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I know is only a dream away, but then when I get there what will I be doing? Probably some more cycling as I started out on doing one of this team Dimension Data rides today, I suck at cycling on my own I just don’t understand gears properly, which is probably my problem but then as I must say that I must do better in life not just in cycling. Especially if I intend on earning the “love” and respect of a woman one day in the future, which is a crucial part of existence, isn’t it?

Now today I have been on a Team Dimension Data Race which was in the afternoon before that I had done another hourlong ride arrived Central Park, New York City, and I had done an hour workout on the treadmill, but then today I’m thinking that I have got an idea of why my legs don’t really tone the same way as other parts of my anatomy even though I use them quite considerably more, by that I mean within all the minutes of intensity that I usually get done on the bikes, treadmill and just generally walking around; my upper legs look fat on top of two pins. Which could have been as I used to do three hours of roller hockey on a Saturday morning but I didn’t eat anything in the three hours so I was using my energy building up the muscles in my legs then as soon as I had used up the food that I had eaten before, I was just eating up my newly created muscle which just left me with a load of fat, for my hamstring’s. 

Monday 2 September 2019

Day 2189

Day 2189;

BMI for today has been 19.10, my number of steps is 14,406, which was 9.98 km and I had burned 1519 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple and nectarine.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages, rice cakes, fried egg and cake.
Dinner: pasta, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, green leaves and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am unsure about what will be transpiring I’m guessing that I will probably get my exercise on the bike done nice and early, as for with the treadmill then it’ll probably be a toss up between the rowing machine and the trampoline, it’ll probably go down to the time that I have finished both the treadmill and the cycling, as if it still not too hot by the time that I have finished then I’ll get on with some rowing, unfortunately if it’s too hot then I will probably take the trampoline outside, for a bit of a workout if it’s too warm.

Then today I have had a nice enough ride when the Zwift bike broke, so that was a bit of a disappointment. 

Sunday 1 September 2019

Day 2188

Day 2188;

Today my BMI was 18.91, I had made 26,104 steps, Which may have been a lot of steps but a disappointingly small distance with a distance of 16.90 km and then I have burned 1736 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange,  apple and nectarine.
Lunch: pasta, cheese, green leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms and something.
Dinner: lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, fizzy orange, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m supposed to be going to athletics, but then as we all know that Mich hates going to the athletics place as it’s cold and he has nothing to do when he gets there, when I have suggested to him that we could tandem over to the place, then I’d do athletics, while he prepares himself for the return trip before we cycle back home after the event. He says it’ll be too dark in the evenings for us to cycle back then I thought that was the reason that he had put lights on the tandem, I could be wrong about that though (he may have put them on for reasons of fashion or something).

Then on this day I have been for a bike ride which was great, Mich and I on a tandem, completing the whole ride at an average speed of higher than sixteen mph, before we went skiing in the afternoon, with Emu and C,  Mich even managed to get a BMI of below 22 for the second time, since we started Wii Fit.

The tandem ride was great for myself, as the stoker, as I just have to worry about peddling, if I decided to call that a worry, which I don’t, then why did you mention the word worry? It just came into my mind as an expression one which means that I only have to peddle to ensure that the bike reaches its destination, I don’t care if the pilot of the tandem stops peddling, as he did after the twentieth mile of our thirty mile cycle which was two days ago, I do believe, as long as I can peddle I am happy. Peddling is a great way of letting off steam (meaning if I’m a bit pissed off I could then take out my frustration on the peddles, by stamping on them, which makes us go quicker).

Then skiing in the afternoon was excellent I managed to get some decent footage of our group skiing today which I still have got to put it all together for a little video or face the terrible fate of getting nagged by Mich. So I’ve still got that to make a video, which shouldn’t be too difficult, especially not with the GoPro software, I think it’s called “GoPro Quik”, as it’s a quick way for you to make something look relatively decent with your footage from a GoPro, but anyway Mich is now addicted to making thirty second clips of activities that we’ve done on his tandem.

Saturday 31 August 2019

Day 2187

Day 2187;

I had a BMI of 18.61, I did 21,250 steps which was 13.76 km and I had burned 2127 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle), cheese savouries, popadoms and cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, ta tar sauce,chocolate cheesecake and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate buttons.

Tomorrow morning is set up to be another group cycle ride, now just I hope that I can continue my form of tonight’s Zwift ride, which I managed to reach a good average speed on, and Mich had just been saying the other day that we individually had managed to get to the speed that I made it to today but I was unsure as I knew from my recent disappointing form on the Zwift bike I was averaging at below the lowest average, well he said that we had managed seventeen to eighteen mph and I had just managed I think it was sixteen point nine which was a day after I rode it up at speeds of seventeen point nine mph so what he had said was correct, just a bit dated.

Then today I have managed to get an average speed of... eighteen point three mph, but then again that was a ride I did in the afternoon, which I probably shouldn’t have mentioned, at least not now. As now I should be writing about what I have done this morning, and it was only a little treadmill jog, no park run even though Allergy said that she wanted to do something that would help with her quite considerable size, then I’m guessing nothing that may actually have an impact on her size/weight.

I guess that I’ll have to get a different way to get my five KM done perhaps by the one hundred meter track that I usually run Monday occasionally? Then again that’s two days away, but then again only if I actually go to run on it .

Friday 30 August 2019

Day 2186

Day 2186;

Now today I have had a BMI of 18.64, I had managed to do 26,765 steps which is apparently 17.22 km and today I had bu rned off 2410 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: ham, coleslaw, potato salad, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and cake.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes, chocolate and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, ginger beer and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow I was going to do the park run thing, as it’s the last Saturday before boccia starts up again. Then again I don’t think that it’s going to be likely that it’ll happen, as the only way that it could happen now is if Allergy decides to do it, and her lack of enthusiasm for the idea is certainly worrying.

Now today I have got back to a more usual routine, I’m meaning I got up then I had a cycle ride around London before I did a little jog on the treadmill. Now that was what I did before lunch, then after lunch I have been lazy even though I may have also done a two hour little cycle ride, now it was only a thirty mile ride, so I only managed to get to fifteen miles per hour as an average. Then my average speed for my earlier cycle was sixteen point seven miles per hour, then I have got a reason as to why I was so slow today but then what are reasons, if not a polite way of saying excuses, but some which should be helpful in assuring that the same doesn’t happen again, but seldom does.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Day 2185

Day 2185;

BMI has been 19.13, I have made 10,189 steps (6.60km) and I have burned 1256kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes, chocolate trifle and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Now then tomorrow I really should be getting back to doing some more of my exercises, to get me to into tip-top condition as at the weekend I know that we have got another group ride planned to go on and then theirs skiing that is also planned. So then come on fitness you’ve got to get me through the week up to the weekend.

This day I have helped Mich take his bike back, from the repair yard then we took I out for a ride, it wasn’t the ride that we wanted to go on but it was a ride nonetheless, we only managed to have an average speed of fifteen point nine miles per hour for the duration of the ride which for a ride of twenty five miles is kind of decent I guess. It may have been the only thing that I did today. I know I should be glad that I’m getting up to fifteen miles per hour on the tandem as we were only a little time ago still attempting to get up to fifteen miles per hour but now that we’ve reached it I want to go quicker.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Day 2184

Day 2184;

BMI was 18.87, steps were 21,062 which were 13.64 km and I had burned 1850 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (egg, tomato in brown bread)
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow we are going to get Mich’s tandem back from the repair yard, so then we can use the route that I planned out for us to use to get us back from the place today, well I know that I planned it out on the website it was under Mich’s instructions. Else it’d probably be a straight line on the map, from a to b, with out all of the places that we could visit on the way to point b.

Today I had a longer jog than yesterday I also managed to fit in my double thirty exercises. Then I know that I am bias, especially on the topic of Brexit. But what is the point of standing in the way of the will of the British people, just because some of the population, a minority at the time of the vote, lost and they’re the ones that have the loudest voices want to stop Brexit. It’s just so frustrating, and I’m not even in parliament attempting to get it to happen but just if you’re a politician and you vote against the bills for Brexit you should check your seat, as if it was a constituency which voted for Brexit which the majority did then you should back Brexit but then if not you shouldn’t vote for Brexit simple as, there’s no room for the self serving politicians in parliament at the moment, at least not until this Brexit is out of the way.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Day 2183

Day 2183

Now my BMI for today was 19.40, I had taken 14,527 steps (which was apparently 9.41 km) and I had burned off 1361 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: sandwich (Coleslaw, ham in white bread) and something.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot Ribena.
Snacks: banana, orange, apple and ice cream.

Tomorrow I think I should probably be getting back to doing something which actually could make me fitter, as today I have had a lazy day but I may be able to get in another slightly longer jog tomorrow.

As on this day I have been into London with Tini, so it was no long walks around the streets of London it was just get off the train at a station then instead of walking the streets it was walk the minimal distance to the tube train, then get on the tube and ride it to another station one which is close to my eye hospital then we had another little walk to the park outside the hospital. Where I had myself a little walk around the park and I almost walked into the Doctor which was injecting my eyes just a couple of minutes later.

So I had my eyes injected and I could see once more then we walked back to the tube station before boarding the train which lead us back to the other station where we purchased our lunches and waited until the correct train arrived at the platform. When the train had arrived we boarded that train and rode it to our stop, which was decent enough, it got me from a to b then the car journey home. 

 Now today I had only managed to get a half hour jog. So disappointing I only got a little thirty minute jog in the evening after all the time I spent sat down today, deplorable. How do I expect to even get myself fit enough to compete at any level let alone Olympic (or Paralympic) level this rate?

Monday 26 August 2019

Day 2182

Day 2182;

BMI is up at 19.10, steps were down to 14,116 which was only a pitiful 9.14 km and I have burned 1121 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: Lasagna, macaroni cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, chocolate trifle and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: buffet and Eaton mess.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow shall be another lazy day as I have got to go to London in the morning to get my eyes sorted then in the afternoon I guess I should probably be getting fitter, hang on I should be getting fitter, especially as it’s the Paralympics next year and I’m still no where near even bothering the selectors, for anything, not even handing out drinks to the athletes who are competing.

Today I have been reeling over the shock victory of yesterday it was as Mich had said when England were down and out of the tie, when England were down at there last partnership with still over one hundred runs still to get, but then the next time we got into the car the radio said England have eighteen to win, and Leach still hasn’t got off the mark , so he was still on no runs which meant that Stokes had managed to pull something special out of the bag, extra special seeing how he was only on two runs from yesterday.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Day 2181

Day 2181;

I have got a BMI of 19.00, I have done 28,047 steps which was apparently 18.61 km and I have burned 1899 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: fish, broccoli, carrots, peas, cauliflower and potatoes.
Dinner: buffet, chocolate trifle and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: cherry bakewell cake.

Tomorrow I will be getting back to a more normal routine and I may have managed to get over two shocks of the day, the first one being in sport, with Ben Stokes performing so well in the Ashes today, to win the match, let’s not forget the man who allowed him to do it, Jack Leach by staying in with him and his impressive one run to tie the game, before Ben Stokes hit his final four of the game. To seal the win and to level the Ashes cricket series back at one all, which leads the five game series with three games played in the balance. For the next game to be played at some point in the future. But then the other “shock” I’m unsure of whether it really is a shock as it should probably have happened years ago and then I was eating my dinner at the time which was very good so I’m unsure of whether it was that I was enjoying the food too much to be shocked at the time, but either way it wasn’t a shock.

So today I have failed at the two device ten thousand step goal challenge as I had accomplished my goal on the Wii Fit meter but then not on my watch as I had been on a cycle in the morning and then I had been being helpful for the afternoon as I felt as if I was in debt to Mich for the amazing cycle ride which we had accomplished in the morning.

Amazing cycle ride that I had in the morning was one that Mich has finally stated that he’s fully comfortable with the cycling in the group, as in with him stating that he’s finally sure that we can keep up with anyone in our group, which was only as the best rider that was in our group for the past two rides wasn’t, and he is if you must know, according to Mich and I would probably have to agree, right up there just below the likes of Chris Froome and Geriant Thomas that is how quick he is at cycling, I mean the way back to the town that we live in from a place that we stopped at for cake the other week he did it at 20 mph average whereas we who had left in a group averaged at something like 15. I know that we may have got stopped by some cars on our way back home but so may he as this is just a little group ride not a national road race thing all the roads are still open for traffic to use.

Saturday 24 August 2019

Day 2180

Day 2180;

My BMI was 18.78, steps that I had made were 20,357 (which is apparently 13.18 km) and I had burned 1348 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: pasta (cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and peas) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, lemon meringue, chocolate trifle and biscuits.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am going on another group ride with the cycling club, for the morning. Then I think that Emu will be coming in the afternoon well at about nine o’clock in the afternoon, and I’m not too sure about whether C is coming or not, I’m not even sure of the reason that they’re coming, so I’ll think that they’re coming as they want to, but myself frankly I have better things to do with my time than spend that long in a car.

Then today I have had a bit of a lazy day, as I only got myself to fifteen miles today on the Zwift bike. I hadn't even managed to fit in a jog on the spot today, which kept me on twenty five miles in distance that I have jogged so far this week. Then again I have been to the gym today also, in the afternoon, which was fun but it was a bit frustrating as I had to use the car to get to the gym (as the mother of all lazy herself was taking me, and she decided to waste extra petrol today). 

Friday 23 August 2019

Day 2179

Day 2179;

My BMI for today was 18.94, I had done 36,878 steps which is about 23.88 km and me doing that it had me burn off 1926 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta (with cheese, tomato, cucumber, mushroom and tart (strawberries and raspberries).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow my new phone case should be arriving, I think, but instead of being for Mich’s old phone my new phone the one which I broke, somehow I’m not one hundred percent sure of how I broke it but then everyone else seems convinced it was as I kept dropping it, then I thought that was what it’s own cover was there to protect it from. But then isn’t it also a bank holiday tomorrow?

I had made my way up to one thousand five hundred and ninety six minutes of intensity for this week by the time that I had finished my activities today as I had been having a good day. As it started off with me riding the Zwift bike, then I went off to have a drink and snack before going off to have a bounce before I had my lunch but I hadn’t managed to get my watches steps up to ten thousand yet. So after lunch I had another bounce and I also did a little jog, on the spot, while I watched Terminator, the one time Arnold says “I'll be back” just before he drives a car through the front wall of the police station and preceded to massacre the inhabitants is such an iconic scene.

So that takes me up to the end of the film then I think I was slightly lazy until Mich returned and then we got out on his tandem. He likes the GoPro so much I think he’s wanting to use it on one of our group rides in the future, at least now he understands how to use it.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Day 2178

Day 2178;

18.87 was my BMI, I had apparently walked 24,570 steps which was apparently 15.91 km and I had burned off 1895 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten what I had for main and chocolate cheesecake.
Dinner: pasta (cheese, courgettes, mushrooms) and chocolate cheesecake.
Drink: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I plan on starting off my day on the Zwift bike for a bit of time, then I plan on going on the trampoline until my watch buzzes at me, informing me that I have completed my ten thousand steps then it’s my plan to row until lunchtime. After lunch I will consult Tini on my problem with my computer then I’ll probably have enough time for me to do another cycle ride.

Then today I have had another idea for Mich to get out on his bike, which he has been stating that he’d like to do for a while now, but then he can’t seem to find the time and then who would ride with me on the front of the tandem, we both know that I’m not a factor in his ability of riding a bicycle, as he is an “old pro” at riding a bike, then I was thinking that as P and myself managed to travel at a speed of quicker than the minimum speed of a tea and cakes ride then we would have the speed to keep up with the rest of the group so that would mean that if they were having a tea and cakes ride on a day that coincides with either Emu or P coming along with me on the back then we could both go on the ride and just if Mich is feeling tired Mich could swap with either Emu or P at anytime in the ride. Mich thought that it was a good idea.

That today I have been on a jog for my morning before I did another small Zwift cycle which was before I had been to the gym in the afternoon. Then in the morning I had managed to make my way up to one thousand minutes of intensity by the end of the day I had managed to get to one thousand and ninety eight minutes of intensity. By the time that I had got back from the gym.

It was an interesting day today as I had broke my phone today, so I failed my thirty thousand steps, which was over the three devices to get me to ten thousand steps on each, which I only haven’t managed to make it to ten thousand on my phone. 

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Day 2177

Day 2177;

My BMI for today was 19.10, my steps were 29,511, it was 19.11 km that I had walked, apparently, and I had burned 2271 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: pasta (seafood), chocolate cake and bread.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Whatever the day, tomorrow, brings I don’t know but as I have got myself up to six hundred and sixty one by lunchtime today, which is up on my goal for at this time on this day, in order to get up to one thousand minutes of intense activity by Thursday night I should be at six hundred and twenty five by lunchtime today, so I’m already up thirty six which makes a change, now it’s just about time to see if I can continue my form, of today, for the rest of the day, and week. So that is going to be part of my plans for tomorrow, to continue my good morning form.

By the end of the day I had got myself eight hundred and seventy six minutes of intensity for the current week so I have got a high probability of getting it to one thousand minutes of intensity for Thursday, then I may even get it up to double at least for the second week in a row. But then today I had done a a job and a bounce before the morning was up which helped me by getting myself up to twenty thousand steps, for the day. Then after lunch I was being slightly lazy apart from the one cycle that I had done this afternoon as I cycled to the GM’s current habitation then back home. Which was fun especially the return trip, as I thought it was amazing with us both pushing through the head wind still keeping up to speeds of ten mph, when the wind was traveling across the Andy’s field, it’s an old air field. I enjoyed that traveling not very fast into a head wind so it feels as if I’m traveling much quicker it may have been as my eyes were closed that it felt like it was at a speed.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Day 2176

Day 2176;

My BMI today was 19.07, I had made 24,965 steps (which was apparently 16.16 km) and I had burned 1383 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti with mini sausages, bread (brown) and lemon cake.
Dinner: pasta (seafood), bread and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

For tomorrow I don’t think that I know of any plans yet, at least. Then again today has only started about eleven hours before when I have started to write this today. So I’ll give it a bit more time for me to workout what is going on tomorrow. Then the plans for tomorrow will be, I think, me getting myself fitter on the gym equipment that I have at my home before we get out on the tandem later on in the day, but Mich was shocked that we dried off in our tandem ride through the rain as we had only gone in the rain for ten or so many minutes but then after we had left the rain we spent our time in the sunshine drying off with our body heat stoking up the heat of the sun, therefore doubling, or there about, the efficiency of the ride at drying us off.

Now today I have been been on a big old bounce and a little old ride around London, on Zwift. According to my watch I bounced about five miles but then according to Zwift I rode seventeen miles, so I’m guessing that you probably could say that my descriptions of the activities are wrong to that I would probably say that you were correct. But then I’d say that I have some poetic license to say what I like about my activities and then you could do something and then say something about it which is similar to what I have done, so why don’t you?

Last week I had done one thousand three hundred and seventy five minutes of intensity by Saturday morning, then by the end of the day I had done one thousand seven hundred and sixty two minutes of intensity by the end of Saturday. Then by Sunday lunchtime I had done one thousand nine hundred and twenty five minutes of intensity which was before I had been on the tandem with Mich, which I must have done another two hundred and six minutes in the one cycle which gave me a total of two thousand one hundred and thirty one minutes of intensity for the week, which is greater than double the number that I had set for me to get in a week. 

But then this week on Monday I had only managed to get two hundred and forty nine which is one off from where I should be if I was to get one thousand by Thursday. Then tonight I had only managed to get up to four hundred and eighty four which is another sixteen down from where I should have been. It could have been for many reasons, but the one overriding reason is that I hadn’t put in enough effort to making myself fitter today, so I must address that in future days.

Monday 19 August 2019

Day 2175

Day 2175;

Now today my BMI has been 19.00, I have done 20,325 steps or 13.16 km and I have burned 1873 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, nectarine and grapes.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, rice cakes (salt and vinegar), lemon cake and chocolate.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes and tart (nectarine and peach).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

What will my future bring? I don’t know, but I have got some hopes, dreams or really ambitions, for where I want to go on the journey of my life. One of the most prevalent ambition is to compete in an Olympics, or Paralympics. The only way I can fathom would be if I get good enough at a sport and I don’t really have one, so therefore I am getting myself fitter to that end I would be able to best fit any role that anyone would require me to do to compete at the highest level, even swimming but I only have my own word that I can still swim; I haven’t actually tried it in many years, and I’m going to try to have a go at the “Superhero Triathlon” sometime next year probably.

Then I have no idea of what my classification would be as PT1-PT4 all classify as people with mobility impairments such as weak muscles and I don’t think that you could classify me as any of those, but then again I may fit into the classification PT4, as it says the least impaired for PT4. Then the PT5 classification says that it is for those that are visually impaired which I probably would consider myself as but then I know that I “suffer” from dystonic posturing of all four limbs, what does that mean? You may wonder, to be honest I don’t know, I have just heard it being said about me by someone that probably knows a little more than me in the topic of my disability, plus I what my limbs are, my arms and legs, and I have heard the word spasticity come up a bit while they’re talking about me and my condition, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were to say that the whole use of the word dystonic probably means spastic which is generally muscle weakness  caused by brain damage which I have had in the past. But that was many years probably over a decade. By now I really should be back to normal, well as normal as I ever have been.

The World Paratriathlon is a race which covers seven hundred and fifty meter swim, a twenty kilometre cycle and a five kilometre run, now first thing that I did today was a little hourlong  treadmill jog when doing I think that I got to five kilometres as the distance on the treadmill was saying over five and then later on I have done a twenty mile ride on the tandem with Mich which I think only took just about one and a half hours. 

Sunday 18 August 2019

Day 2174

Day 2174;

My BMI was 18.64 (again), I had walked 24,600 steps (or apparently 15.93 km) and then I had even managed to burn 2264 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in white bread) and lemon cake.
Dinner: fish en cruet, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, orangeade and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am unsure about what I have got going on, apart from going to visit GM on the tandem bike, which I am unsure of due to the weather. But I will be getting fitter either way, tomorrow.

Now then today I have “needed” my inhaler, only as I was sounding like a traction engine when I got myself up this morning, and I wanted to go for a morning hour jog, on the treadmill so I decided that it’d probably be better if I was to accept the offer of the inhaler else wise Tini will get protective over me and she may not have allowed me on the treadmill.

So I had got onto the treadmill for a jog in the morning after the inhale, and I had only managed about half an hour (slightly less in actual fact, fifteen seconds less) then I decided to pause it to get a cloth so that I could see as sweat was dripping off of me and into my eyes and to pull my trousers up as they were slipping down off of me which I chose to take my phone out of my pocket before I did the last twenty minutes of my jog which I had paused my workout again at about forty minutes to do much similar to before but I had spent too long with it on pause the second time, the treadmill deleted my activity, so I just had to do my final twenty minutes from scratch.

Then later on today when I was eating my lunch Mich arrived back and told me that I could go for a tandem ride after I had finished my lunch, so I finished my lunch and then we went out on the tandem but it was a decidedly windy ride, so I only managed to get less than a hundred Watts done today (on average), my last tandem ride (before) gave me only one hundred and eleven Watts but my Zwift ride yesterday gave me one hundred and fifty Watts.

Then after I had finished my day I went off to bed, just then I realised that I still hadn’t done my thirty sit-ups for today and I did them then, as I was doing that I decided to give a go at doing thirty crunches also so that is what I’m planning on doing from now on. Let’s have me doing thirty sit-ups and crunches every morning, it’s going to be fun.

Saturday 17 August 2019

Day 2173

Day 2173;

My BMI was down again (to 18.64), my steps increased slightly (to 23,401), my distance walked has been 15.15 km and my calories burned have been down to 1403

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, grapes and nectarine.
Lunch: macaroni cheese, turkey drummers and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sandwich (chicken, lettuce and bacon in white bread) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow is set out to me to be a mystery, to me at least. As I don’t know what time when people are going to get here at, and Tini is supposedly getting back at midnight tonight, Allergy is off somewhere with B and Mich is off somewhere else with his work, but he should be arriving sometime later, tomorrow night.

But then today I have gone to the gym, and I had been on the lateral trainer and exercise bike. Then when I had got home I had my lunch, eventually. After having a wash and getting changed, as that was the only way that Tini was going to allow me to have something to eat for my lunch. Next up in important events that happened to me was that Tini left, off to visit Emu, do I took this opportunity to ride in New York but I’m unsure if the sky lanes are really in NYC, Central Park, because it all seemed a bit too Hollywood to be real. It seemed to me to resemble something out of Back to the Future 2. Well I was riding around for an hour I had only managed to get something like thirteen miles in that hour, which was honestly pitiful, and then I stopped and I had a drink before going back on the bike for another hour which was approximately another pitiful ride with me only getting something like another twelve mile rode in my second hour.

Then I had another drink and a snack, before I had my dinner, then after dinner I did my weigh in, on Wii Fit. So now all I have to do is wait up until Tini’s arrival, so I made myself a nice little mug of hot Ribena and I got myself a rice cake, and I’ve sat down waiting.

Friday 16 August 2019

Day 2172

Day 2172;

BMI today was 19.04, steps I had made were 21,496 (which was apparently 13.92 km) and I had burned 1707 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, grapes, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in white bread) and cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, tango (orange) and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow it’s going to be weird as I have not a clue what is going to happen beyond the morning, that is, as I know that I have got the gym planned for me to do. Then whether I am travelling with Tini to the city of Emu’s habitation I have not got a clue, just if I do then I’ll probably be sat upon an exercise bike for the remaining part of the day as you opposed to staying here and then I will probably got on the Zwift bike for the afternoon.

Then today I have not done any cycling, so what did you do today? I don’t know, at least not now... but now I have got a clue about what I have actually done today, as I went to the gym in the gym in the afternoon, before that I had another half hour treadmill jog and an equally long bounce. Now in between the two activities I had my lunch and before the activities I had breakfast, and before my breakfast I had done a bit of my thirty sit-ups, I didn’t manage to get myself out for a decent jog,

I also remember thinking “what is wrong with us, as a species?” today as well. It was just as if you look at all of the animals that are alive, and probably all that have come before, how many of the species have used plates to carry there food, they probably all have just eaten it off of the floor, within the thirty second time limit or not, as I have had dogs living with us who would get to the food that we had dropped before we had even realised that we had dropped it the majority of times, and then the guinea pigs are getting left the apple peals and other parts of our breakfast fruit each morning, it is left outside of their hutch(?) in the run which is outside (I think it’s called a pen, as the hutch was used for chickens previously).

Thursday 15 August 2019

Day 2171

Day 2171;

BMI had plummeted to 18.91, as I had only made 26,392 steps (17.09 km) and I had burned 2190 kcal today.

Breakfast : cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, lettuce and bacon) and cake.
Dinner: fish en cruet, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, orangeade and hot Ribena.

So what I have planned for tomorrow is probably going to be much more of the same for the morning and then in the afternoon I have got the gym planned, I hope that all goes as planned though tomorrow much as it did today, as I had nine hundred and fifty four intensity minutes before I had my lunch then I had one thousand one hundred and fifty four (which is an increase of two hundred) by the time that I had my dinner, and I had only been only been out on the tandem, for about one hour thirty, then again I was getting told by my pilot and on Strava that it was a better than average performance, which may have been as the pilot was actually trying today instead of leaving it all up to the stoker (i.e. me).

So today in the morning I have done my thirty sit-ups, before my little jog around outside. After that I was on the treadmill for only twenty minutes then afterwards I went back on the trampoline so I was now up to the step goal for my watch, as well as probably phone and Fit meter. But then I still had a nice morning cycle around London to do. So I have done an hour long ride before lunch which boosted my steps on my phone and Fit meter then not so much for my watch. Which was my morning activity.

In the afternoon I had been relatively lazy as I hadn’t done anything else active until we went out on the tandem which we had been doing some proper speed along some of the roads, then Mich had to stop as he said that he had caught a bug in his helmet, then he protests when he’s saying that he doesn’t get why I hate stopping while we are out on the tandem as don’t our Garnin’s have auto pause, feigning ignorance I think, it’s as when he’s going to stop he slows the tandem down, obviously, which doesn’t activate auto pause until you’ve stopped, even then after a few seconds of being stationary. Then all the time that he spends on reattaching his shoe onto the pedal adds up. Then there was the traffic that we could have got out in-front of if he hadn’t decided slow down and then wait until the whole load of cars had gone by and it wasn’t as it we went going the whole way along the road; we were just turning left onto the road to take the first right turn.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Day 2170

Day 2170;

On this day I have got a BMI of 19.04, which should probably be surprising seeing as I have only made 11,243 steps (which was a distance of 7.23 km) and I had only managed to burn 929 kcal today, according to Wii Fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, peach and yogurt.
Lunch: seafood pasta and cake.
Dinner:sausage casserole (with baked potato peas and carrots) and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

So for tomorrow I’m thinking that I should have another plain old morning where I could as probably should be doing more which should mean that I do my morning thirty, before a little jog around outside. Before I go on some of my exercise equipment at home, then in the afternoon I have been told that the plan is to go out on the tandem, if weather permits that is.

Now I didn’t make the second part today, as in I got up and then I did my morning thirty but I didn’t get in my morning jog. As I was lazy, then I’d finished my breakfast and I made some changes to what I had wrote for this thing for previous days/completing the posts. Before going out to exercise, then as I was just sitting down on the rowing machine Tini burst in the room, she was saying that as it was still a pleasant morning we should drive around to the gym so that she could go to the shops on the way back to pick up shopping and stuff before it rains later, and I could do something in the gym equipment at home later on, which had me thinking that I could go to the gym in the rain, as it’s inside, I went along with it anyway.

Anyway it started raining while I was at the gym, so I had Tini complaining about how the rain was cold. To me until she found something else to complain about. Now that was about it for the morning, after lunch I had been cycling on Zwift, around London I got over tower bridge, before I started up fox hill, and I have just remembered that I had got a new battery for my Wii Fit meter this morning after the gym. So it was input into my Fit meter in between the getting home from the gym and me actually having my cycle ride (Zwift) but so far this week I have done 770 minutes of intensity and it’s only Wednesday so maybe I could have it up to one thousand minutes by tomorrow? I don’t know what I do know is that I’m excited about it. Before that though I also did a twenty minute little jog on the treadmill as well as a bounce on the trampoline, which was just to get my steps up by my Fit meter as I hadn’t had the five thousand burst from my time at the gym, earlier on this day.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Day 2169

Day 2169;

My BMI today  was 19.23, I had made 17,773 steps which was only 11.51 km and I had burned off 1124 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, orange, banana, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: seafood pasta, chocolate trifle and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate brownie and chocolate covered rice cakes.

Now tomorrow I am having a undecided day, as I want to be able to get up and get fitter at will, how life never works like that, from my experience at least. Wouldn’t life be so glorious if you could just say at the beginning of the day something like “today I am going to become ten times as fit as I was yesterday”, and then by the time the day ends you are that fit, but then life has so many curve balls to throw at you. Like the need to eat and drink, so much bother.

Then today we have been to the Snow-place for first a go on a snowboard, as a lesson, then next I went for an hourlong ski, with Mich. As Mich is a confident enough skier nowadays to just go to our most local snow-place and just ski around in it, as for me I have no confidence in doing anything but i’ll just give it a go, anything I’ll give anything a go.

Then before that I was getting my steps up in the morning, so as usual I did my thirty sit-ups and I had another jog around outside, next I did myself a bounce and then a cycle on Zwift. The bouncing around part and the morning jog was enough to get me to 10,000 steps by my watch.

Monday 12 August 2019

Day 2168

Day 2168;

My BMI was 19.33, steps were 18,585 (which was 12.03 km) and the amount of kcal burned was only 1340.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: rice cakes (salt and vinegar) and some cake.
Dinner: sausage casserole, mashed potato, green beans, peas, carrots and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow cannot come soon enough, or something like that, as I am looking forward to tomorrow afternoon I do believe. As I’ve got another snowboarding lesson planned for me to take. Then after the snowboarding lesson I think that Mich will be coming out onto the slope to join me in a ski session, as it’s such a waste to travel all that way for one snowboarding lesson and nothing else.

Now today has been disappointing as we were supposed to have a cycle ride, on the tandem today, but it was raining so it was decided for me to go to the gym instead. Which I should probably have been thrilled about, as nowadays I so rarely go to the gym I’m thinking is it even worth the expense in my continued gym membership? The swimming pool is probably the next place as I have been told that if I can still swim and the person clears me for that task, then I can just go up to the gym for swimming any time that I feel like it, which would make use from my gym membership and that way it wouldn’t be such a waste plus if I could get back into the pool and into swimming then I might be able to have a go at a para-triathlon, which has been a goal of mine for approximately as long as I can remember, which means about the last 35 seconds, now that’s cruel there Red, but true, I know it maybe true that I cannot remember that far back in the past but it has been a goal of mine at least since I started asking Emu about it, a while back, which makes it back further than you can remember.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Day 2167

Day 2167;

My BMI was 19.36 today, as I had made 28,861 steps, which were about 18.69 km in distance walked and I had burned 2083 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach, strawberries and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (prawn open sandwich [prawns, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, bread and seafood sauce]) and Victoria sponge cake.
Dinner: chicken, green beans, peas, carrots
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry)
Snack: Victoria sponge cake.

Tomorrow is a day which I should be going on a cycle ride in the afternoon, the cycle ride should be on the tandem. But then other than that I don’t think that I have anything else planned. So I probably should get onto some more of my gym equipment, the treadmill and the rowing machine and then probably the trampoline (which is Allergy’s) but she rarely used it.

And today I have had an not so lazy morning as I have been on a group one cycle to some farm foods eatery place, which I had a slice of Victoria sponge cake at. So that activity had my steps sorted for today, at least for my Wii Fit meter and the phone, but not for my watch, luckily I had already been doing a nice little jog around this morning which had me up-to five thousand steps before I even started on the ride, so it was only a little bit of jogging that I would still have to do to get me up to ten thousand steps for my watch, which I did today.

Saturday 10 August 2019

Day 2166

Day 2166;

My BMI was 19.23, the number of steps that I had made was 22,144 (a distance of 14.34 km) and I burned 1930 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, peach, plum and yogurt.
Lunch: soup (scotch broth with bread [white]), chocolate mini rolls and shortbread.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes and tart (strawberry and raspberry).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes (chocolate coated).

Tomorrow I’m going off on another group cycle ride, on the tandem with Mich. so that’s going to be fun. But also not very productive for my watch, so I’ll probably have to get in another load of steps in before and after the cycle. But my phone and my Wii Fit meter should be able to pick up my pedal strokes pretty easily

So today I have been lazy, apart from my morning which I actually managed to get on a treadmill jog, for half an hour before I got on Zwift for an hour. Then before both of those activities I also did get in  my daily thirty sit-ups and I had another little jog around but other than that it was a positively lazy old day. As all I did was help Mich with a few things that he had to do, apparently. Which consisted of furniture moving and some sheet moving, yes really exciting stuff.

Friday 9 August 2019

Day 2165

Day 2165;

My BMI was 19.46, I had taken 21,036 steps (which means that I had covered 13.62 km) and I had burned only 1788 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, peach, plum and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in off-white bread) and a doughnut.
Dinner: pasta meatballs (quorn) with cheese and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I have nothing to do, so I’ll probably just be getting fitter in the morning as I have been doing for the past two days and then for the afternoon I don’t know. If I could then maybe I should try a  bit more of the getting fitter stuff, maybe even a nice long cycle on Zwift?

Then I forgot to state that I had managed to pass the ten thousand step challenge for the past four days I have been achieving it on three separate devices (the three devices being my Wii Fit meter, Watch and phone) which hasn’t really been too difficult, unfortunately for me has been in the past with me only getting something like 1000 steps on the Wii Fit meter ages ago, I think, and then on the days of cycling I have done only few steps by my watch but then I have done many on my Wii Fit meter.

I have been able to reach the magic number by myself doing both the jog around the back of my home earlier on today, then I have done a half hour jog on the treadmill, which was fun. Before I did a twenty minute row then I sat on the Zwift bike and I peddled it for about two minutes but I didn’t do much on it today before I had a short, twenty minute, bounce. That was it that I did for this morning on the fitness front at least.

Then in the afternoon I had gone to the gym, for an hour. So that was half an hour on the lateral trainer before I had a second half on the exercise bike in doing this I managed to reach my weekly intensity minutes goal two days early. So my intensity minutes for this week were at one thousand and forty eight, that should probably be half decent enough, for this week. But I still want more out of me I need more out of me if I’m going to make it to an Olympics. Which was where I finished my day with my dinner and then I did my Wii Fit stuff before going off to my bed,