Saturday 31 August 2019

Day 2187

Day 2187;

I had a BMI of 18.61, I did 21,250 steps which was 13.76 km and I had burned 2127 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle), cheese savouries, popadoms and cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, ta tar sauce,chocolate cheesecake and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate buttons.

Tomorrow morning is set up to be another group cycle ride, now just I hope that I can continue my form of tonight’s Zwift ride, which I managed to reach a good average speed on, and Mich had just been saying the other day that we individually had managed to get to the speed that I made it to today but I was unsure as I knew from my recent disappointing form on the Zwift bike I was averaging at below the lowest average, well he said that we had managed seventeen to eighteen mph and I had just managed I think it was sixteen point nine which was a day after I rode it up at speeds of seventeen point nine mph so what he had said was correct, just a bit dated.

Then today I have managed to get an average speed of... eighteen point three mph, but then again that was a ride I did in the afternoon, which I probably shouldn’t have mentioned, at least not now. As now I should be writing about what I have done this morning, and it was only a little treadmill jog, no park run even though Allergy said that she wanted to do something that would help with her quite considerable size, then I’m guessing nothing that may actually have an impact on her size/weight.

I guess that I’ll have to get a different way to get my five KM done perhaps by the one hundred meter track that I usually run Monday occasionally? Then again that’s two days away, but then again only if I actually go to run on it .

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