Saturday 17 August 2019

Day 2173

Day 2173;

My BMI was down again (to 18.64), my steps increased slightly (to 23,401), my distance walked has been 15.15 km and my calories burned have been down to 1403

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, grapes and nectarine.
Lunch: macaroni cheese, turkey drummers and chocolate eclair.
Dinner: sandwich (chicken, lettuce and bacon in white bread) and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow is set out to me to be a mystery, to me at least. As I don’t know what time when people are going to get here at, and Tini is supposedly getting back at midnight tonight, Allergy is off somewhere with B and Mich is off somewhere else with his work, but he should be arriving sometime later, tomorrow night.

But then today I have gone to the gym, and I had been on the lateral trainer and exercise bike. Then when I had got home I had my lunch, eventually. After having a wash and getting changed, as that was the only way that Tini was going to allow me to have something to eat for my lunch. Next up in important events that happened to me was that Tini left, off to visit Emu, do I took this opportunity to ride in New York but I’m unsure if the sky lanes are really in NYC, Central Park, because it all seemed a bit too Hollywood to be real. It seemed to me to resemble something out of Back to the Future 2. Well I was riding around for an hour I had only managed to get something like thirteen miles in that hour, which was honestly pitiful, and then I stopped and I had a drink before going back on the bike for another hour which was approximately another pitiful ride with me only getting something like another twelve mile rode in my second hour.

Then I had another drink and a snack, before I had my dinner, then after dinner I did my weigh in, on Wii Fit. So now all I have to do is wait up until Tini’s arrival, so I made myself a nice little mug of hot Ribena and I got myself a rice cake, and I’ve sat down waiting.

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