Friday 2 August 2019

Day 2158

Day 2158;

My BMI for today was 19.36, steps that I had walked was 18,738 (which was the equivalent of 12.13 km) and I got burned 1730 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, peach, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (cheese), chocolate and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: chicken casserole (carrots and peas), roast potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (raspberry), fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes (yogurt and chocolate).

The day that never comes, I don’t know what I have got planned for tomorrow, but I’m hoping to get in some more exercise just to make myself more ready for the unexpected call up to the Olympics next year, I’m not even sure of what sport I am even going for yet, but then I’ll probably be guessing about now that there’ll probably be some cycling thing that I would be able to do, for the Paralympics. But I’m by means in any contention for anything, least not at the moment, but I have more of a chance of being able to compete at the Winter Paralympics in two years time, now that is just as I can get down any slope on two skis with minimal interruptions to my skiing but then again there’s also snowboarding that I’m getting into which could potentially give me more of an opportunity, to qualify for team GB, assuming that they still allow folk like me into the team GB set up.

Now today I have been on a tandem ride it was a ride to a bank, then when we’d arrived Mich got off went into the bank, then after he’d returned to the tandem we had to walk to another bank, which was around some corner; and outside of the shop which was two doors down from the second bank, or something like that, there was a man playing on his guitar who was really quite good so much so that Mich told me to go to the shop and drop two pounds into his guitar case, of which I did (before that Mich had gone into the second bank and did some probably money stuff, as it’s a bank what else is there to do in a bank). Then after all that excitement we set off on the tandem towards our starting point then we finished off our cycle and I believe that it was time for lunch.

Then after lunch I sat outside for hours playing with the Papa New Pigs (Guinea Pigs) they had been nibbling at my fingers and toes, for quite some time, before I suggested that they were to go back into the hutch, as they were appearing to be cold, to me at least. How did he get that sense? As they were both nibbling at my hands and feet quite nicely, then they suddenly stopped and then they decided to lay down behind my foot as if they were shielding themselves from the wind behind the warmest thing in the pen meaning me and my foot.

Now what did I do after such as it was getting quite late on in the afternoon, by that I’m meaning something like five o’clock in the afternoon, which I know isn’t really late in the day but just approximately an hour before dinner, three hours before weigh in time and then a total of six hours before bed time for me to have an about half hour rest before falling to sleep so then I will be having a good healthy six and a half hours of sleep before a six o’clock get up time in order for me to have enough energy for my cycling exploits of the following day.

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