Wednesday 7 August 2019

Day 2163

Day 2163;

BMI was 19.30, I had taken 15,518 steps, or apparently 10.05 km in distance and then I had burned 1563 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, plum, peach and yogurt.
Lunch:  fish and egg on bread (rye bread), lemon drizzle cake and chocolate mini roll.
Dinner: fish en crute, broccoli, carrots, green beans, roasted potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange), nonalcoholic cider and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow should be interesting as I have no idea of what is planned apart from there may be something to do with the gym in there somewhere.

Now today I have got up in the morning, I have gone downstairs and done my daily thirty sit-ups. Next up I have gone outside for a little jog around, as well as to sort the bins out. Then it was that I ate my breakfast, after breakfast all that I had to do was for me to go on an hourlong mornings cycling I only got ten miles, which is pretty pathetic to be honest. I could have probably ran it quicker.

So let’s have a quick refresh on what I have done today...
1- get up.
2- sit-ups.
3- jog.
4- eat.
5- bike.
6- eat.
7- gym.
8- eat.
9- jog.
Then 10- will be go back to bed, so all in all a little bit of let down in the afternoon.

Before I had my quick refresh, I had got up to number five on the refresh which may have had me at over ten thousand steps for my phone and my Wii Fit meter but then I had only managed about five thousand steps on my watch, and it was approximately time for me to have a wash, as I had just got myself very sweaty (as I had been on a bike, so I went upstairs and into the bathroom (which doesn’t have a bath, so it’s more of a shower room) then I washed myself.

Next up was eat, on the list, it was lunchtime so that took me quite some time, just as eating food usually takes up the majority (well close) of time in the day for me, I know I’m a slow eater I had managed to get myself up to a reasonable speed about twelve or thirteen years ago, that was before I got myself hit by the car, which set me back. As I used to go into school with a packed lunch, and then I would be sitting there eating my lunch for the almost whole hour of lunchtime, then I’d get out to enjoy myself for the approximately last twenty minutes of lunch, then sometimes it was only the last five minutes I remember, at least once.

Next up is seven and my time in the gym which was fun and it was a break for Tini from cleaning Allergy’s bathroom (which is a bathroom, as it has a bath in it), so Tini was actually thankful for me “dragging” her away to get bored standing around in the gym. Then Allergy’s bathroom has taps which don’t work in, it smelt terribly and it was in a mess , before Tini had her go which lasted basically from the time that Allergy left for work to about twenty minutes before she arrived home from work. Minus the about hour that I was at the gym.

Eight I ate my dinner before I went outside and had another jog around as my watch wasn’t able to count the pedal strokes that I did while I was on the bike earlier so my steps were down at about seven thousand after the gym so I had another jog around the back garden to get my watch steps up to ten thousand, which worked, so all that was left for my day was to do my weigh in (see above) and then it’s bedtime (as well as obviously this).

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