Monday 5 August 2019

Day 2161

Day 2161;

My BMI for today was 19.33, I had also managed to take 16,007 steps (which was apparently 10.36 km and then I had burned 1290 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese, ham in rye bread) and
Dinner: lasagna, broccoli, sweet corn, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

In the future, as far as tomorrow, I shall be going to school, don’t worry it’s off season for schools around here at least. I think it’s the Summer holidays for students around nearby. But that doesn’t mean that teachers, like Tini, don’t have to go into school, and she’s dragging me along with her so I can go around the field which is in the schools premises. So that is my plan for the morning of tomorrow to cycle around on the field, which shouldn’t get my watch steps up at all but my phone and my Wii Fit steps should be up there thanks to the exercise. So for the afternoon I should probably be getting in some steps for my watch.

In the morning of today I went on another tandem ride, but today it was only a slow one, I was with P piloting instead of Mich. Which is fun to have a change of pilot and it was extra special today as he is about my weight but he’s taller so that means that his BMI is much lower than mine, and he doesn’t have an irritant like Allergy to tell him that he needs to gain weight, I don’t think at least, but then I think that it’s jealousy that gets Allergy going off on her tirades. Back on point I, well Mich did at my request, put my mobiles data on today so that Mich could stalk us from the comfort of his desk as he had to stay at home while he was working, from home, today and then I know how uptight he gets about me (his only friend apparently).

Now that dragged on inside the afternoon by the time that we returned to my abode, P stayed around for a bit until he cycled back to his home, so then today P has been getting super fit. It was the only exercise that I did today minus the few little jogs on the spot, which I do as it helps me think about stuff. Like how I was supposed to express gratitude which I generally do in written form like this in some way meaning using text and by email basically.

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