Sunday 18 August 2019

Day 2174

Day 2174;

My BMI was 18.64 (again), I had walked 24,600 steps (or apparently 15.93 km) and then I had even managed to burn 2264 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in white bread) and lemon cake.
Dinner: fish en cruet, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, orangeade and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I am unsure about what I have got going on, apart from going to visit GM on the tandem bike, which I am unsure of due to the weather. But I will be getting fitter either way, tomorrow.

Now then today I have “needed” my inhaler, only as I was sounding like a traction engine when I got myself up this morning, and I wanted to go for a morning hour jog, on the treadmill so I decided that it’d probably be better if I was to accept the offer of the inhaler else wise Tini will get protective over me and she may not have allowed me on the treadmill.

So I had got onto the treadmill for a jog in the morning after the inhale, and I had only managed about half an hour (slightly less in actual fact, fifteen seconds less) then I decided to pause it to get a cloth so that I could see as sweat was dripping off of me and into my eyes and to pull my trousers up as they were slipping down off of me which I chose to take my phone out of my pocket before I did the last twenty minutes of my jog which I had paused my workout again at about forty minutes to do much similar to before but I had spent too long with it on pause the second time, the treadmill deleted my activity, so I just had to do my final twenty minutes from scratch.

Then later on today when I was eating my lunch Mich arrived back and told me that I could go for a tandem ride after I had finished my lunch, so I finished my lunch and then we went out on the tandem but it was a decidedly windy ride, so I only managed to get less than a hundred Watts done today (on average), my last tandem ride (before) gave me only one hundred and eleven Watts but my Zwift ride yesterday gave me one hundred and fifty Watts.

Then after I had finished my day I went off to bed, just then I realised that I still hadn’t done my thirty sit-ups for today and I did them then, as I was doing that I decided to give a go at doing thirty crunches also so that is what I’m planning on doing from now on. Let’s have me doing thirty sit-ups and crunches every morning, it’s going to be fun.

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