Sunday 4 August 2019

Day 2160

Day 2160;

My BMI was 19.46, i had made 26,920 steps (which was apparently 17.43 km) and I had burned 2029 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, peach, nectarine and yogurt.
Lunch: lasagne, lettuce, tomatoes and something.
Dinner: baked potatoes, lettuce, cheese and chocolate cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I have got a plan, the plan is for my friend to cycle round and for us to have a tandem ride around. If the weather is kind obviously, even if it’s not I don’t know what will be happening. So we have planned to get out on the tandem tomorrow, together, if he rides his bike here I don’t exactly know why he has said it like that because I didn’t think that he was overweight in the slightest last time that we saw each other but then he told me that he needs to get in shape. Then later on in the day I should be going to the gym.

Then today I started off by getting up nice and early for the bike ride which we did, and it was an actual group 1 (the slowest group) cycle ride. I was really happy as we weren’t the slowest people in the cycle group but I know that it was over a relatively flat course so you’d probably have expected the bike with two riders on it to have done pretty well, but then on the biggest hill of the course we overtook all bar one of the riders in our group, so I’m happy but we should have got the last one before the hill ran out, so we didn’t which is a shame.

Later on in the day I managed to get Allergy to exercise, it was only fifteen minutes on the trampoline, but I got her to exercise by being stupid, basically, so what I did was as Allergy asked me to put some music on, so I did and then she complained about the music so I decided to get up and act to the music, but Allergy started saying that I was interpretive dancing, so I just went along with it as she was exercising, result.

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