Friday 23 August 2019

Day 2179

Day 2179;

My BMI for today was 18.94, I had done 36,878 steps which is about 23.88 km and me doing that it had me burn off 1926 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta (with cheese, tomato, cucumber, mushroom and tart (strawberries and raspberries).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cakes.

Tomorrow my new phone case should be arriving, I think, but instead of being for Mich’s old phone my new phone the one which I broke, somehow I’m not one hundred percent sure of how I broke it but then everyone else seems convinced it was as I kept dropping it, then I thought that was what it’s own cover was there to protect it from. But then isn’t it also a bank holiday tomorrow?

I had made my way up to one thousand five hundred and ninety six minutes of intensity for this week by the time that I had finished my activities today as I had been having a good day. As it started off with me riding the Zwift bike, then I went off to have a drink and snack before going off to have a bounce before I had my lunch but I hadn’t managed to get my watches steps up to ten thousand yet. So after lunch I had another bounce and I also did a little jog, on the spot, while I watched Terminator, the one time Arnold says “I'll be back” just before he drives a car through the front wall of the police station and preceded to massacre the inhabitants is such an iconic scene.

So that takes me up to the end of the film then I think I was slightly lazy until Mich returned and then we got out on his tandem. He likes the GoPro so much I think he’s wanting to use it on one of our group rides in the future, at least now he understands how to use it.

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