Tuesday 27 August 2019

Day 2183

Day 2183

Now my BMI for today was 19.40, I had taken 14,527 steps (which was apparently 9.41 km) and I had burned off 1361 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: sandwich (Coleslaw, ham in white bread) and something.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot Ribena.
Snacks: banana, orange, apple and ice cream.

Tomorrow I think I should probably be getting back to doing something which actually could make me fitter, as today I have had a lazy day but I may be able to get in another slightly longer jog tomorrow.

As on this day I have been into London with Tini, so it was no long walks around the streets of London it was just get off the train at a station then instead of walking the streets it was walk the minimal distance to the tube train, then get on the tube and ride it to another station one which is close to my eye hospital then we had another little walk to the park outside the hospital. Where I had myself a little walk around the park and I almost walked into the Doctor which was injecting my eyes just a couple of minutes later.

So I had my eyes injected and I could see once more then we walked back to the tube station before boarding the train which lead us back to the other station where we purchased our lunches and waited until the correct train arrived at the platform. When the train had arrived we boarded that train and rode it to our stop, which was decent enough, it got me from a to b then the car journey home. 

 Now today I had only managed to get a half hour jog. So disappointing I only got a little thirty minute jog in the evening after all the time I spent sat down today, deplorable. How do I expect to even get myself fit enough to compete at any level let alone Olympic (or Paralympic) level this rate?

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