Tuesday 6 August 2019

Day 2162

Day 2162;

My Body Mass Index today was 19.17, I had taken 23,790 steps (which was apparently 15.40 km) and I had burned 2099 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine, peach and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken mayo in white bread) and 2 double chocolate cookies.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, carrots, peas, sweet corn, chocolate trifle, strawberries and double chocolate cookie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, coke and hot Ribena.

So what I have up for me tomorrow is the gym and a Zwift ride also another thirty sit-ups if I wake up early enough again tomorrow. Other than that I have got no plans for today, but as it’s Wednesday it should be a bin day and I used to go to the schools orchestral practice many years ago, on Wednesdays it must be something like fifteen years ago now. And P is still a friend of mine, after all these years.

Today was a good day as I have been to Tini’s school, I have done a bit of cycling around the school field this day which was fun I managed to stay on the bike for about nine minutes a time on average, which was before I stopped the bike or fell off of the bike, which were generally at the same time as I’m not too good with the breaks, as in I generally fall off when I brake, I’m unsure of why though. It’s probably something to do with the fact that I only ever use the left hand brake, the left hand brake is the rear wheels brake isn’t it? So it should be able to stop the bike more, due to the fact that the gears, and drive, are around the back wheel.

Then later on today I have been out on the roads nearby on the tandem with Mich this time, which was a lot quicker than we, P and I, were yesterday on the other tandem. Then again myself and Mich have been practicing for sometime over two years now, well it was slightly over two years ago that we did the Prudential Ride London 100, which was rode again just about on this weekend just gone, so we must have started about six months prior, property practicing as I only got my tandem the twenty fifth of December before, which was... August, December January February March April May June July August, which should mean there was about seven months in between the two months. 

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