Thursday 22 August 2019

Day 2178

Day 2178;

18.87 was my BMI, I had apparently walked 24,570 steps which was apparently 15.91 km and I had burned off 1895 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten what I had for main and chocolate cheesecake.
Dinner: pasta (cheese, courgettes, mushrooms) and chocolate cheesecake.
Drink: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I plan on starting off my day on the Zwift bike for a bit of time, then I plan on going on the trampoline until my watch buzzes at me, informing me that I have completed my ten thousand steps then it’s my plan to row until lunchtime. After lunch I will consult Tini on my problem with my computer then I’ll probably have enough time for me to do another cycle ride.

Then today I have had another idea for Mich to get out on his bike, which he has been stating that he’d like to do for a while now, but then he can’t seem to find the time and then who would ride with me on the front of the tandem, we both know that I’m not a factor in his ability of riding a bicycle, as he is an “old pro” at riding a bike, then I was thinking that as P and myself managed to travel at a speed of quicker than the minimum speed of a tea and cakes ride then we would have the speed to keep up with the rest of the group so that would mean that if they were having a tea and cakes ride on a day that coincides with either Emu or P coming along with me on the back then we could both go on the ride and just if Mich is feeling tired Mich could swap with either Emu or P at anytime in the ride. Mich thought that it was a good idea.

That today I have been on a jog for my morning before I did another small Zwift cycle which was before I had been to the gym in the afternoon. Then in the morning I had managed to make my way up to one thousand minutes of intensity by the end of the day I had managed to get to one thousand and ninety eight minutes of intensity. By the time that I had got back from the gym.

It was an interesting day today as I had broke my phone today, so I failed my thirty thousand steps, which was over the three devices to get me to ten thousand steps on each, which I only haven’t managed to make it to ten thousand on my phone. 

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