Tuesday 3 September 2019

Day 2190

Day 2190;

Today my BMI was 18.61, I had taken 19,469 steps (which was the equivalent of 12.61 km, apparently) and in doing that I had burned off 1813 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange, apple and raspberries.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and cake.
Dinner: pie, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I know is only a dream away, but then when I get there what will I be doing? Probably some more cycling as I started out on doing one of this team Dimension Data rides today, I suck at cycling on my own I just don’t understand gears properly, which is probably my problem but then as I must say that I must do better in life not just in cycling. Especially if I intend on earning the “love” and respect of a woman one day in the future, which is a crucial part of existence, isn’t it?

Now today I have been on a Team Dimension Data Race which was in the afternoon before that I had done another hourlong ride arrived Central Park, New York City, and I had done an hour workout on the treadmill, but then today I’m thinking that I have got an idea of why my legs don’t really tone the same way as other parts of my anatomy even though I use them quite considerably more, by that I mean within all the minutes of intensity that I usually get done on the bikes, treadmill and just generally walking around; my upper legs look fat on top of two pins. Which could have been as I used to do three hours of roller hockey on a Saturday morning but I didn’t eat anything in the three hours so I was using my energy building up the muscles in my legs then as soon as I had used up the food that I had eaten before, I was just eating up my newly created muscle which just left me with a load of fat, for my hamstring’s. 

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