Thursday 19 September 2019

Day 2206

Day 2206;

Now my BMI had recovered slightly at 18.51, I had taken 16,772 steps which apparently was 10.86 km and I had only burned off 1166 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in brown bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: ham, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, potatoes and Halloween trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and hot Ribena.
Snack: rice cake.

Tomorrow is only another day within my life and I have got to get my steps sorted out for tomorrow, I’m meaning my watches steps as I haven’t been making it up to ten thousand by that measurement for a little while now, which may factually be as I have been getting a bit obsessed by cycling recently but that shouldn’t be an excuse, so it’s not an excuse it’s just a random reason.

What I have been up to today has been going on another group cycle ride, with team Dimension Data (or J. Chu Chu who was the ride leader, I cannot seem to find out wether his name choice was inspired by Zelda or not, not that I’ve even bothered to find out). Anyway how would I find out? All I know is that in the hour that we spent cycling around Richmond, along a flat course as Chu Chu had stated in the beginning of the group ride it was something about it being on a flat course chosen by him to get the best (quickest) out of us. But then I only managed to get my speed up to the speed of the quickest for about the first three minutes before they really started to pull away from me then by the time that they had pulled away from me I would be joined by some of the others that had been left behind just for them to move on up to the front of the ride with relative ease, which highlights to me just how far I still need to go before I can call myself a decent enough rider, as I only managed eighteen mph in that Zwift cycle, which was me going flat out. Then some of the riders were also having a conversation while they were going, and they were able to go quicker than I, by something like two and a half mph on average.

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