Friday 27 September 2019

Day 2214

Day 2214;

Not until tomorrow am I going to get back to my Wii Fit stuff, then today I have done 10,118 steps (which was apparently 28.0km which may have been as I got in a nice little tandem ride) and I had burned off 2589kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham) and slices (bakewell and fruitcake).
Dinner: cottage pie, broccoli, cauliflower and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: coffee flavoured milk, fruit juice, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: tunocks wafer and kit kat.

So what is up for tomorrow? I don’t think that I have got much up for tomorrow, minus traveling back down south for home.

But then today I have gone to the tandem shop, which is the only tandem shop in this here land, I do believe, J.D. Tandems. We had a nice little conversation with Jason (at least I think that is what his name tag said) who insisted that we left our tandem with them while we went back to the cottage to get changed into our cycling gear for us to come back in order for us to spend a day on one of their tandems, so that we would hopefully purchase a tandem from them, even though it wasn’t said exactly that way, it was said in more of a way for us to get back to them at the end of the day with feedback. But by the end of the day we had rode the tandem to the stop which Jason Suggested while we were there we met a couple of people that we knew from three years back, it was the Prudential Ride London, but they were quite a lot better than us on a tandem back then, they probably still are by that I’m meaning they’re still younger than Mich, I know that I’m the youngest there anyway I’m a cripple and we had 7:43 as our time and they had 7:23, twenty minutes in it I know it’s not much if you don’t think about all the things that you could do in twenty minutes. But then if you consider how long they stopped (were stationary) it really drags home just how slow we were, we were slow first five estimated miles we managed to keep up above twenty km/h then we dropped under twenty for three estimated time checks, before one above and then our quickest (thirty km/h), before our final two time checks which were over twenty km/h, just.

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