Friday 20 September 2019

Day 2207

Day 2207;

BMI was 18.68, steps I had done were 17,233 which was 11.16 km and I had burned off 1466 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, nectarine, banana, orange, apple and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in brown bread), grapes and something.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and Halloween trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, shloer and hot Ribena.
Snacks: rice cake and biscuits.

So tomorrow I have got some more Boccia to play, in the morning then later on tomorrow I have to go to the park, as it’s some town fete or fair thing and there’s a carnival precession thing which runs through the town centre which I have actually been involved in numerous times, I do believe, I mean I have definitely been in it once, as I can remember skating through town on my skates all dressed up in my hockey gear I think it may have been the time that we won the league that season, that’s over now. But then I think that Mich and I will only be going down to man the stall which will be in the towns fields which are a big area of land in the town. Then after that I think I have no plans.

Communism could potentially have worked in the past, by that I’m meaning about the time of our conception as a species but not any more, as we all like to believe that we are individuals, except those odd ones who want to believe that they are the same as everybody else. Then all of the people on this planet still need the same things to live on like everything else that’s living air, food and water.

Then today I have actually managed to get my steps up to ten thousand for my watch, 

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