Monday 16 September 2019

Day 2203

Day 2203;

BMI was 19.07, steps that I had taken were 10,772, which was apparently 6.97 km and I had burned off 905 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana, orange, apple, watermelon, yogurt and egg custard.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages and bread.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese, Batternburg, banana, orange, apple, raspberries and yogurt.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.

Tomorrow I’m planning on doing some exercise in the morning because it’s the only time tomorrow that I am going to have to myself apparently, as Mich has got some plans for tomorrow, apparently. But what those plans are exactly I don’t know, but I know that one of them is to go to the hairdressers which will include me having to go to the hairdressers also, I don’t understand why we just don’t cut our hair off by ourselves it needn’t be anything too flash, it’s just hair.

Today I have had a positively lazy day, as I have only been to the gym in the afternoon and then I have had another jog on the spot for about an hour before I did my weigh in just to get my steps up to the required amount for the day. Also today I missed Workout #5 so I hope that I will be able to catchup on it sometime soon as I think that the Zwift program which it is part of, only has a couple of weeks left within its runtime (or ride time, as it’s for cycling not running).

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