Tuesday 1 October 2019

Day 2218

Day 2218;

Now today my BMI was 18.09, I have made 23,495 steps, which was 15.21km and within doing the number of steps I had burned 1808kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and
Dinner: fish en croute, cauliflower,runner beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate coated rice cake and something.

Now tomorrow I have the house to myself again, at least for a most part of the day light hours. So I’m going to have another attempt at another two hour cycle in the morning, before in the afternoon I will get myself on another hour long treadmill jog before I finish off with another row. But then again I don’t really

Today I have had the house to myself so I have first gone for a cycle ride it was a nice two hour long ride around Richmond, but it was a bit of a disappointment as I had managed to get to sixteen point eight miles in the first hour but then I only managed to get thirteen point four miles in the second hour, which is a discrepancy of four point four miles of which I should probably have to get quicker in order to negate. But then anyway Mich took his turn on the Zwift bike yesterday around Richmond, he got eighteen miles in one hour which was almost two miles per hour quicker than I, so I think that he needs a new stoker which could get him up to eighteen miles per hour on the tandem that we have already got. Then he is always saying that the reason that he likes the tandem is the fact that he doesn’t have to try, the peddles just go around by themselves, he keeps bringing up box hill, leith hill and the third one which is just after them on ride London saying that he was just about to give up and walk up the hills when I just kept on peddling and we were up them soon enough, me, myself and I cannot really remember anything about the ride London only that it was a nice little ride around London, well you could say that it wasn’t a little ride, it was a hundred miles in one day, which I am going up north again sometime next Friday which is one to collect our new tandem and two to go up to Hadrian’s Wall for another one hundred miles cycle, but this time it will be over the course of two days.

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