Monday 7 October 2019

Day 2224

Day 2224;

My BMI is 18.55 for today, as I had only only managed 13,683 which was 8.86km and I had burned 1094kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and cake.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese (tomato, mushroom and cheese) and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: rice cake and porkpie.

So tomorrow is yet another day like today which I am going to have the morning to myself, then after that morning I should be having the afternoon to myself as I don’t think that I have anyone for company. Or at least shouldn’t so I should be able to fit in a decent two hour cycle around New York, well by decent I mean a better cycle than my one about Innsbruck today, which I think I managed to get about ten miles in one hour,  which Mich says is good, as Innsbruck is in Austria and apparently Austria is a bit steep, as I know from going skiing over there (many many years ago), but that’s what happened today. I should really get onto something that’s still to come. Probably like my two hour cycle ride in New York, as I have planned, then I will probably have myself a jog on the treadmill in the afternoon, before I give myself a row and a bounce, which should probably be enough exercise for tomorrow.

Today I have had an hour on the Zwift bike (Innsbruck) which was followed by a little jog inside, when the window cleaners showed up I know I should have told Mich that they came by to clean the windows, not the PC’s the glass things that we look through. Then I forgot about the window cleaners. Which was good that they put a note through the door, then there was another little activity that I did in the afternoon, which I have forgotten about. I have been thinking that I could have done a tiny bounce, but then again no it’d probably have been some exercises.

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