Thursday 31 December 2015

Day 917


So for breakfast I ate another CAB, Then for lunch I had the left over Pasta and cheese but I can't remember what I ate for pudding. then for dinner I ate some chicken, in bacon, I'm sorry Christians that follow there religious texts, you know religiously, Jews, Muslims and every other faith group that has some on eating not just meat but mixing the cuts of meat together, I know I'm a very bad man, if I was your god I'd have struck me down long ago but, I'm not your god.

If I was godI could understand things better, like how Disney has managed to get his mousey mitts on both Star Wars and Marvel, not that I'm moaning as I like all of the shenanigans that they have collaborated on, that I have seen at least. But I was thinking that there was a monopolies law or something like that which was set up to stop one company making too much money out of the same area, and getting a monopoly over the market to encourage competition, , and make it a more fair place to work.

But that's the thing this place that we live in isn't fair if it was totally fair there'd be no people in the would there would only be land on the equate and there wouldn't be any vegetation never be any rain it woulf judy be a baron rock floating around in space.

I went to the gym today as well.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Day 916

Day 916

So I disagree with the Jediism for a variety of reasons, like 31/33 Jedi Teaching to Live by, of which you may see some things in your dreams that you think are premonitions of the future but which may make you take certain actions that weren't advisable, in a hope to avoid the instance happening , like how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader to stop Padme dying in childbirth, of which unintentionally caused her to die in childbirth. But when did Leah get to spend her time with Padme as she states in episode 6 to Luke as he asks her what can se remember about her mother 

for breakfast I ate CAB again, Cereal Apple Banana. For lunch I ate a pork pie mini sausages t, mini sausage rolls, cheese, a couple of Chris's and I don't know what else it I know what I ate for pudding, as I ate another one of Emu's rocket road which had improved in taste since the last time I had one, as it had less marsh mallow on it, but that could just have been the one that I are had less marshmallow in it. then for dinner tonight I had... I can't remember, damn you Captain America.

My reason for damning Captain USA is because I was watching Cap A; the Winter Solider instead of typing what had been eating for dinner onto this webpage.

Is it Spring already? I questioned Allergy and she responded with her usual "Wha..." then I pointed out of the window at the sun and she told me it is what's called late summer, which I have to admit the weather looks more like a late summers evening than a spring day now that I look upon the sunny landscape of outside.

I also remembered to get to work on my e-card project today, but it should still take more time than I actually have especially with all of that watching I have still got scheduled. But I'm only down to the final 4 parts. of which I could realistically forget about as they were just basically some more Easter Eggs. But I could have probably got it up a couple of days ago instead I'll just save the extras for another year.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Day 915

Day 915;

So today past me by again without me even attempting to do anything on my e-card project, I'm so disappointed in myself.

This morning I had cereal, banana and apple for breakfast, CBA that's interesting. But I cannot remember what I ate for either of the other meals today.

Then I watched the complete original star wars trilogy in one day which was amazing, I have some great memories of fighting in the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor.

No it's not it's not like I actually fought in them unless you classify playing the levels on Star Wars battlefront.Of which I did at one time, a lot. So no need to worry about my sanity as 1 I lost it many years ago and 2 I don't believe in any of that other-kin BS.

But I'm interested in Jediism at the moment, as it says;

Jedi believe in the Force, a specific energy that flows through all things and binds the universe together. They also believe that humans can tap into or shape the Force to unlock greater potential. Many Jedi also view themselves as guardians of truth, knowledge and justice, and actively promote such ideals.

Isn't it electrons that that flow through all things, well they circle every atom. So that could mean that electricity is the name of the specific energy  that binds the universe together. They also believe that humans can tap into this energy to better themselves, also another truth, any one that can get onto the internet has the potential to improve themselves and you can tap into the internet simply by tapping on a mouse, and what is the internet? It's basically an lot of electrons. Guardians of truth, knowledge and Justice. I like that trinity. Especially truth, but I unfortunately got a detention for being truthful in school all those times, it's not my fault if that teacher kept making mistakes in my math class so I pointed out where he'd made a mistake then when he went through it with another teacher and found out I was correct he said detention, that must have happened at least twive due to the fact that I can remember it happening 2 separate ways, one was when he gave me the detention before he went to get it checked out by another teacher and the other one was after. But I suppose it could have happened in the same instance, and just as he was just threatening me with it the first time, as in "stand down or I'kk give you a detention", but I stood up and then, we had the good old Scottish teacher go mayjmetics coming in and showing that I was correct.

Good day(s) that was/they were.

Monday 28 December 2015

Day 914

Day 914;

That has been the number of the day that it has been today, but still no progress on the winter solstice e-card, how disappointing.

But for breakfast today I had some cereal and some apple, grapes and finally banana, should I have wrote it apples first then banana second then grapes? So it would have been A, B, G instead of A, G, B, more alphabetical. Then for lunch I ate some more of the buffet food which was followed by me eating the left over chocolate log which went out of date yesterday apparently, but it still tasted good, but then for dinner I ate some more of the turkey but this time it was in a casserole and I'm thinking that I finished off the "christmas pudding" and  the chocolate bomb for dinners pudding.

But today I watched the sixth instalment of the Star Wars films, Star Wars episode III, Darth Vader was born, but no in the sense as in he came out of his mother, more of in the sense of he was created. Now for situations like that was what I created Red and Yellow for but no I've got them locked up until I complete the e-card.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Day 913

Day 913;

Today was more interesting than yesterday but it was also more disappointing at the same time.

Today in meals I first had a usual breakfast, then for lunch I ate a buffet which was basically yesterdays dinner , but then for dinner I ate some of the left over =s from lunch yesterday.

I was watching a football match, a local derby. Which was interesting and disappointing as the team that I was supporting lost 0-2 which further cements them to the bottom of the league table with 1 under half of the matches this season played. The football team that I support is going down by the end of this season, I'm guessing. But within the premier league Leicester City lost, but they remained top of the premier league due the fact that Arsenal also lost today., but the score line to that match was remarkable, as the opposition to Arsenal/Southhampton were only winning by 1-0, before the half time break, so I was thinking It's only a matter of time before they overturn that score in the second half, then I stopped listening, the next time I heard about the match it was game over Arsenal had lost 4-0... I was shocked to say the least.

I also think that I watched Star Wars episode II: the Clone Wars. From the way he story is set out in episode 1 I thought that Qui-Gon Jinn was one of Master Yoda's apprentices, but within the second episode Count Dooku  reveals himself to have been  the one that was Master Yoda's Apprentice and that Qui-Gon Jinn was his apprentice, now just it could just be my suspicious mind but it's looking more and more like a cover up. A cover up of what you may wish to ask, I would just point bellow

Saturday 26 December 2015

Day 912

Day 912;

Today was a boring day, But I know that I got a lot of presents today which is all good. I enjoy getting new stuff as much as the next human, but it's just something about this day, that really concerns me.

Today I had the usual breakfast I think, but for lunch I ate some of the traditional food for this time of year (which be turkey and a range of the trimmings) but then I ate a "christmas pudding" minus the nuts for as the name suggests Pudding. Then for dinner I ate a load of party food e.g. mini sausages, mini sausage rolls and cheese in bread crumbs, but then for pudding I had some of the chocolate log which goes oui of date tomorrow, allergy gets really anal on the date life of food and I think it's contagious, not as I have started caring about the foods date life when I eat it, basically I don't care when the packaging says it goes out of date if it smells edible I'll eat it. As a general rule of thumb.

But I have failed again at making a winter solstice e-vcard today as well I will attempt to be get it completed and up before new year, but I am just as likely to fail at it again so I should get started on the winter Solstice e-car for next year, so maybe I'll be prepared for the next one, in advance, if I actually make it to this time next year..

Friday 25 December 2015

Day 911

Day 911;

Now this morning I had a bad cold, by that I mean I had a a whole load of phlegm on the roof of my mouth which was constricting the air flow through my nose. Then I wondered what happened to me last night which could have contributed to this and I thought that it may have been due to my lack of a glass of milk before I went to bed. I know that my drinking habits before I go to bed probably shouldn't effect me this way, so I've dived back into my memories and all else I've got is that I sneezed twice before I went to sleep, but this time I didn't wake anyone up, well at least no one came and confronted me this time for sneezing, this time.

For breakfast today I ate some cereal and a banana. Then for lunch I ate some more pork pie and that disgusting bread, I can't remember what if anything else I ate for lunch but I did eat my advent Callander chocolate about then, then I cannot remember what I ate for my dinner but I know that I ate something but what it was just keeps escaping me.

Just as this small thing of my own that I've been doing for the winter solstice celebrations tomorrow as I have been attempting to create a winter solstice flash e-card, but the only device that I've got that has actually got adobe Flash installed on is my big old windows laptop which was old when I got it upgraded to Windows 8, which must have been 2 generations at least old by now, as I'm thinking that the last Microsoft advert that I saw was one for Windows 10. Anyway the battery on it has packed in, and the Internet. But I think that flash will be the next part to bite the proverbial dust. But before that happens and before tomorrow is over, I want to complete this taskif for no other reason than to say that I completed it on time.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Day 910

Dau 910;

Now this morning I thought it was yesterday morning initially but then I remembered what day it really was then I'd forgot by dressing in some of my usual clothes just to get reminded to get changed.

But today started with the usual breakfast, but then for lunch I ate my advent calendar chocolate as well as some grapes. cheese, pork pie and some of that less than tasty bread, but then for dinner I ate a bag of chicken balls, and some chips.

But  I had something else to do today other than the usual sit and move around home. as I had the Gym to of to today, which was fun.I started off with fifteen minutes on the cross trainer, then I did a load of weight exercises.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Day 909

Day 909;

  • So today I was typing with a friend about the new Star Wars film, as he has gone to see it, which is better than I, as I haven't yet. So I wasn't really typing to him about the films content, I we were just more of typing about it in a more nebulous context.

But for breakfast today I ate the usual/the same as yesterday, then for lunch I'm thinking that I had some fruit cake with icing on top, for pudding, meanwhile I couldn't remember what I ate for main but I have remembered by now as it was some sandwiches but I can't remember of what, but I'm thinking it was made out of that foul tasting seeded bread. But then for dinner I ate some cheese pizza.

I watched Star Wars episode 1 the Phantom Menace, but I was actually pleasantly surprised with just how awesome it actually is, as it is a good film in it's own rights. Obi Wan shouldn't actually be a Jedi Knight, when he was starting up taking Anaken Skywalker under his wing, as he hadn't completed the thing that he said he should have done before becoming a Jedi Knight while Qui Gon, Mace, Yoda and the rest of the Jedi council, when there was some females in the chamber as well but they never spok, and anyway what about Anaken's Palawan from the Clone Wars animated series she was also female, But I just can't take this blatant disinformation which is being propagated, that you've got your first female Jedi in this new film, which is not the case. But first off I just have to state that Obi Wan gave in a bit to the dark side of the force as he was allowing his emotions to control him in his battle against Darth Maul.

Wharplanet did Yoda originate from? As there was a webpage which told me that it's unknown of which planet he came from. I am going to attempt to watch the first 6 of the Star Wars films in order, before I go to watch the 7th.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Day 908

Day 908;

Now today I saw this video, I just thought about giving a hearty round of applause to the teacher, as I believe that he deserves one for that thoroughly professional nature that he used within his confrontation. Respect that teacher.

At meal times today I ate the usual breakfast, with a banana this time. then for lunch I ate a bowl of macaroni cheese, but I didn't eat a pudding. and for dinner today I ate a BBQ chicken and bacon potatoe and peas, I'm still wondering if I ate some carrots as wether that was just yesterday, But I thinking about it and it seems plausible, in a vague sort of way.

The teacher deserves a medal for his performance, and I'm on his side of the argument, as what's the point in going ]t o  university if none of your idea's are allowed to be challenged, you can't go through life surround by yes men (or women) all of your life, clicking at you. Sorry I meant snapping not clicking.

Could Jar Jar Binks have been the original Count Doku, from Star Wars? Looks pretty preposterous as well as not making sense if what Yoda says is the truth, but then it must have been false at the time of Darth Mauls death as it was by the end of the original trilogy. Unless they are just guidelines but nobody listens to them.

Monday 21 December 2015

Day 907

Day 907;

Today I have spent the majority of my day seated. But I fortunately had Boccia yesterday, which I'm thinking that I didn't actually put in yesterdays post, but I didn't actually play any Boccia yesterday.

For breakfast I ate the same as yesterday, that being a bowl of cereal, again, with nothing else just cereal. But then for lunch I had a piece of chicken, gravy, carrots, peas and some mash potato and for pudding I had a slice of apple pie. Then for dinner I ate a double cheese burger and a single Chicken McNugget and for dessert I ate a slice of fruit cake with icing.

Boccia yesterday where I didn't play any Boccia, I played a load of other games and I also went on a trampoline yesterday, which was my first  time on a trampoline in over a decade, it must be. but there was someone else that decided to stand on the trampoline for the duration of me actually of my turn, which is really annoying as it stops me from being able to have a go properly. I know why they insist on having that person on the trampoline with me, it's so I commit harry carry, but me committing harry carry on a trampoline isn't my style. It's the same with those balls that you sit in you hold the handles to them and you have to bounce yourself' I think they are called space hoppers.

Space Hopper

Yes, that was what is was, but it was a different colour; the one that I sat on at the Boccia place but I didn't touch the handles, so there was no bouncing. I knew what had happened to the roller goals as well as I knew that some of the players like to whack the goal posts with their hockey sticks as I used to play roller hockey when I was younger and more able bodied so could you please stop yourselves from telling me useless irrelevant information (his part was intended for the woman that helps out and the woman that was standing on the trampoline at the same time as me)?

Now that was my mad couple of paragraphs, but today we went to Gloucester which is fun, except from the part when my backside got numb from sitting on a stool for too long, and the journey is to Gloucester is too long. As I met with my young cousins again today, and did you know that there's 3 of them I only though there was 2 of them as I had forgotten about the third one of them I announced the fact that I thought there was only 2 of them I'm thinking that it was on our way home, and I stated it in some way similar to the following; how many times, if any, have I actually met child 03? and they responded by saying either 4 or 5, I've forgotten their answer. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 906

Day 906;

A true Communism couldn't work, as a social system, unless they were all freaking clones of one person like the Star Wars clones from in the clone wars/the Storm Troopers, as they were all clones of Jango Fett/the cool dude that got his head lopped off by Mace Windu (watch below).

So for meals today I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast but nothing else, and I ate a plate of egg on toast, with some ketchup for my main course for lunch. I have forgotten what it was that I ate for pudding for lunch and I've forgotten every other thing that I ate today.

Jango Fett is probably my favourite character from the prequel films. But back to the topic of why a true Communism can only work if you are basically a clone. because in a true Communism you must be equal to everyone else that within the system you must have access to all of the same resources as everyone else and you must be of one mind., so  if someone what's to do something everybody else must want to do it therefore keeping the whole system in order.

So basically I have been listening to feminists speaking/lying again as if they're saying that all people must be equal, which is cute, I couldn't agree more but it's impossible. Because we are all different, be it by the way that we each look, each of out different tastes, our genders, our ages, our beliefs, our eye and hair colours, our senses of style, our music preferences, not all of them are unique in actual fact all of these could be same as another people but the likelihood of that happening in a separate individual has an astronomically low probability of it happening because you could get all of the physical traits if the two were identical twins but then you'd have to get 100% of the subjective things exactly the same on both of them, you have got two factors to conceder, nature and nurture, nature should is the thing that s that you cannot change easily within anything so two identical twins could be just wired up differently inside of they're heads. Then we've got nurture which can be settled easily with the power of robots which are programmed to cater to every whim of the twins, but getting a robots that sophisticated would be expensive.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 905

Day 905;

What have I done today... I don't know.

Today in food i ate another bowl of cereal and a tub of banana. For lunch I cannot remember what I ate but for dinner I know that I ate some scampi and chips for main, as I just read a message from Tini which read is Scampi and Chips ok. of which I responded in a positive manner but what I had for pudding was just a doughnut.

Now I know yesterday I did a whole part about my death now that came from Allergy stating that we are the first generation of citizens on the UK that have  a life expectancy of less than our parents, of such a degree that our parents are going to have to burry/burn etc. and every time she states that story she also states the same reason which is as we all just sit around all day eat rubbish like McDonalds and we are all getting obese, then I give her my standard response which is for me to sign Wii Fit, which is to mean that I have got Wii Fit you could give it a go, to keep yourself fitter and perhaps lengthen your life. I have no problem with dying, but if you'r going to wake up again after your dead it kind of wastes a whole heap of time a whole heap of time that would have been better spent doing stuff like learning or bettering yourself in one way or another as if there's one thin I learnt from being dead there is no happy place up in the sky for me as soon as I die is nothing for me after this existence so I've got to make the most of it while it lasts. But Allergy just shrugs my offer off and she says that that is just a fact of the matter and she doesn't want to change anything, not even for their sakes. 

Friday 18 December 2015

Day 904

Day 904;

Now at lunch we watched a channel 4 TV program, it was about the secret life of four year olds. Which was interesting due to the honesty of the children, why must adults lie so much?

Today for breakfast I ate my usual, a bowl of cereal and a banana, then for lunch I ate some Macaroni and cheese, I don't think that I ate a pudding after. But then for dinner I ate some spaghetti hoops on toast, which was followed by a slice of fruit cake with icing on top. Then slightly latter still I ate my advent calendar chocolate. That was it for all of the food I ate today.

Why must adults lie so much? Now I only have a few ideas the first is evolution, a second is ignorance and a third is taught. They are my there ideas of what it could come down to.

But I have died once already,  it's soothing and quiet, but then this monster that's typing brought me back, I only wish that he hadn't. If he hadn't then you could be reading something of more value at this moment of time, as I have been told that I actually spoke before I awoke properly all those years ago. Ok so I'm typing about myself in two separate forms my consciousness/ memories likes dislikes and all that jazz, which was the dead part of me but it's back now minus a voice, then there's the physical me, body arms legs etc., which is still here and it's never gone anywhere, but I was wheelchair bound for the start of my period in rehab, I'm thinking and I'm unsure how my body felt about that as I can only remember escaping from the wheelchair as my consciousness came back to me,

Body -- Mind 

I have no soul, at least none that I have ever seen any proof of it's existence.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Day 903

Day 903;

This morning I had a dream but this dream wasn't an ordinary dream as I couldn't remember anything about it even while I was having it, as I was just standing there, until I got awoken by Allergy.

For breakfast I had the usual and for lunch I ate some leftovers of the pasta Bolognese from yesterdays dinner, which I think means that I had pasta Bolognese for dinner yesterday, I still can't remember what I ate for afters of yesterdays dinner though, but for pudding of my lunch I ate 2 doughnuts Now the reason that I ate that many was because they were going out of date today, apparently. So I'm thinking that i ate some food for dinner today

Today after the gym I smelt horrifically bad, the few times when I caught a whiff of the stench I gagged. I'm not joking either I smelt as if a big bird had just taken a dump on me.

But the n I woke up and I was thinking about this thing that I saw on the internet yesterday, it was about how they surveyed something like 27 men and they got to 3 out of 9, or something like that said said that they'd rape if only it wasn't called rape or something to do with the sentence if convicted, at least I think. I was just thinking about rape and if I knew I could overpower a woman, and I could force my way up her skirt, into her vagina would I? Probably not as I am socially awkward around anyone at the best of times let alone if I had my penis inside of her. But they're just facts let's not allow them to get in the way,

Now this is a story, that I have made up in my head this morning I am planning to animate it at a later date, I shall call it "Is it Rap..." or something like that, I have started writing up the screenplay below it's set in a small room which is part of a fictional convention centre.

If a woman stood somewhere in a cheerleaders uniform and she shouted "give me a R", then the crowd would respond "R" then she continued "give me an A" then the crowd would respond "A" then she continued "give me a P" then the crowd would respond "P" then she continued "give me an E" then the crowd would respond "E" then she continued "what do you get" the crowd responds "RAP..." the audience trails off to the end as they realise what they have been spelling and the crowd disbands. Soon enough there's just me and the cheerleader standing where we were, while all of the other people were leaving the room, I am still attempting to work out what the word actually was, I'm slow I know. Now there's only the two of us in this space she says "so Savage are you going to savagely rape me now" I shake my head then she responds, "come on man I know you want to" I am getting confused if she wants me to rape her, does it even class as rape as isn't rape defined as "the crime of forcing somebody to have sexual intercourse against their will" so therefore by saying "rape me" you are giving your consent and therefore making it impossible for your wishes to be carried out? So I typed my concerns up to her and she says "just fuck me we'll sort out the nitty gritty at a later time," the next day as I wake I find myself in a cell, a police cell.

That is the introduction to a story that I have created in my head all of the people that are in this story are fictional, even me.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Day 902

Day 902;

So today was another uneventful day of this meaningless existence that you may call my "life" but I have had some fun. I cannot remember what I was doing to have this"fun" but I'm sure that I have had some today.

As for with that listing of of the meals that I have eaten today I can remember that I have eaten my usual breakfast but other than that I have forgotten apart from that selection of chocolate, from my box of chocolate, that I ate alongside of the piece of advent calendar chocolate which I ate alongside of my Pizza, for lunch today, wow I never realised that I could actually make my way back to a complete meal that I ate on a day just by remembering one food, and all of the other stuff that I remembered about my lunchtime today, like I watched hook while I was eating, it's an amazing film it's basically Peter Pan but PP is older and he's played by Robin Williams, and he'd left Neverland, so he'd grown old, and Captain Hook dies, as well as that he murders one of the lost boys, it may not be a cold blooded murder but the results are the same.

Also today I started my Winter Solstice e-card project for this year, of which I had really started a couple of days before this day as I had already wrote the script for the card, but I hadn't got my little man dressed up yet of which I have done now, apart from the hat.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Day 901

Day 901;

So today I had the usual breakfast but I also had an app alongside of the banana, and by the term alongside I don't mean alongside in a literal term, I mean as in it was sliced up in the same container as the banana.

Then for lunch I ate some cottage pie, but by that I mean some mashed potatoes and cheese the majority of the rest of it was frankly disgusting even the carrots and I usually like carrots, the taste go it put me off having any pudding. But  then I had my dinner as it was Spaghetti Hoops on toast which was nice but today it was especially nice as I not only had some orange cheese on it I also got my advent calendar chocolate for today involved, by putting it into my bowl and allowing it to melt onto the spaghetti hoops, delicious. Then for pudding I had another little egg all the way from last easter and I ate a load of biscuits to attempt to get my BMI up as I dropped 2 pounds today, which is really quite disturbing.

As well as the lose of 2 pounds  today I went out to athletics today a nice bit of jogging followed by a couple of Jumps int a sand pit, but the people that were there were talking about someone that I'm thinking was me as apparently I switched my leg that I was taking off from between jumps, no I don't mean that I meant I somehow changed the leg that I was taking off from from one jump to the next. So lets just say that I jumped off my right leg the first time and the second time I jumped off of my left leg, I didn't notice I just improvise when I reach the line. But I'm only thinking that they were talking about me as I had just jumped when they started talking about the random stuff mentioned above.

The following YouTube videos are on the notion that Jesus was a made up character, which is obvious in my opinion; but I know that it may not be as clear cut within your minds, and you may actually resent me for drawing your attentions to my opinions on a potentially cherished idea; but you can believe whatever you want (as long as it has no negative impact on the people or habitat of this world).

Monday 14 December 2015

Day 900

Day 900;

So br honest now who thought I would continue doing this for this long? As to be totally honest I didn't, I kind of thought that I'd get bored of writing my day up every night and forget about it.

Instead I'm bored by doing this but I somehow remember, just on the off chance that I actually do something interesting. But I can remember forgetting what day it was today as I thought it was yesterday this morning but thankfully I didn't remember what I should have done if it really was a Saturday.

Elsewise I' thinking that the metaphorical hell may have broken loose, now where does that saying come from as you wouldn't expect a place to "break loose", be it a fictional place but it's a place none the less, it could perhaps have its origins in Ancient Greek as it could have originally been "Hades's broken loose"as Hades was the god of the dead so if he'd broken loose you'd know the world would be in disarray as the god of death mixing with the living, that can't be pretty; could it? But then again neither am I (pretty that is).

So I've finally caught up o Doctor Who, I just felt like stating now that Clara has a Time Machine of her own, with Me obviously, but when do you think that they are both going to cross paths once more? That being said when do you think the newly restored order of the Time Lord's is going to stick it's foot in everyone else's business?as due to them all being in a time bubble up near the end of space time surely some of them could just time travel a bit further int the past and cause havoc that way. Like the old school president of the Time Lords could be attempting to get his own back on the Doctor. The Time Lord's still have still have they're duty to the space time continuum, they have a duty of care for it's well being, now more than ever, Danny the Pink, I know you're dead at the moment in the Doctor Who series but I'm unsure how but it might happen now that he makes a come back but only when clara has got her life back, or perhaps a short while before.

Now it looks like the whole gang, of Time Lords are now here. Apart from all of the dead, that is, so lets celebrate.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Day 899

Day 899;

So today on Splatoon I started on a high BY winning my first match in the Splatfest, and I ended it tonight on a high with another win, but in the majority of the matches in between I failed to win.

But today for breakfast I only had a bowl of cereal, which probably was as I boccia practise today, but I didn't actually do any boccia in it today, instead I played with a basket ball for a couple of seconds and I had a kick around of a ball for about the last hour of being there, which was irritating as I was attempting to pass the ball the majority of "shots" that I took and when I was actually shooting the ball at the goal the majority of those shots missed the goal.

Whoops I got myself a bit sidetracked, now where was I? (that's a rhetorical question... Red)


Next up was lunch and I ate the other half of my Pizza from last night today, at least I think that'd what I did as I cannot remember any other foods I ate today except from the second half of the cheesecake snowman's mid-rift for either dinner's or lunch's pudding.  and I can't remember what else I have eaten today.

Fortunately today I didn't only meat my kcal goal but I also had my BMI increase a little, but today Mikes BMI went up So he immediately blamed the Wii Fit game, but it may have been as he was sat down for quite literally the whole day today, but I know you want to make the excuse that you were sat outside shivering of a complete 90 minutes + stoppage time during the football match that we watched today. but why would you be shivering? you have the coat, you were wearing multiple shirts and a Jumper, slight overkill for a day that you actually said after the game that the weather was milder than you initially thought,

Saturday 12 December 2015

Day 898

Day 898;

So today was another day of 2 fat ladies, but they had a 9 in between them and today I was awoken by Allergy and she told me about a story go how she "frightened" the postman.

But bow I shall tel you all about my diet for today I ate my usual breakfast, then for lunch I ate a ham and cheese sandwich but the only downside to that sandwich was the bread it was that seeded bread but I was lucky enough to have a Terry's chocolate orange mousse for pudding which tasted really nice. Then for dinner I ate half of an eight inch pizza so I'm going to eat the other half tomorrow, but for pudding... I ate half of the remaining snowman from, a day or two ago.

Then I was thinking about how many people guess my age wrong, as they think I am younger than I actually am, like at that place in London that I'm thinking I went to, to get myself classified so I can compete against others within competitions well this woman asked my parent/carer how old I was and he told her and she was shocked,

But haven't you got bored of telling that story yet?

Well it just hasn't sank in yet how could I look considerably younger than I am especially when I feel that I am an age that is closer to my category number, and I was thinking that I was probably the second eldest person there for categorisation second only to the one legged man, who I would have said was older than me,

The next thing they're going to tell you is that Allergy is older than you,

Actually don't that has happened once and it was as wrong then as it is now, which is very.

Friday 11 December 2015

Day 897

Day 897;

Now today I ate my usual breakfast, then I ate an usual lunch of a slice of bread but it had some seeds in i, I'm not too keen on that type of bread, with some Red Leister (orange) cheese and some Hovis biscuits, but then for pudding I know that I ate some more of my chocolate from my chocolate box and I'm thinking that I ate some fruit cake with icing on top of it.

Then I ate the head of a snowman cheesecake for pudding and I ate pasta Bolognese for dinner.

Bur in-between the two meals of the day I got in some exercise on my Wii Fit, but I missed my kcal goal and I gained 2 pounds which put me closer to my goal but today Mich lost 2 pounds which put him closer to having a perfect BMI one of 22 meanwhile mine is under 22 at 21.52 I think, anyway my target is 22 and Mich is at 22.12 I think, I know that I was getting up to that score maybe slightly higher in the summertime.

But thinking about the unbearably hot summertime that w seem to get every year, at least from my memory, which seems to be like it works for the older days,. not for the past 8 years, as my memory is terrible for about the stuff that happened closer than that and about further than today. So the extent of my summertime memories consist of me sweating buckets, not pleasant, but the actual reason for my mentioning summertime again was about Allergy seeming to be cold today and she was sitting there in a long sleeved t-shirt and Mich waltzed in t the room with a fleece on, and he started speaking about how cold Allergy looked, due to her shivering, meanwhile I was sitting in the same room but I wasn't cold and I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt; just as I was thinking wimp.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Day 896

Day 896;

So today was another day for exist through, and I have.

Today at eating times I started off by eating the usual. Then for lunch I had spaghetti hoops on toast, with ham and cheese, but for pudding I had two slices of cakes; one fruit and one sponge. Next up was dinner and I know that I ate my advent calendar chocolate and some more of my chocolate box for pudding but for my main course I don't have a clue. But my BMI has gone back down to Mondays level.

But today I have been to the gym and before I finished in the gym today just after Mr P congratulated me for my attempt on the rowing machine, at which I shook my head meaning please shut up, I know I did  terribly today, as I had stopped twice and my time for rowing 1000M was slow it took me longer than 5 minutes I mean honestly 5 minutes is long enough to boil a kettle. But Mr P informed me that he liked my attitude, my attitude that noting I can do is good enough so I have to keep on pushing myself to get better, if your wondering where this is it's generally in sports and it's not just an attitude It's the facts. As nothing I do can ever be good enough until I get it done perfectly and then every time after that I'd be trying to get it done perfectly again, but then if someone else beats my "perfect" score my score obviously wasn't perfect so I must try harder. I am every time that I go into any gym expecting to do everything perfectly and if it's not done perfectly,  like every time, I just have to get stronger (faster etc.) to help me bridge the gulf to a perfect score.

1. The thing that happen to me this morning
I was somewhere on the edge of sleep when mich came into my room and announced that I had gym today, so I had to get up, so I did, but I was a little distracted by all of the voices in my head telling me what I should have typed about last night and I have picked out  four to type about today/the four that I can remember, and that was the first of the four; the one titled the thing that happened to me this morning.

2. Spooky football match
So the spooky football match was that game that happened yesterday it was the one that Manchester United lost to make them the first English team out of the Champions League but that wasn't the spooky part to it as the game played out almost exactly like the at least one of the defeats that I have witnessed to my favourite football team this season it even went down to the disallowed goal in the first half as in the team that I support scored first then but their lead didn't last long as the opposition scored very quickly then I'm unsure if the parts happened the same way around in the game that I watched but there was a goal disallowed, to the team that I support, and a goal scored, to the opposing team, that happened before the break, then after the break the team that I as supporting scored to make it 2-2 then the opposing team scored a third to make it 2-3, bad result but it was an exciting game.

3. Tyson Fury
Tyson Fury yesterday attempted to clarify his meaning to the provocative statements that he made some other time you can listen to them on the BBC's radio player if you would like to hear them and then you could then take either of the sides within the debate but I am thinking that he could have just have simply said "that wasn't what I meant I apologise for all of the misunderstanding caused" and then when the radio man says well what did you mean, then go into your spiel of how you meant to say it. Instead of just going into your spiel, but I know that isn't Tyson's character. As he has had one of the belts that he had won taken away from him due the the rematch that is scheduled between him and his opponent which was wrote into the fight agreement which I think has disqualified him from fighting this next other opponent so therefore he has had to give up one of the belts.

4. Catholicism and Christianity
Now this is kind of related to the Tyson Fury thing as Tini was saying that Tyson wasn't a Christian he was a bigot due to Mich's bias retelling of the radio show that we listed to by just stating his personal opinion on the man which wasn't balanced at all e.g. he was saying that he thought that "all women should know there place, either in the kitchen or on there backs" or something like that. But you could read more about the place for women in the bible which seems similar to what Tyson was saying so I'm thinking that he is more christian than you give him credit for, especially as you were saying that he should love everyone if he was a Christian as he said after going off on his spiels.

Now this is an observation about life which has perplexed me since I have become a cripple, which is that more people want to  talk to/at me now even though they already know that I can't respond in words to them.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Day 895

Day 895;

So today I missed my kcal goal it must have been the first time in 9 or 10 days that that has happened, which was bad from a fitness perspective.

But strangely enough I appeared to be better for my weight but only minority, as my BMI went up slightly today.

As for breakfast I ate the usual. you know cereal and a banana, then lunch I had a ham sandwich and something for pudding. While for dinner I had forgotten what I ate for my main course but then I've just remembered as it was some delicious Quorn meatballs but I didn't like the onions or the tomato dressing that it was in but I liked the cheese and the pasta that came with it.

But what have I actually done today?


Other than eat, I don't know.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Day 894

Day 894;

Now today I forgot something that I initially remembered about yesterday that I had forgot, so that sucks quite a bit.

But then I found this text in my notes which I shall assume that it's about yesterday and not some other. Yesterdy, as it does kind of bring back some recollection to me.

But yesterday I surprised the man and woman when they first asked me to throw a ball against a wall so I did from a standing position then they said "no, that wasn't what we meant we meant as you'd throw a shot put" so I remembered how both of the Mr P's had been getting me to do in the past and I executed the procedure, which really impressed the man, I'm unsure of why, the time before when I had used a shot put I was useless at the shot.

Food for today I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana for breakfast, then I ate some more of the stew from yesterday for lunch, it didn't taste as badly today as it did yesterday, just I hate eating stew, I'm guessing that you could say that it's better to eat the stew than be eaten by the stew, but is it? For my pudding I ate another portion of Tiramisu, I think. Then the next thing that I ate was a slice of cake, That was it for my diet for today unless you want me to include the bit of advent calendar chocolate that I have forgotten when I ate and a little chocolate lamb which I have had saved up since easter and I have just chosen now to eat it, which was as I had lost 1 pound on Wii Fit today, so I'm drifting further away from my goal.

But today I had athletics so I managed to burn off a lot of kcal's well it was +1000 again so the amount of kcal's that I burn of independently doesn't effect my BMI in a positive manner.

Oh yeah, that was it, I think that Tyson Fury should be the BBC's sports personality of the year, it's not because I like him or anything like that, I don't even know him, so how fair would it be to judge him on personal grounds, it is just as the award states the sports "personality" of the year and he holds the full house on the suit of personality, as in he actually has one unlike some of the former winners of the award; or to be more specific Andy Murray, but I'm thinking that he deserves the award because of his impassioned defence of his standing for the accolade of BBC's sports personality of the year on BBC radio 2. Meanwhile I don't agree with him on the majority of things he says, like the rubbish he wads talking about the devil coming  to claim this world, I think he is a crazy Christian boxer that takes the Bible literally but he only reads the book he's not one to literally go out and stone all of those that work on Sundays nor is he about to kill any homosexuals. Plus the award isn't the BBC's best role model in sport so shut up all of you people that say he's not a very good role model, as I know he goes into the box which is called a ring to hit people, obviously he ain't a good role model.

Monday 7 December 2015

Day 893

Day 893;

Now for breakfast today I only ate cereal, due to the fact that we weever in a rush, as it was my classification Sunday today, T & F 36 r- the r is for referral due to the fact that I might be too good, as likely as a very unlikely thing, for this category at an event so then the man said that they may have to adjust it to better suit my qualities.

So today I ate a bowl of cereal, for breakfast, that was it as we were in a rush to get to a rugby stadium (ground, place where rugby is played) in London. Which was for my classification thingy  to permit me to enter an actual Paralympic styled event. But then for lunch I ate a white bread ham sandwich and I didn't eat pudding until I got back home but for the pudding I had fruit cake with icing on it, 3 millionaires bites and I ate my advent calendar's chocolate. But then next for dinner I ate some, only a little, chicken and vegetable stew in a Yorkshire pudding; it didn't taste very good today, but then I had a portion of tiramisu for my desert.

But today before classification I was doing some warm up drills but there was a woman at the place that I was thinking that I recognised from the TV coverage of the London 2012 Olympics or Paralympics but I couldn't remember her name it was just her face, she reminded me of someone. But then at the actual classification procedure I was getting manhandled by the younger one of the two that were there to classify me, there was an older man that kept calling me "Dan" and there was a young woman, so it was the young one that manhandled my arms, hit my legs with a little rubber hammer and ticked the base of my feet with the other end of the hammer, I thought. Then when they called me back into the office to tell me what they had classified me as and why. 

Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. Signs and symptoms vary between people. Often, symptoms include poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, and tremors. There may be problems with sensation, vision, hearing, swallowing and speaking. Often babies with cerebral palsy do not roll over, sit, crawl, or walk as early as other children their age. Difficulty with the ability to think or reason and seizures each occurs in about one third of people with CP. While the symptoms may get more noticeable over the first few years of life, the underlying problems do not worsen over time.

Cerebral palsy is what they likened my disability to which they said made it simpler to classify me. I got a nice square number, 36 or 6*6, and the answer to life the universe and everything is just one six away, 6*7=42.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Day 892

Day 892;

Now today has been the 892nd day of my documented existence, I have done more today than I did yesterday in the real world at least, unless this isn't the real world?

So for breakfast I had the usual. Lunch I ate  soup and brown bread which was followed by a chocolate mousse, but then either before or after lunch I ate the chocolate that I got from my advent calendar. For dinner I ate macaroni and cheese as well as some turkey drummers and I also ate a pudding but I have forgotten of it's nature.

Then today I put on a bit more of the weight that I have to get, to allow me to reach my target body weight, but the 1000+ kcal that I burnt off today, I know that it was more than yesterday, but that is why I'm thinking that I should keep trying to burn off as many kcal  per day to gain as much muscle as possible, to then make myself, 1. fitter, 2. stronger, 3. more capable, and you never know what this newer more capable Savage might be able to do, play roller hockey again? Within all likelihood no but I can dream, I'd probably have a better chance of qualifying for team GB at the Paralympics, either summer or winter., but lets be realistic about it I won't be good enough to do any of the disciplines, it could be just that I'm not disciplined enough.

But now I shall tell all of you about the pink sky I saw this morning I'm thinking it classes as a red sky., so just as the rhyme says "red sky in morning sailors warning, red sky at night shepherds delight" so if you're a sailor then be warned.

I don't know why but maybe I'll go over it at one time in the future.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Day 891

Day 891;

So today I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to focus on my fitness but my Wii U Game Pad had ran out of battery, so I started charging it.

Today in food I had a bowl of cereal and a banana, then I had a cheese sandwich and an Aero mousse, and then between lunch and dinner I ate my advent calendar chocolate, and then for dinner I ate Margarita pizza & chips and I still lost a pound, this can't be correct can it?

But up first today I noticed my calendar was on the incorrect month so I changed it which makes a change as it's only the 5th of the month today. Usually it gets to about half of the way through a month before anyone notices and they either get me to change it or they do it themselves.

But this month the quote is one of the Doctors it comes when someone asks about Clara and he says that she's his carer, then the Doctor says the quote. 

Friday 4 December 2015

Day 890

Day 890;

Today I ate a banana for breakfast, also I tried 3 spoonfuls of the most disgusting breakfast cereal, I tried 3 spoonfuls as I took one spoonful and I thought yuck it's nutty second mouthful was much the same however I could smell a sickeningly sweet fruit smell coming up from the bowl so I thought that I'd need to at least taste that to complete my sensory experience, so I tried a bit of the fruit it was the final straw I could no longer entertain the possibility that it could have even the slightest morsel of positive taste within, it didn't.

For lunch I'm thinking that I had a cheese sandwich for my main course I'm thinking that I also had another one off my treats from my advent calendar and I had an Aero Mousse for my pudding. but for dinner today I had my usual from the local Chinese take away, which is chicken balls with chips in that red sauce of which  I believe is called sweet something or other.

Now today I knew that I was going to the gym latter on today so I wasn't in hyper fitness mode from the outset so I decided to do a bit of Yoga to start my day, of which I did happily. Then latter on I went to the gym but today in the gym I was working more on building muscles, So over all it was a good day for my Wii Fit score as I put on a pound, so the game congratulated me for getting back on target to reach my goal.

But you know that concept i had for a video console actually you probably don't, so I'll fill you in. Well this console concept is probably much the same as the Nerve Gear from Sword Art Online (SAO), season 1, and the others from the other games, within the SAO universe.

But it has almost been done already within the beneath image you can visit the page by clicking on the image;

But them giving the game brain controls instead of getting the boy/man, the guy in the glasses, fully involved in the game with 2 ways of communication, as you would in real life (IRL), at the moment he is only controlling the character with his brain it's not as if he is getting any signals back to his body, for example if he fell over in the game he wouldn't feel any sensations IRL.

That game looks interesting, Second Life, as it is saying.

Create and customize your own digital 3D persona, also known as your avatar. 


Be a fashion diva, a business-savvy entrepreneur, or a robot or all three. 

No, no, yes, why... just why?

Changing identities is quick and easy, so if you tire of your avatars outfit or body, shop for a new one in Second Life or from your web browser. Then switch it in seconds.

Shameless materialism..

Thursday 3 December 2015

Day 869

Day 869;

Today was the 869 day that I have created a blogpost per day, and I gave gave eaten my probably usual breakfast.

So for breakfast today I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana. Then for lunch I ate a plate of spagetti hoops on toast with cheese but then for pudding I had something that I can't remember at the moment, and I just ate it, when I was originally typing this. It's so flusterating as I can still taste some of the fruit in my mouth, ah yes that was it, it was a slice of fruit cake with some of that icing on and there was also some more of my advent Callander that I still had to eat today. For dinner.I had some Tiramisu for desert and I ate pasta and meatballs for my main, but I have got to thank allergy for that bit of data on the name of the meal, as I had forgot it.

But I had already done an hour on Wii fit before lunching of which turned out to be only 58 minutes, according the the Wii. Which makes sense now as I suck at the Hula Hoops so on both of the 2 times that it came up on my routineI must have lost 3 minutes first it came up as super then ordinary. As I have just done another one which I set for 60 minutes but it says on the screen, about: 61 min/150 kcal.

Then I did my yoga workout routine and some other stuff on Wii Fit U, but I also found my spare passport pictures. Which are photos of my face like the ones you'll find in anyone's passport. Of which it has come to my attention that I am going to need them to get myself classified. But obviously it wasn't me that actually found them as I can't do anything correctly, it was Mich that found them when I started off the investigation to uncover the as I was first looking underneath a pile of stuff that I had on top of my desk thing that's not a desk as it has my clothes stored in it. I want to say my chest of draws, but it's not a chest and I don't wear draws, my under garments are called boxer shorts but I do store them in the thing that I am typing about.

Shouldn't you get back o your story, instead of going off on a half rant about something of less importance than your story had, which is incredible come to think of it as something actually has less importance than your story.

Fine, I'll get back onto the topic, I showed Mich where I was about to look just after he had come in to assist my search as I was going to search my cupboard and the first place he looked in the cupboard he found the pictures, as they where in a small cardboard box which I had stored inside my cupboard.

But my Wii Fit today I exceeded the limit of 3 hours worth of play time, and I unfortunately lost 0.3 on my BMI score.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Day 868

Day 868;

For breakfast today I had cereal and a banana, I enjoy eating the herb which counts as one of your five a day, I don't understand why it's a herb not a fruit or a vegetable.

Lunch today I had a cheese sandwich, white bread. For  my pudding today I had something that I can't remember, but I can remember everything that I ate after lunch as I first ate a similar thing to one of those small chocolate rabbits but it was a small chocolate reindeer as it came in under the number 1 door of my advent calendar, then finally I had some Quorn meatballs, cheese, pasta and mince, then later on I ate some of my left over easter chocolate.

but all of this food only got me up 1lb I'm still have quite a few pounds to gain until I reach my goal. But today I played Wii Fit U for 3 hours and the game told me to stop playing. So I know that I have 3 hours worth of training, as in beefing up (gaining muscle), on the Wii U until I have to rely on my step counter, Wii Meter, for the rest of the Kcals that I have to burn off for the days which I did so that makes today the 5th day in success that I have met my calorie goal, according to the Wii U.

What actually happened today? 

I don't really know the football team that I support didn't play today, I don't think at least, so they couldn't have lost again, at least not today. I know that GB won the Davis Cup,

Excuse me!

Ok I'm sorry blue I meant Murray won the Davis Cup, England Women won their football match un the european qualifiers, which puts them second in the qualification group and finally, I think, Tyson Fury is now the World heavyweight champion at boxing, due to that he beat Klitschko. Well that is all of the sporting news that I heard on the radio the last time I listened to it, I don't think that there was any other news, well at least none that jumped out at me.

don't  you wist that news papers had some pop out pictures and stuff to make the news just pop out at you that little bit more. Lets just say there's this new supper hero, lets call him Dave, so then you could have" Super Dave strikes back"as the papers heading then you've got a picture of Super Dave flying some place with his fist out, then you've got a second character presumably the perpetrator of the crime he's sticking out of the page on another one of the pop up things so then a reader of the news could basically smack the criminal with Super Dave's fist.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Day 867

Day 867;

So the night time this day started I had another dream but the thing was I didn't realise it was a dream before I was awoken from it, which was odd, especially as in it people were getting their heads lopped off left right and centre.

Actually I'm unsure about the last point due to me never getting my head lopped off at least not within that dream, as I can remember getting awoken by someone that I'm thinking was Mich.

So my diet for today was another bowl of cereal, for breakfast but today I had it with an additional bourbon biscuit to go inside of it, as Allergy offered it to me. I felt like I need to burn off that biscuit from the off, so I continued today by having a shower then going on Wii U Fit.


Lunch I had some macaroni cheese and some Italian ham then for afters I had some of the rocky road that doesn't have any raisons in which Emu left here as she visited over the course of the weekend. I may have mentioned it, the dark chocolate was good the biscuit was ok the marshmallow was not so good.

Then I ate a slice of fruit cake, which was good enough for me to ignore the tiny nuts that were inside of it, as I don't like nuts.

But by the end of today I lost 1 whole pound according to Wii Fit U, which should be, as I'm guessing, down to the fact that I went outside for my weekly athletics training today, so I can admit that I have actually met my Wii U Fit calorie goal for 4 days in a row by at least the time that I'm doing my body test, or 5 days if you look at the graphs. I'm thinking that today was the first time in 517 days that I had done one of my own little work outs, it started with the Luge, which really works your abs, then I tried some Skiing then more on Luge, but I put the difficulty up, finally a bit more Skiing, but I had made it more difficult as well, there were even some snowmen down the slope.

Monday 30 November 2015

Dy 866

Day 866;  

Ain't it amazing how I can go from sneezing up buckets of that stuff that comes out of your nose when you've got a cold 2 days  ago to being someone that could still feel the cold like symptoms yesterday but no sneezes, I was thinking that I had got over it, but then today the sneezes came back with avengence. 

But then today I remembered something that I should have put into my report on yesterday, my diet, as I have decided to include everything that I have eaten on a day included as well, so that way I can keep a better track on my Svage life (the name of my Wii Fit U community) please join the code is 8939-7481-7070.

So what I ate at meal times yesterday was,  cereals at breakfast then I ate a bowl of soup and bread for lunch then at dinner yesterday I ate chicken balls and chips from the Chinese take away.

But today I have eaten a bowl of cereal for breakfast, for lunch I had a cheese sandwich which was followed by an Aero chocolate mousse (oh the problems I have had attempting to spell that), then for dinner I have had chicken wrapped in bacon (of which I am sure there's a taboo against mixing two separate cuts of meat in one religious set of properly old rules) which was delicious but then there were some carrots which tasted just sublime pea's and roast potatoes, then to top this meal I had some tiramisu, which acted as the proverbial icing on the cake.

Aero Mousse

Aero mousse: the  problems I had with spelling that were the word Aero- which I thought should be spelt Aroe, but the red squiggle underneath disagrees. And the second word "mousse" or as I initially spelt it "mouse" which is a little 4 legged creature which squeaks a lot, but then knowing that I thought that can't be correct so I attempted "moose" of which is a much bigger animal, than a mouse, as it's a species of deer but I thought that can't be correct, then I found the correct spelling.

I'd expect my bmi to go up by at least 1 pound from all of the stuff I've been eating especially as I haven't actually done as much exercise as yesterday, due to the fact that I have been inside for the complete amount of time of today. Which may have been due to the inclemency of the weather but I think not as I know that if I could have actually been bothered to go outside today I would have I was just too lazy to go outside, but my BMI only went up today by point 3 which is a change of literally negligible proportions, not even a pound.

Which may have been due to the fact that I was doing a little bit of Wii Fit and I was rowing a bit (Well actually for 5 minutes), I also remembered something that Mr P told me to do to strengthen my core, sit-ups, so I did 20 of them as well.

Aero Mousses I only ate one of them not 4 as the picture above suggests.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Day 865

Day 865;

So today I remembered what Mr P told me on Wednesday that on one of the following Sundays is when I am going to a classification clinic, so I can get myself classified, when I'm classified I can compete in some actual sports like the Paralympics, but I am going to have to get a hell of a lot better at sports to be even considered for anything similar to the Paralympics, and then I'd need to get even better still to be actually considered for the Paralympics,

But then don't you have some Irish blood, within those veins of yours?

As you know ONE of my GMs is from Ireland initially, Red, what of it?

Well couldn't you attempt to get on their Paralympic team?

Yes I could attempt to get on their squad but it'd bee just the same as attempting to get on the GB squad as it is the GB and Ireland squad, and I' wouldn't get onto the team, unless I was a hell of a lot better at the track and field events that I am getting classified for.

That I'm getting classified for... I sound like a dog going off to get it's rabies jab, or one of those tracker thing that you hook up to GPS yo track.

But that's beside the point he, Mr P, said that I'll have some goals, to get up to at least the standards of others that are in my category if not to beat them; he's a bit of a dreamer. So I have decided to take a bit of inspiration\ from the obese man from the other day and I'm going to try to build up my abs and other muscles by doing routines on my Wii U and I even decided to start a Savage little Wii Fit U community anyone can join.

If you want to join my group click on the communities tab just on the training page then you'll get two options the one on the left which says search for communities click on that one, then you'll get to a screen which says something along the lines of Enter the address of the community that you'd like to be part of, and then on the game pad you need to press the following digits,


I'll be training to make myself stronger, particularly, around my abdominal area. 

Saturday 28 November 2015

Day 864

Day 864;

Last night/this morning I didn't have a dream, which may be due to the limited amount of time that I spent actually in bed about half-three, four o'clock time this morning. I woke up about 7-8 time.

How long can you hold your breath?

As says my Doctor Who calendar which is ay a small angle which is about at 20 degrees from my current sitting position. But if I was to answer that question I would have never....

What, is going on??

Friday 27 November 2015

Day 863

Day 863;

Oh damn it I had written a nice enough longer diatribe of what happened yesterday while it was still yesterday/day 863, but now it is all gone.

So I can't remember any kind of dream I had yesterday morning, but I'm thinking that I had one.

Ok now I did go to the gym yesterday and Mr P commented on my lack of core strength, as he was saying that I have fantastic leg strength and my arms can lift some weight but I really need to work on my core and get some abs.Dashing off a short was down memory lane say 10-14 years I'm thinking that I may have actually had an ab back then, that was it my 1 pack, I can still see the remnants of it if I look down at my tummy area whenever I take my t-shirts off so he sen me away this week with orders to strengthen my core.

Before that I noticed I was getting a bit flabby as well by flabby I mean some of those little like wings had started to poke their way out of my sides. and I had started to watch the 30 day Wii U Fit  challenge.

Actually he inspired me to get my sorry backside downstairs and to train on my Wii Fit U a bit more, as the Seated V, it's a Yoga position, or at least I think that is its name is good for your abs, and I can remember doing that bit of yoga a lot back in my past.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Day 862

Day 862;

But the proper dream I had this morning was interesting as I played a black man in it,  and I was at an American school. Which I can say now was weird enough to put it in my top 10 weird dreams; probably slightly behind yesterday's dream in weirdness, but in my dream the school was having a sports vs sci-fi dress up competition so I said that I'd dress up as a sci-fi character and then I fell asleep in the dream and the next thing that I know I am at school the next day wearing a basket ball players getup, and I got shunned from school society.

Which was my first dream and then I had a second dream this morning as I woke up from that dream andit wasn't yet light outside of my window so I decided to go back to sleep, which is a bad idea; for me at least as I have discovered I can only remember 1 dream properly that I have during a night so the one that I got woken up by Mich whilst having I have currently forgot, apart from the part that I had a dream.

I am listening to that Al Jazeera page that I was looking at a few days ago, the sketchy one about "Creation and Evolution in the Holy Quran" the one which says that proof of God's authorship of the blood-soaked book is the fact that within the texts it tells us that all animals walk on either 4, 2 or 0, meaning that it walks on it's belly, legs, but before that it's stating "God created every animal out of water" and they have used it to show that all of the creatures were made out of H2O which makes sense from a modern-day perspective but I am to suggest that not every animal has at least 4 legs like Squids (6) and Octopi (8) and fish don't walk at all,

It's the Quran passage below;
وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِن مَّاء فَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى بَطْنِهِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى رِجْلَيْنِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى أَرْبَعٍ يَخْلُقُ اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاءُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ  (النور ، 24: 45).

24.45 . Allah has created every animal out of water . Of them (is a category which) walks upon its belly,  (another which) walks upon two legs, and ( a third which) walks upon four . Allah creates what He wills. Allah is Able to do everything (he wants)

To me it is saying that all of the animals, that don't naturally reside in water, either they walk on they're bellies (Snakes) walks on two legs (Humans) or finally walks on 4 legs (Goats). Then the author of this passage has added extra mumbo jumbo to make it seem more authentic.

Now that's my opinion it has about as much weight, evidence supporting it, as the Al Jazeera piece basically, none. So you could take that passage to mean either one of the two meanings both are as valid. As it is impossible to know what he was thinking at the time that he said those words, but you are living, assuming you have read these words, so why don't you use your brain to figure it out for yourself, and give me a third opinion?  

I found the Al Jazeera link, it was from 10 days back.

Al Jazera

By the way the mumbo jumbo to make it sound more authentic is basically code for some more brown nosing as he obviously knew that the god that he was coopting was an insecure little non existent thing, but we have to talk it up else-wise no one will believe in this fairy tale.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Day 861

Day 861;

Today started with an actual dream, during my first sleep, but then I can't remember what happened but what I can remember of it is that I got woke up just before the climax of the dream.

As I'm thinking that there was a red button that I had to press but I got woken up that bit too early. So I wanted to see what was about to happen in my dream, so I fell back into sleep and the first dream that I enter is a different one. Now by this time I'm confused as what dream included going on a voyage to that place that might have been built by other lifeforms way more advanced than ourselves. It ended up with a space craft like North Korea but it must have a population about the same size as North Korea within a sentient ship as the head of the community, so basically the Kim Jung-il(or is it un about now?) and within the capabilities of this sentient computer it is to basically work as a God but as a Benevolent God watching over them but then interjecting it's all seeing nature with all of the culprits to the crimes snd it will be turning on and off all of the lights before and after anyone enters/exits a room, and it will have the power to officiate all of the recreational activities on board.

Now that didn't actually come from a dream I'm thinking. As the last point, the one about the North Korea like space ship, came from my mind, my perverse mind and it seems as if Rose's mother has decided to come and live with Rose now instead of in Scotland, where she was living with Rose's brother.

Now how did you do that? 

Well that's simple I just type and sometimes random stuff come out of my hands.

Well I'm understand that much but why did you start off by saying stuff about a North Korea like space craft and end on typing about Rose's mother?

As I said my mind wanders around.

The Football team that I support threw away a 2 goal lead, literally it was 2-0 before the 5th minute of the second half, to lose the match that were playing today 2-3.  it was against the tam tat was at the bottom of their league as well.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Day 860

Day 860;

My day started as it so often does with me waking up, looking around a bit and then day dreaming for the next so many hours.

But my day day dream this morning was freaky to say the least. As it included a girl that I knew from Junior School which was the approximate last time that I spoke to her, which was way back when I could actually speak, she's not even a FaceyBook friend of mine, At least I don't think that she is. But I'm sure that her presence in this dream would make more sense if she was. As this dream was attempting to make me uncomfortable with the size of my penis, then the girl that I knew but it was more of a knowledge of who the girl is not actually knowing her as a person, was there to make me feel more comfortable about it's size.

So that lasted for he first hour or two of my day, then I ate my cereals but I left my fruit portion for later, then I took my shower and after that I got dressed. Up next I'm unsure what I did as I know that I ate lunch after the point that I just stated "up next" to dignify but I am unsure what it was that I did. Then here comes the next part that I'm unsure of what I did until I was struck by a reminder to go and get something to eat before athletics of which I did then I got changed for athletics, but with that statement I have remembered one of the things that I was doing at one as I was checking my emails and Mich had emailed me with the information about me going to a classification clinic for disability sports, so I've got that to look forward to coming up in the future. I have got another thing that I did today, which was some athletics but today I practised the hammer throw as well as Jog, which was me attempting to run, I think that I also had a couple or more throws with a ball which looked like a shot put but it wasn't. Then we went inside and we played around on these mats.

Also today I caught back up on watching Doctor Who *Spoiler Alert* how long do you think that Clara will stay dead? *End Spoiler*

So that was my day.

Monday 23 November 2015

Day 859

Day 859;

Yesterday I had planed to get my "Should we get rid of sharia courts in the UK" post, but I realised that I had nothing to it- literally it was just a name of a post and beneath was blank.

But I what it should have been about should have been should we get rid of all of the sexist discriminatory courts in the UK, As what power do they have over people answer is literally none except if you agree to it which I think is stupid. Especially due to the fact about if somebody dies but they have 3 inheritors of their estate the fist is a boy that is a Muslim, the second is a girl that is also a Muslim meanwhile the third is another boy but this time he's an Atheist. So the dead mans estate is split into 3 separate portions. The Muslim boy gets 2/3 of the estate mean while the Muslim girl gets 1/3 . 2/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 so you've got it the Atheist boy gets naught.

Now as Mr Corbin says we have a choice of wether we attack Syria or not but do we, really, have a choice? As I know it may be preferential to never get into these conflicts but we, as a nation, have allies and if they are attacked then we must support them in their conquests. It's the correct thing to do, just like when the USA took on Iraq, we had to follow them in there was no option. We made our beds with the American 9/11 thing so now I believe it is time to lie in them.

I hear all of these tales about attacking Syria will alienate people, mainly Muslims, within our communities even some say that some Muslims have been attacked in our countries. I want to say "that is unacceptable, what have those individual Muslims actually done personally, to you and the people of Paris? I'm betting it is probably naught. bad at least. As I have seen some things on a website which Is called Fact Check you can visit the certain page that I am refferenceing by clicking on the following link.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Day 858

Day 858;

Today was interesting as today I did a bit more of that Boccia thingy, and I'm really starting to get to grips with it.

By that I mean the team that I was on won by a score of something like 10-1. I know that it was the team that I was on not just me that actually won. But it's like saying that Manchester United won today at football not Wayne Rooney, when the truth is that both of them won today but Wayne Rooney only won because he''s a part of the playing staff for Manchester United, But I know I have just compared myself to Wayne Rooney but only as he was the first Manchester United player to  spring to mind. But at Boccia today I also played a bit of football which was fun, despite having to go in goal but when ever I let one go in a tiny little fellow who was on my team said to me "it's all right, your doing well," but then every time that happened I felt like shouting at the child "I know it's only a game and I know that I suck at it so mould you please stop rubbing my nose in it you patronising little... child!" But then I didn't as I can't which would be a good excuse if only it wasn't so tragically true to make it an explanation.

Why the tomatoes did you use the word tragic, ain't you being hypocritical there?

Well I get where you are coming from there, as I was getting all imitated when people are patronising to me but then I used some langue which made it appear that I was attempting to patronise myself which was all part of my self deprecating humour.

Elocution lesson for speakers of American English, to get you speaking better English.
Pat-Ro-Nise NOT Pait-Ro-Nise

Saturday 21 November 2015

Day 857

Day 857;

Today has been yet another boring day apart from... what was it again?


Yeah that was it, thanks Yellow... Yellow I haven't seen you in quite a while now, where've you been?

Oh you know me, here there everywhere but also nowhere.

Ok... I think I got that.

So I had a go on Splatoon until the control ran out of battery then I had to put it to charge its battery. That's the downside to Wii U like controllers, the battery life.

So that's it for today. I think at least.

Friday 20 November 2015

Day 856

Day 856;

But today was interesting as I started off sucking at Splatoon's ranked battle mode, then I was on the winning team in a few goes, but I was still the weakest link on the teams that I was part of, generally.

then the teams that I was on started suffering another bit of poor fortune then the power light on my controller started to flash red,

You called?

No, not you, the colour red.

Oh darn it.

Which meant that the batteries of the gamepad were low, so I finished up on playing with the winning team n ranked battles, which came as a shock to me.

But today I actually had my gym session and Mr P made a remark about my crescent moon scar that I have on my right hand side of my forehead. Something about it being more pronounced with the rest of my face being red and i have that scar, still scar coloured.

But as it's the second time that I have been to that gym, and I have actually worked out so the trip to that gym 2 weeks ago doesn't count, and I've noticed some things about it which could be more to do with the time that I have been there as I initially noticed the smell which could be due to the smell as I am usually going to the gym earlier so it may not have got that smelly by the time that I go there. The air conditioning wasn't on as powerfully as in the other gym which does effect the smell but it also effects the humidity but it may just be that by the time that I was in the gym today it was already dark outside so they thought that they wouldn't nerf to put the air conditioning up to max. Then I went on the cross trainer which id the same model as in the other one but I found this one more of a challenge, as I said earlier it cit could be for numerous reasons like, I'm just no longer as fit as I once was. 

Thursday 19 November 2015

Day 855

Day 855;

So today has been my 855 day and on this day I have been a failure, again, it's as I have just gone and got myself back onto the lowest rank possible for the ranked Battles in Splatoon; the lowest rank possible is the level that you start in the game on/C-.

But what else have I done today?

Erm I'm unsure...

I think it was not a thing important.

Well yes when was the last time that In did anything important, Red?

Good point.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Day 854

Day 854;

Today I have had a bit of a scare, as I thought that my internet connection had gone to pot, so I wouldn't be able to inform you people on the nothing that I have done today.

At least I have done nothing special, but today I started up another set of lists they are to-do lists as if I list down things that I want to do then I will find it trickier to forget to do them, well that is the theory at least. But I gave forgot things that I wanted to put on the lists earlier, so in that way the plan is flawed.

So I have made lists of some of the things that I would like to get done before I kick the bucket.

That's it for today.

Or is it? as I am recalling the English Football team triumphing over the Frogs team today, and I also remember the German Football team putting up a white flag and surrendering to terrorists due to threats of terrorism even though the I.S. ha s said that their next target will is the US, apparently... at least that's what I heard on the radio today. But I know how we can stop all of this terrorism; by this terrorism I mean with the citizens from the countries surrounding it actually perpetrating the crimes, like the majority of people that carried out this barbaric act, were from Belgium, which is another country within the EU so free movement of people to France, but they were radicalised. So the frogs are stepping up bomb attacks on the I.S. troops, will Britain join them? I don't know. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Day 853

Day 853;

Today I did some more athletics, but their wasn't many of us there this week, in actual fact there was only 3, of us to participate.

Rose, Ron and I, out of the 3 of us only 2 have the use of our legs, of whom were Rose and myself. Ron has no use for his legs so he uses an electric wheelchair, which makes it funny when our instructor tells us that we are going to do something with our legs; as he kept stating things that were really quite humorous, like I'd love to but...  Making our instructor clarify that she was only referring to the other two. So there was the two of us Rose and a Thorn, but then this time we were doing some athletics not Boccia but I stacked it today as well as at Boccia but today I had taken my specs off before I ran about, so my head is fine, well about as fine as ever now (which may or not qualify to your personal standards of fine).

But today I saw Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope - Pilot, you can watch it below but I'll give you a brief insight into what it is about before you click on it. it is about Trunks and Gohan from within the universe that Goku dies the universe that Trunks goes back in time to heal Goku of the heart disease that he acquires before the Androids Saga starts and he is actually given the cure within the Trunks saga by future Trunks, but the 2 Androids 17, 18 didn't take future Gohan's arm off in the fight between Future Trunks, Future Gohan snd 17, 18 which was a disappointment, as I can remember watching it when I was younger. In the cartoon version that is when future Gohan looses his arm from my memory, but he managed to keep his life after protecting Trunks.

Monday 16 November 2015

Day 852

Dau 852;

Now today I took another look at Greek Mythological Creatures, and I thought that once I have completed my two 3D recreations of games. I could build a park type thing for the creatures of myth.

What would no park of myths be complete without?

Ummm I don... oh a pantheon.

Yes, that is correct,I could put all of the knowledge that I have cumulated on every religion that I have ever encountered. Which will include the Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Celtic religions as well as the Many varieties of modern monotheism, which includes the sheepish religion,

Sheepish Religion?!

I was meaning the religion of peace

What Islam? Like hell should it be called that, at least no longer.

Hold it there Red just for the acts of the few you can't go on slagging off the whole community,

I wasn't, I was only stating the fact that how many more acts of terrorism will it take until the global community of Muslims put there hands up and admit that there is something fundamentally wrong with following a set of instructions that were wrote down a hell of a long time ago and it has yet to be updated at all, even the bible has been updated, it may not have been updated enough for my liking but at least they have tried to develop it along with our understandings. like the following Quran passage which has been sighted as it supposedly confirms the origin of species.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيراً وَنِسَاء (النساء ، 4: 1). 

O humans! Be pious (careful of your duty) to your Lord, Who created you from a single self (soul), and from it He created its mate, and from them He has spread a multitude of men and women (Al-Nissa, 4: 1).

But does it, really? No on the website where I am borrowing the above quotes from they have got the following  information following it.

This verse tells us that the beginning of life was a single self (soul), then its mate came out of it. Biological science tells us that the earliest form of life was represented by single cell organisms found in water, then these multiplied by splitting themselves. With the course of time, reproduction evolved to become by mating pairs, instead of the archaic forms of splitting or dividing.

Telling us what the verse tells us... welt doesn't tell us all of that, to me it is just telling me that your god created a single self, which is seeming to be a indirect paraphrase to the biblical text, one man was created in Gods own image (the image of Gods self) and then from it God created a Mate, which is like by saying that god took a rib from the male and he made women from it, just like the bible. 

I took the passages from a website called Al jazeerah you can click on the bellow logo to visit the page that I have used to get the Islamic quotes. 
Al Jazera