Thursday 3 December 2015

Day 869

Day 869;

Today was the 869 day that I have created a blogpost per day, and I gave gave eaten my probably usual breakfast.

So for breakfast today I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana. Then for lunch I ate a plate of spagetti hoops on toast with cheese but then for pudding I had something that I can't remember at the moment, and I just ate it, when I was originally typing this. It's so flusterating as I can still taste some of the fruit in my mouth, ah yes that was it, it was a slice of fruit cake with some of that icing on and there was also some more of my advent Callander that I still had to eat today. For dinner.I had some Tiramisu for desert and I ate pasta and meatballs for my main, but I have got to thank allergy for that bit of data on the name of the meal, as I had forgot it.

But I had already done an hour on Wii fit before lunching of which turned out to be only 58 minutes, according the the Wii. Which makes sense now as I suck at the Hula Hoops so on both of the 2 times that it came up on my routineI must have lost 3 minutes first it came up as super then ordinary. As I have just done another one which I set for 60 minutes but it says on the screen, about: 61 min/150 kcal.

Then I did my yoga workout routine and some other stuff on Wii Fit U, but I also found my spare passport pictures. Which are photos of my face like the ones you'll find in anyone's passport. Of which it has come to my attention that I am going to need them to get myself classified. But obviously it wasn't me that actually found them as I can't do anything correctly, it was Mich that found them when I started off the investigation to uncover the as I was first looking underneath a pile of stuff that I had on top of my desk thing that's not a desk as it has my clothes stored in it. I want to say my chest of draws, but it's not a chest and I don't wear draws, my under garments are called boxer shorts but I do store them in the thing that I am typing about.

Shouldn't you get back o your story, instead of going off on a half rant about something of less importance than your story had, which is incredible come to think of it as something actually has less importance than your story.

Fine, I'll get back onto the topic, I showed Mich where I was about to look just after he had come in to assist my search as I was going to search my cupboard and the first place he looked in the cupboard he found the pictures, as they where in a small cardboard box which I had stored inside my cupboard.

But my Wii Fit today I exceeded the limit of 3 hours worth of play time, and I unfortunately lost 0.3 on my BMI score.

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