Monday 14 December 2015

Day 900

Day 900;

So br honest now who thought I would continue doing this for this long? As to be totally honest I didn't, I kind of thought that I'd get bored of writing my day up every night and forget about it.

Instead I'm bored by doing this but I somehow remember, just on the off chance that I actually do something interesting. But I can remember forgetting what day it was today as I thought it was yesterday this morning but thankfully I didn't remember what I should have done if it really was a Saturday.

Elsewise I' thinking that the metaphorical hell may have broken loose, now where does that saying come from as you wouldn't expect a place to "break loose", be it a fictional place but it's a place none the less, it could perhaps have its origins in Ancient Greek as it could have originally been "Hades's broken loose"as Hades was the god of the dead so if he'd broken loose you'd know the world would be in disarray as the god of death mixing with the living, that can't be pretty; could it? But then again neither am I (pretty that is).

So I've finally caught up o Doctor Who, I just felt like stating now that Clara has a Time Machine of her own, with Me obviously, but when do you think that they are both going to cross paths once more? That being said when do you think the newly restored order of the Time Lord's is going to stick it's foot in everyone else's business?as due to them all being in a time bubble up near the end of space time surely some of them could just time travel a bit further int the past and cause havoc that way. Like the old school president of the Time Lords could be attempting to get his own back on the Doctor. The Time Lord's still have still have they're duty to the space time continuum, they have a duty of care for it's well being, now more than ever, Danny the Pink, I know you're dead at the moment in the Doctor Who series but I'm unsure how but it might happen now that he makes a come back but only when clara has got her life back, or perhaps a short while before.

Now it looks like the whole gang, of Time Lords are now here. Apart from all of the dead, that is, so lets celebrate.

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