Friday 25 December 2015

Day 911

Day 911;

Now this morning I had a bad cold, by that I mean I had a a whole load of phlegm on the roof of my mouth which was constricting the air flow through my nose. Then I wondered what happened to me last night which could have contributed to this and I thought that it may have been due to my lack of a glass of milk before I went to bed. I know that my drinking habits before I go to bed probably shouldn't effect me this way, so I've dived back into my memories and all else I've got is that I sneezed twice before I went to sleep, but this time I didn't wake anyone up, well at least no one came and confronted me this time for sneezing, this time.

For breakfast today I ate some cereal and a banana. Then for lunch I ate some more pork pie and that disgusting bread, I can't remember what if anything else I ate for lunch but I did eat my advent Callander chocolate about then, then I cannot remember what I ate for my dinner but I know that I ate something but what it was just keeps escaping me.

Just as this small thing of my own that I've been doing for the winter solstice celebrations tomorrow as I have been attempting to create a winter solstice flash e-card, but the only device that I've got that has actually got adobe Flash installed on is my big old windows laptop which was old when I got it upgraded to Windows 8, which must have been 2 generations at least old by now, as I'm thinking that the last Microsoft advert that I saw was one for Windows 10. Anyway the battery on it has packed in, and the Internet. But I think that flash will be the next part to bite the proverbial dust. But before that happens and before tomorrow is over, I want to complete this taskif for no other reason than to say that I completed it on time.

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