Friday 4 December 2015

Day 890

Day 890;

Today I ate a banana for breakfast, also I tried 3 spoonfuls of the most disgusting breakfast cereal, I tried 3 spoonfuls as I took one spoonful and I thought yuck it's nutty second mouthful was much the same however I could smell a sickeningly sweet fruit smell coming up from the bowl so I thought that I'd need to at least taste that to complete my sensory experience, so I tried a bit of the fruit it was the final straw I could no longer entertain the possibility that it could have even the slightest morsel of positive taste within, it didn't.

For lunch I'm thinking that I had a cheese sandwich for my main course I'm thinking that I also had another one off my treats from my advent calendar and I had an Aero Mousse for my pudding. but for dinner today I had my usual from the local Chinese take away, which is chicken balls with chips in that red sauce of which  I believe is called sweet something or other.

Now today I knew that I was going to the gym latter on today so I wasn't in hyper fitness mode from the outset so I decided to do a bit of Yoga to start my day, of which I did happily. Then latter on I went to the gym but today in the gym I was working more on building muscles, So over all it was a good day for my Wii Fit score as I put on a pound, so the game congratulated me for getting back on target to reach my goal.

But you know that concept i had for a video console actually you probably don't, so I'll fill you in. Well this console concept is probably much the same as the Nerve Gear from Sword Art Online (SAO), season 1, and the others from the other games, within the SAO universe.

But it has almost been done already within the beneath image you can visit the page by clicking on the image;

But them giving the game brain controls instead of getting the boy/man, the guy in the glasses, fully involved in the game with 2 ways of communication, as you would in real life (IRL), at the moment he is only controlling the character with his brain it's not as if he is getting any signals back to his body, for example if he fell over in the game he wouldn't feel any sensations IRL.

That game looks interesting, Second Life, as it is saying.

Create and customize your own digital 3D persona, also known as your avatar. 


Be a fashion diva, a business-savvy entrepreneur, or a robot or all three. 

No, no, yes, why... just why?

Changing identities is quick and easy, so if you tire of your avatars outfit or body, shop for a new one in Second Life or from your web browser. Then switch it in seconds.

Shameless materialism..

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