Tuesday 29 December 2015

Day 915

Day 915;

So today past me by again without me even attempting to do anything on my e-card project, I'm so disappointed in myself.

This morning I had cereal, banana and apple for breakfast, CBA that's interesting. But I cannot remember what I ate for either of the other meals today.

Then I watched the complete original star wars trilogy in one day which was amazing, I have some great memories of fighting in the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor.

No it's not it's not like I actually fought in them unless you classify playing the levels on Star Wars battlefront.Of which I did at one time, a lot. So no need to worry about my sanity as 1 I lost it many years ago and 2 I don't believe in any of that other-kin BS.

But I'm interested in Jediism at the moment, as it says;

Jedi believe in the Force, a specific energy that flows through all things and binds the universe together. They also believe that humans can tap into or shape the Force to unlock greater potential. Many Jedi also view themselves as guardians of truth, knowledge and justice, and actively promote such ideals.

Isn't it electrons that that flow through all things, well they circle every atom. So that could mean that electricity is the name of the specific energy  that binds the universe together. They also believe that humans can tap into this energy to better themselves, also another truth, any one that can get onto the internet has the potential to improve themselves and you can tap into the internet simply by tapping on a mouse, and what is the internet? It's basically an lot of electrons. Guardians of truth, knowledge and Justice. I like that trinity. Especially truth, but I unfortunately got a detention for being truthful in school all those times, it's not my fault if that teacher kept making mistakes in my math class so I pointed out where he'd made a mistake then when he went through it with another teacher and found out I was correct he said detention, that must have happened at least twive due to the fact that I can remember it happening 2 separate ways, one was when he gave me the detention before he went to get it checked out by another teacher and the other one was after. But I suppose it could have happened in the same instance, and just as he was just threatening me with it the first time, as in "stand down or I'kk give you a detention", but I stood up and then, we had the good old Scottish teacher go mayjmetics coming in and showing that I was correct.

Good day(s) that was/they were.

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