Monday 21 December 2015

Day 907

Day 907;

Today I have spent the majority of my day seated. But I fortunately had Boccia yesterday, which I'm thinking that I didn't actually put in yesterdays post, but I didn't actually play any Boccia yesterday.

For breakfast I ate the same as yesterday, that being a bowl of cereal, again, with nothing else just cereal. But then for lunch I had a piece of chicken, gravy, carrots, peas and some mash potato and for pudding I had a slice of apple pie. Then for dinner I ate a double cheese burger and a single Chicken McNugget and for dessert I ate a slice of fruit cake with icing.

Boccia yesterday where I didn't play any Boccia, I played a load of other games and I also went on a trampoline yesterday, which was my first  time on a trampoline in over a decade, it must be. but there was someone else that decided to stand on the trampoline for the duration of me actually of my turn, which is really annoying as it stops me from being able to have a go properly. I know why they insist on having that person on the trampoline with me, it's so I commit harry carry, but me committing harry carry on a trampoline isn't my style. It's the same with those balls that you sit in you hold the handles to them and you have to bounce yourself' I think they are called space hoppers.

Space Hopper

Yes, that was what is was, but it was a different colour; the one that I sat on at the Boccia place but I didn't touch the handles, so there was no bouncing. I knew what had happened to the roller goals as well as I knew that some of the players like to whack the goal posts with their hockey sticks as I used to play roller hockey when I was younger and more able bodied so could you please stop yourselves from telling me useless irrelevant information (his part was intended for the woman that helps out and the woman that was standing on the trampoline at the same time as me)?

Now that was my mad couple of paragraphs, but today we went to Gloucester which is fun, except from the part when my backside got numb from sitting on a stool for too long, and the journey is to Gloucester is too long. As I met with my young cousins again today, and did you know that there's 3 of them I only though there was 2 of them as I had forgotten about the third one of them I announced the fact that I thought there was only 2 of them I'm thinking that it was on our way home, and I stated it in some way similar to the following; how many times, if any, have I actually met child 03? and they responded by saying either 4 or 5, I've forgotten their answer. 

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