Tuesday 1 December 2015

Day 867

Day 867;

So the night time this day started I had another dream but the thing was I didn't realise it was a dream before I was awoken from it, which was odd, especially as in it people were getting their heads lopped off left right and centre.

Actually I'm unsure about the last point due to me never getting my head lopped off at least not within that dream, as I can remember getting awoken by someone that I'm thinking was Mich.

So my diet for today was another bowl of cereal, for breakfast but today I had it with an additional bourbon biscuit to go inside of it, as Allergy offered it to me. I felt like I need to burn off that biscuit from the off, so I continued today by having a shower then going on Wii U Fit.


Lunch I had some macaroni cheese and some Italian ham then for afters I had some of the rocky road that doesn't have any raisons in which Emu left here as she visited over the course of the weekend. I may have mentioned it, the dark chocolate was good the biscuit was ok the marshmallow was not so good.

Then I ate a slice of fruit cake, which was good enough for me to ignore the tiny nuts that were inside of it, as I don't like nuts.

But by the end of today I lost 1 whole pound according to Wii Fit U, which should be, as I'm guessing, down to the fact that I went outside for my weekly athletics training today, so I can admit that I have actually met my Wii U Fit calorie goal for 4 days in a row by at least the time that I'm doing my body test, or 5 days if you look at the graphs. I'm thinking that today was the first time in 517 days that I had done one of my own little work outs, it started with the Luge, which really works your abs, then I tried some Skiing then more on Luge, but I put the difficulty up, finally a bit more Skiing, but I had made it more difficult as well, there were even some snowmen down the slope.

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