Thursday 17 December 2015

Day 903

Day 903;

This morning I had a dream but this dream wasn't an ordinary dream as I couldn't remember anything about it even while I was having it, as I was just standing there, until I got awoken by Allergy.

For breakfast I had the usual and for lunch I ate some leftovers of the pasta Bolognese from yesterdays dinner, which I think means that I had pasta Bolognese for dinner yesterday, I still can't remember what I ate for afters of yesterdays dinner though, but for pudding of my lunch I ate 2 doughnuts Now the reason that I ate that many was because they were going out of date today, apparently. So I'm thinking that i ate some food for dinner today

Today after the gym I smelt horrifically bad, the few times when I caught a whiff of the stench I gagged. I'm not joking either I smelt as if a big bird had just taken a dump on me.

But the n I woke up and I was thinking about this thing that I saw on the internet yesterday, it was about how they surveyed something like 27 men and they got to 3 out of 9, or something like that said said that they'd rape if only it wasn't called rape or something to do with the sentence if convicted, at least I think. I was just thinking about rape and if I knew I could overpower a woman, and I could force my way up her skirt, into her vagina would I? Probably not as I am socially awkward around anyone at the best of times let alone if I had my penis inside of her. But they're just facts let's not allow them to get in the way,

Now this is a story, that I have made up in my head this morning I am planning to animate it at a later date, I shall call it "Is it Rap..." or something like that, I have started writing up the screenplay below it's set in a small room which is part of a fictional convention centre.

If a woman stood somewhere in a cheerleaders uniform and she shouted "give me a R", then the crowd would respond "R" then she continued "give me an A" then the crowd would respond "A" then she continued "give me a P" then the crowd would respond "P" then she continued "give me an E" then the crowd would respond "E" then she continued "what do you get" the crowd responds "RAP..." the audience trails off to the end as they realise what they have been spelling and the crowd disbands. Soon enough there's just me and the cheerleader standing where we were, while all of the other people were leaving the room, I am still attempting to work out what the word actually was, I'm slow I know. Now there's only the two of us in this space she says "so Savage are you going to savagely rape me now" I shake my head then she responds, "come on man I know you want to" I am getting confused if she wants me to rape her, does it even class as rape as isn't rape defined as "the crime of forcing somebody to have sexual intercourse against their will" so therefore by saying "rape me" you are giving your consent and therefore making it impossible for your wishes to be carried out? So I typed my concerns up to her and she says "just fuck me we'll sort out the nitty gritty at a later time," the next day as I wake I find myself in a cell, a police cell.

That is the introduction to a story that I have created in my head all of the people that are in this story are fictional, even me.

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